If you are going to buy a car, you will need a garage for it. Such an acquisition is significant for many, so the newly minted owners of their own vehicle are trying to build a cheap garage with their own hands. Modern construction technologies make it possible to build it in the shortest possible time, spending a minimum of funds.
Material selection

The cheapest solutions for walls will be cinder blocks and foam blocks. The latter are easier to lay, which is why consumers choose cellular concrete most often. If you are thinking about how to build a garage cheaply, then you should pay attention to the foam block, which has a small weight, so even one person will be able to handle the work process. For such a garage, a concrete strip foundation is suitable, while the width of the structure can be approximately 200 mm.
When thinking about how to build a garage cheaply, you should remember that it is better to make the foundation low, which will reduce the cost of construction. Three cubes of concrete will be needed to build a standard garage with dimensions of 3 x 6 m. At the same time, the base will need to be deepened by 0.9 m. It should be remembered that this parameter is not standard, because the foundation must be located below the freezing line mark.
Wishing to build a cheap garage with your own hands, you also need to take care of an inexpensive roof. Traditionally, it is single-pitched with a wooden frame system and slate coating. For maximum cost reduction, it will be enough to install only a crate under the slate. It is better to refuse the use of ondulin, because it will almost double the cost of roofing.
Construction of aerated concrete garage

If you are thinking about the question of what to build a garage from, you can choose aerated concrete. The foundation can be not only lightweight tape, but also monolithic. Experts recommend using a reinforced concrete slab. With its help, it will be possible to distribute the load as evenly as possible, which will reduce sedimentary deformation to a minimum.
If you are aiming to reduce the cost of construction as much as possible, then it is better to use a strip or combined foundation, which is made of reinforced concrete and a columnar monolithic belt. After the foundation is completed and the concrete has hardened, you can begin to build walls.
The first row shouldbe carried out on a pre-laid layer, and if you decide to use a monolithic reinforced concrete slab, then aerated concrete blocks are laid directly on the base surface. This will allow for high-quality waterproofing using roll material. Experts recommend purchasing hydrostekloizol, which is laid on top of bituminous mastic.
Building walls

If, when deciding what to build a garage from, you chose aerated concrete blocks, then their laying should be carried out with dressing of the seams. You can use cement mortar or glue as a masonry mixture. The latter option will cost a little more, but working with this mixture is much more convenient and easier. The thickness of the seam can be a limit of 3 to 5 mm, while when using a mortar, this parameter will be increased to 1 cm.
Every two rows of masonry, a metal reinforcing mesh should be placed, its edges should protrude a few centimeters beyond the walls, which will allow you to control the laying of the reinforcement. When aerated concrete is used, jumper beams are laid over the opening for the gate. For one machine, the width of the opening will be approximately 3 m, while for two machines it is possible to make a common opening with a width of up to 6 m.
The jumper should be made from two profile corners, the shelf of each of which will be 100 mm. The corners should be placed along the edges of the blocks and fixed to each other with metal strips or reinforcement in several places. Then the elements must be coated with a primer. Jumper should be placedto the same solution that is used when laying aerated concrete blocks. The edge of the beam on both sides should be located on the walls for a length of 200 mm. If you plan to equip a wider opening, then you will need to calculate the beam, taking into account the bending load.
When building a garage from aerated concrete, you will have to complete the construction of the walls, only after that you can proceed to tying them with belts. Their design will depend on the type of roof, floors and wall features. In this case, loads must be taken into account. If it is planned to build a second floor, then it will be necessary to lay a reinforced concrete monolithic belt. To equip the roof of wooden roof trusses, it is necessary to lay a mauerlat, which is a log or wooden beam. It should be fixed, and before laying the strapping beam, waterproofing from bituminous mastic and roll material must be laid on the walls.
Supplement in the form of a viewing hole

Aerated concrete garage may require the construction of a viewing hole. To do this, a pit is dug, the dimensions of which will be as follows 1.5 x 0.8 x 1.8 mm. The inner walls of the pit must be lined with bricks, and then covered with plaster. To carry out such work, it is necessary to use slag brick, which has high water resistance.
For plastering it is necessary to use a part of cement and 4 parts of sand, diluted with water. At the final stage, the walls are painted. Along the perimeter, you can install a frame welded from profile corners. For concretingfloor, you can use the same solution as for arranging the foundation. The thickness of the layer will be approximately 70 mm.
Building a cinder block garage: building a foundation

A cinder block garage can be built on a rubble concrete foundation. It will be not only cheap, but also the easiest to perform. To begin with, a trench is dug, on the bottom of which rubble stone is laid in layers. Layers should be filled with cement. You need to use a solution of grade M-150 or higher.
For self-preparation, Portland cement 400 must be mixed with sand and water. The liquid will need such an amount to achieve the mobility of the mixture. To install a plinth along the perimeter of the trench, it is necessary to install a wooden formwork. Waterproofing of two layers of roofing material is laid along the basement.
Building walls and roofs

By purchasing building materials cheaply, you can start building walls. Up to this point, gates are installed, which will be strengthened into masonry as it is erected. When installing cinder blocks, it is necessary to observe the dressing of the seams. It is necessary to start the installation of products from the corners, pulling the cord between them.
120mm I-beams should be used for the floor. Their length should be 25 cm more than the width of the room. The elements are located across the garage in 80 cm increments so that the elements repeat the slope of the long wall. After completing these works, you can start sewing the floor. Below are 40-mm bars, on top of whichroofing material.
At the next stage, slag, semi-rigid mineral slab or expanded clay is laid. When building a cheap garage with your own hands, you should make sure that during operation it does not require repairs and additional costs. To do this, when laying the roof, it is necessary to bring it out at the back and front by 20 cm. Such visors prevent the walls from getting wet during rain. A screed is made on top of the roofing material and slag, the thickness of which should be 20 mm. At the final stage, the roof is protected from moisture with rubemast or aquaizol.
Features of building a garage from a metal profile

A garage made of a profile pipe costs only 30,000 rubles. To assemble the frame, you can use a welding machine or bolted connections. After the assembly of the frame is completed, its surface must be protected with a primer and a coat of paint applied at the final stage.
The finished frame is sheathed with sheets of profiled metal. To protect the frame, you can use special dyes that are suitable even for rusty surfaces. This choice will save not only money, but also time. When applying the paintwork material, a protective layer is created that prevents corrosion.
Building a wood garage
A garage made of boards will be able to withstand a monolithic foundation, which will also act as a strong floor. After the mortar has hardened, the bottom trim should be made of boards, the size of which is 100 x 500 mm.
For the construction of gates and corner posts, it is necessaryuse square bars with a side of 100 mm. To increase the strength of the frame in the corners, it is necessary to install struts. To build such a garage, building materials will cost you cheap. After completing the work on the frame, you can begin the construction of the roof. For this, boards 100 x 25 mm are used, which are sheathed with profiled sheets.
You can build a cheap garage with your own hands by installing wooden gates. Their cost compared to metal will be lower, as well as reliability. Without interior decoration, the price of a garage can be reduced even more. But if you do the work yourself, you can save on the services of specialists. You can decide which material to prefer by reading the information in the article. Below are the technologies for building an inexpensive garage.