The desire for energy independence in engineering and communication support makes the owners of private houses independently think through many technical nuances when organizing heating and water supply systems. The slightest miscalculation in the characteristics of the equipment or the choice of fuel can adversely affect the practice of operating the created infrastructure. In particular, the issue of optimizing the costs of maintaining and maintaining the heating system of a private house is becoming more and more acute. Economical boiler units that can provide the proper level of heat transfer are the best solution for a prudent homeowner.
Characteristics of boilers

Modern boilers have a wide range of varieties and modifications, howevermost of them are evaluated according to traditional technical and operational parameters, among which the central place is occupied by power. The higher this indicator, the greater the efficiency and fuel costs. At the same time, the comparison between the influence of specific power indicators on the efficiency of equipment is correct only within the same class of boiler, since the principle of operation and the type of fuel do not allow direct parallels between different categories of equipment. One way or another, the most economical boilers for heating a private house are more likely to have underestimated performance. But not below the normative values, according to which 10 m2 of the area should be served by an energy potential of 1 kW. That is, for a country cottage with a total area of 250 m2, a boiler with a capacity of 25 kW is required. It is worth noting the need for a small margin in case of overload - about 10-15%.
Now we can turn to the power indicators that characterize the main groups of boilers operated in Russia:
- Gas - from 10 to 150 kW.
- Electric - from 3 to 450 kW.
- Solid fuel - from 20 to 50 kW.
Above are the average values of boilers by power, but these indicators are conditional both in terms of assessing the volume of heat output from a particular model, and in terms of equipment efficiency in specific application conditions. For example, the most economical heating of a private house, according to the criterion of compatibility between the power indicators of the unit and the requirements for heating, will be unsuitable,if an outdated vehicle management system is used or there are problems with the logistics of regular fuel supply. Indirect operational nuances sometimes have a decisive influence on the choice of heating systems, even outside the framework of a direct assessment of their energy efficiency.
Gas boilers
Gas is the cheapest fuel available to the average homeowner. As a result of burning propane-butane (in cylinders) or main natural gas, thermal energy is generated with subsequent heating of the coolant. Together with such boilers, the system can be formed by radiators, underfloor heating circuits, conventional batteries and mobile heaters - depending on the way the coolant works in the connected pipeline. How economical gas heating of a private house will justify itself in each case will depend on the volume of fuel consumption. For example, domestic installations consume on average about 2 m3/hour. If we convert this value into an area, then the same 2 m3 will be enough to service the premises for 10 m2. By the way, 1 m3 of gas in Russia costs about 5-6 rubles, which is a little compared to the cost of other types of fuel.

But if gas is so profitable, why are there still questions about heating alternatives? The fact is that the principle of burning blue fuel also causes a number of disadvantages that go beyond the concept of energy efficiency. We are talking about the nuances of the technological organization of the system.gas supply, the need to equip a chimney without fail and high safety requirements for the operation of equipment. If these moments are not embarrassing, then you can pay attention to one of the most economical gas boilers for heating a private house - the GENUS PREMIUM EVO 24 FF model from Ariston. The power of this boiler with a power potential of 22 kW is enough to service a large house, and a set with a circulation pump and an expansion tank will allow you to implement a full-fledged heating infrastructure with high performance and modest costs.
Electric boilers
This type of household boilers features simple installation, convenient operation, no hazardous waste and the highest level of safety. Among the most economical electric boilers for heating a private house of the new time, the Vaillant eloBLOCK VE line with a capacity of 6 to 28 kW can be distinguished. What are these units good for in terms of financial savings during operation? Firstly, there are wide control possibilities with smooth adjustment, which allows you not to waste extra resources on heating. Secondly, the design of such models is quite flexible in terms of compatibility with heating equipment like the same radiators and underfloor heating systems, so you can count on the optimization of complex heating when servicing large areas with different heating points.
But even in this case, the equipment is not without weaknesses. Even economical electric boilers for heating a private house from the eloBLOCK VE family cannot compete with gas counterpartsappropriate capacity in terms of the financial cost of maintaining the system. Gas costs less than electricity, so in a direct comparison, it obviously wins. But again, other operating factors will have to be taken into account, in which electric boilers can provide even more significant advantages. Many of the advantages will manifest themselves in functionality, economy and ease of handling equipment. By the way, electric power units are the quietest, most compact and undemanding in terms of maintenance.
Solid fuel boilers

Traditional coal and wood heating units do not go out of fashion, but are improved - functionally and technologically. A special stage in the evolution of this segment was the spread of biofuel systems that operate on pellets, granules and peat briquettes. This is the most economical heating of a private house without gas, the power of which is enough to maintain an optimal microclimate in dozens of rooms. Are there any downsides to these models? As in the case of gas equipment, solid fuel units cannot be operated in rooms without a chimney. In addition, classic wood and coal models still require the obligatory participation of the owner in “dirty” maintenance processes - soot, soot, ash still force the unit to be cleaned from the inside, although in this regard, not everything is clear. More ergonomic solid fuel boilers are emerging with automatic processes for supplying fuel materials, self-cleaning systems and unloading combustion products.
Oil-fired boilers
Structurally, such equipment is in many ways similar to gas equipment - both in terms of the burner device and the heat exchanger scheme with a combustion chamber. The differences lie in the cost of fuel and the technique for supplying the burner with this material. As for the first point, economical boilers for heating a private house, due to the high consumption of diesel fuel or diesel, lose to gas counterparts in terms of reducing financial costs. But this applies to operation in the infrastructure of large houses, where high power and corresponding indicators of liquid fuel consumption are really required. However, in the case of small houses or even city apartments, the costs can be comparable. And especially when it comes to country houses without access to a gas main, the need to regularly purchase propane-butane cylinders will allow diesel units to come out on top in terms of savings.

