Universal heating boilers for a private house: an overview of the best models and reviews

Universal heating boilers for a private house: an overview of the best models and reviews
Universal heating boilers for a private house: an overview of the best models and reviews

Heating boilers are primarily characterized by structural and operational parameters. At the same time, the group of performance indicators to a large extent depends on the fuel used. Liquid, gas and solid fuels assume their own special qualities, which manifest themselves in the process of maintaining the unit. In order to get the most out of different combustible materials, many homeowners are switching to combination or universal boilers, which are multifunctional. With this equipment, you can use the most suitable type of fuel, focusing on the season or heating requirements.

Features of combined boilers

universal boilers
universal boilers

The main feature and advantage of this type of units is that the user can use another, more affordable one, if there is a shortage of one type of fuel. They are also financially beneficial. For example, electric models are considered the most expensive to operate, while gas mixtures, on the contrary, are the least expensive. It is important to bear in mind that universal boilers can support the use of an incomplete range of fuels. So, there are models that workonly from solid fuel combustible materials or electricity, or modifications that are heated by diesel fuel and gas - to choose from. But multi-fuel devices are also common. In both cases, the boilers support one main type of fuel through the installed main burner, and in addition, the user can purchase special integrated installations for working with alternative fuels.

Reviews about the Atmos model

universal heating boilers
universal heating boilers

Atmos, with its DC 32SP and DC EP units, demonstrates the central direction of technological development in the segment, which has given a new impetus to the development of alternative heating designs. This equipment operates on the principle of generator gasification, which is complemented by the function of a biofuel burner. The peculiarity of this direction is due to the use of pellets - a relatively new type of fuel that provides a high level of energy efficiency. In addition, Atmos universal boilers can operate on natural gas and fuel oil. Unlike most combined models, such units also eliminate the need to use different burners. The versatility of the function is ensured by the presence in the device of several chambers designed for different groups of fuel filler.

Reviews about the Baxi model

universal boiler at home
universal boiler at home

The Spanish manufacturer's Roca line includes the P-30 model, implemented with a bias towards a different concept. The developers usedlightweight gray cast iron, thanks to which high thermal insulation was achieved. There are several modifications of this unit, which differ in power - from 23 to 52 kW. The choice in favor of one or another version should be made based on the place where it is planned to use this universal boiler. At home, it is quite possible to operate even an installation of average performance as the main source of heating. In a small apartment, the initial modification of the P-30 is more suitable. Boilers are supplied mainly with solid fuel, but as an alternative, liquid fuel - diesel or diesel fuel can also be used.

Reviews about the model Jaspi Tupla

universal heating boiler
universal heating boiler

This model can be considered not only as a universal boiler in terms of the use of different types of fuel, but also as a multifunctional installation in terms of tasks to be solved. In addition to the main function of heating, this equipment solves the issues of hot water supply. Other combined models are famous for the same qualities, but in this modification, the operating modes are maximally optimized for domestic needs. Firstly, this universal heating boiler is endowed with a wide range of safety systems, since working with gas requires a high level of reliability. Secondly, the ergonomics of operating modes control causes positive feedback not only in terms of electronics performance, but also in relation to structural elements.

Reviews of Buderus models

Buderus is well known to professionals involved inutility equipment. In this case, it is worth considering the non-standard Logano S121-2 solution. The versatility of the model can be called conditional, since the unit is still mainly focused on working with solid fuels and, above all, with firewood. But the boiler has two significant features. First of all, this is the possibility of interfacing with other heating equipment that can operate on any fuel. The second noteworthy aspect is related to the fact that the universal solid fuel boilers from the Logano series work on the pyrolysis principle. In other words, recycling of the combustion products themselves is envisaged, which reduces the amount of harmful emissions and increases the heat transfer of the equipment.

universal boiler of a private house
universal boiler of a private house

Positive feedback on universal boilers

As experienced users of such boilers note, they practically do not lose to similar mono-fuel units in terms of energy efficiency, but at the same time they retain the possibility of using the optimal fuel in specific conditions. Obviously, the absence of restrictions on the choice of one or another combustible material also ensures a reduction in operating costs. In addition, universal heating boilers, simply because of the complexity of their device, should be provided with additional security systems. Accordingly, the practice of using demonstrates a high degree of reliability of models of this type.

Negative reviews

If during operation the user has the opportunity to planfinancial costs for the purchase of fuel with high savings, then the purchase of such a boiler in itself will cost 20-30% more in any case. Again, technological and structural complexity inevitably contributes to an increase in the price tag. The second major drawback that users note is related to maintenance and elementary content. Unlike mono-fuel units, universal boilers involve a wider range of preventive measures that their operator must comply with. This includes cleaning the burner chambers and checking working components, as well as testing circuits that operate at different loads depending on the fuel used.


universal solid fuel boilers
universal solid fuel boilers

The trend of transition from traditional to universal boilers was formed against the backdrop of the popularization of biofuels. Those same pellets cannot be used for conventional solid fuel fireboxes. Therefore, special units designed for biofuels appeared. And against their background, in turn, the idea arose of combining different furnace systems in one design. In its current form, the universal boiler of a private house is capable of providing both full heating and hot water service. At the same time, one should not think that the variety of fuels available for use greatly simplifies the operation process itself. Of course, thanks to the versatility, you can count on significant savings. But even it will become possible only under the condition of skillful and timely use of suitable operating modes.boiler.
