If you have a house in the village, and even with a land plot, then you can be called a happy person. After all, if not every day, then at least for the weekend, you can escape from the stuffy, dusty city and enjoy the fresh air and beautiful nature.

On your own plot of land you will grow organic berries, fruits and vegetables for your loved ones and relatives. You can grow your favorite flowers, or you can just lie in a hammock and look up at the clear blue sky. In the spring and summer, life in summer cottages is in full swing. Many townspeople move here for the whole season.
But unfortunately, the summer season ends so quickly. You won't have time to look back, but you already have to get ready to go back to the city. It is necessary to pack all the most valuable and move to the "stone jungle".
The house in which you felt so good and comfortable is left unattended for the long winter months. For professional thieves, a dwelling with the remaining cans of home-made canned goods is not of great interest, but homeless people can perfectly winter in it. But there is hardly a person who wants to share his home with strangers and not very clean people.
For you to remain the only andthe rightful owner of your home, take care of its safety.

To get started, pick up the entrance doors to give in building stores. They must be strong and reliable. Ideal metal doors for summer cottages. The main thing is that they are of good quality, have a reliable anti-vandal finish and good fittings. Today, however, there are so many doors to choose from that it's hard enough to get it right.
What should be the front doors for giving? Their first and, perhaps, their main function is to protect your property, they must protect against noise. There is one more requirement, but it is not always taken into account - the doors must match the general style of the house.
Many people perceive their country house as a kind of storage for old furniture and things that are unnecessary in a city apartment. That is why, choosing entrance doors for summer cottages, they try to save as much as possible. For them, only the price matters. Construction, finish quality and equipment fade into the background.

This is the wrong and unjustified approach to solving this issue. If you cannot supply a quality metal door, opt for a wooden one. Do not waste your money and do not install iron doors for summer cottages, which are a pathetic parody of high-quality metal copies.
Usually, entrance doors for summer cottages are made to order. You need to choose reliable locks for them. Experts say that the door shouldinstall at least two locks of different designs. To open them, the thief will need much more time and skill. When installing new entrance doors, do not save on locks.
Doors for dachas are traditionally classified as economy class, but this does not mean that they should be of poor quality. They can be used a simplified version of the finish and fittings.