At the same time, relatively economical liquid fuel equipment is considered the most problematic in terms of technical arrangement. Experts recommend that even at the stage of developing a building project, provide for a separate room for a boiler room for "diesel". This is due to the fact that economical heating of a private house on such fuel requires the design of a full-fledged chimney with a supply ventilation system, as well as a safe place to keep the same diesel fuel in large volumes.
When are hot water boilers justified?
Almost in the line of each manufacturer of heating boilers there are water heatingmodifications. Often they form the basis of model families, which is quite logical given the growing demand for such units. What is the peculiarity of water heating equipment in the context of reducing the cost of maintaining a home heating system? To understand the differences, it is necessary to introduce the concept of single-circuit and double-circuit boilers. In the first case, the operation of the heating system is directly implemented, and in the second, the function of hot water supply (DHW) is also supported. In the complex, the most economical heating of a private house is thus achieved, since the heated water is used as a heat carrier for a variety of heating points. These may include the same batteries, convectors, a heated towel rail and underfloor heating pipes - all this infrastructure will be served by the boiler through the second circuit of the heat exchanger.

The class of hot water boilers also has its own divisions by types of units, depending on the principle of operation and the type of fuel used. As an example of an economical electric boiler for heating a private house with a hot water support function, the Evan Warmos IV-5 model can be distinguished. Cost optimization in it is achieved by power regulation in the off-season, and when servicing several consumers, it is possible to set different heating modes in the range from 5 to 85 °C. As for alternative solutions, an indirectly heated boiler, which is not a boiler in itself, but can be connected to the same gas and liquid fuel sources, will rather deserve attention.heat, using their energy for own needs of a conditionally "second" circuit.
Pyrolysis units and long burning boilers
Understanding the relevance of the topic of energy saving, boiler manufacturers are also striving to design new devices with higher efficiency based on existing designs. Thanks to new developments of this type, pyrolysis boilers and modifications of heating equipment with long-burning burners appeared. If we talk about pyrolysis units, then their feature is the processing of substances already released during the combustion process in an additional furnace. Roughly speaking, we are talking about economical heating of a private house with gas and wood at the same time. These are the same solid fuel boilers, but in a combined form - at the first stage of burning wood, coal or pellets, a gas mixture is released, which is also processed in the next special chamber. Accordingly, with the same energy resources, additional generation of thermal energy occurs.

Boilers of long burning also give their advantages. Their features include a displaced configuration of the direction of the flow of gases released during combustion. They are not directed upwards, contributing to the normal combustion of fuel raw materials, but downwards, which allows saving burning material. One of the most economical boilers for heating a private house of this type is Stropuva S 40. As tests show, this solid fuel unit from a total firewood load of 500 kg provides 70 hours of continuous heat generation, which is enough for an area of up to 400m2.
What else to consider when choosing?
When buying a boiler, it will not be superfluous to evaluate its dimensional parameters for compatibility with the immediate place of operation. Not only dimensions are taken into account, but also the installation principle itself - floor or wall. All this will play a role in the formation of the heating network, so it is important to think in advance what place in the overall scheme will be assigned to the boiler after it is connected and the piping is completed. It is also worth considering the presence of useful protective systems, since economical heating of a private house is impossible without preventing emergency situations. For this, electrical and structural devices are provided - for example, a safety block, adjustable shut-off valves, self-diagnosis and shutdown systems in case of voltage drops in the network.
Means to improve the energy efficiency of the boiler
Special attention deserves the automation of the boiler and the set of devices associated with it, the operation of which will ultimately affect the efficiency of equipment operation. The automatic control complex includes a panel with control elements, sensors, measuring devices and mechanical regulators that directly change individual parameters of the boiler. What is the importance of the above equipment in terms of providing economical heating of a private house? Through this complex, even without the participation of the owner himself, the automation selects the optimal operating modes of the boiler, taking into account the preset heating requirements and the current dynamics of changes in microclimaticconditions. In essence, this is an intelligent controller, which, based on weather-dependent sensors, sets the power of the boiler at a particular moment. This is a basic function, but it can also be supplemented by a point adjustment of the operation of individual components of the system - a boiler, a radiator, a circulation pump, etc.

Power, type of fuel used, energy efficiency and other characteristics of heating equipment will not play a big role if initially it is a poorly designed network infrastructure. It is important to keep in mind that the boiler is only one part of the system, which also includes pipes, regulators, air vents, plumbing fixtures and pumps. If it is planned to economically heat a private house with electricity, then in the general complex electrical wiring circuits should also be provided, provided with means of grounding and protection against short circuits. The peculiarities of the layout of the heating system are also present in the case of the use of other types of fuel. In addition, the performance of the units will also depend on maintenance measures and heaters operated from hot water circuits with DHW connection. These and other nuances can increase or decrease the energy efficiency of the system as a whole, depending on the quality of operation already on the part of the homeowner.