The birth of a child is probably the biggest holiday in the life of every family. Long before the appearance of the baby, young parents begin to prepare for this: they make repairs in the apartment, study the range of products necessary for the baby. Especially for such families, we want to talk about modern cradles-cradles, which in the first months of life will become the main place of the baby.
Cradle baskets

Very neat and beautiful wicker cradles for newborns are made from a natural component - leaves or stems of rattan or raffia. This is an environmentally friendly material. These models are lightweight and durable. The bottom of such a basket and the side walls are trimmed with natural cotton quilted fabric. Some models have a detachable hood, like on strollers. Such cradles are located on special stands. With their help, young parents will be able to rock the baby, and if the runners are deployed, the cradlewill not swing. These cradles are small in size. Therefore, in the first months of life, the child will feel very comfortable in the cradle.
Hanging cradles
The next model is very similar in shape and even in the material used to the basket, but there is still a difference. Hanging cradles for newborns fulfill their main purpose - they provide a calm and deep sleep of the baby when rocking. The product is fixed with stationary supports.
Cradle with control box
These are the most modern cradles. So cozy for newborns

nest is just a godsend, and for mom it is a real helper. A special electronic unit will set the selected melody, adjust the intensity of motion sickness and, if necessary, turn on the soft backlight. For the convenience of the baby and mommy, the bottom of the cradle is installed at several levels. There is also the first entertainment of the little man - a musical carousel and bright hanging toys.
Crib and cradle 2 in 1
Now quite often manufacturers of furniture and accessories for children create kits that include a cradle for newborns and an ordinary wooden bed. With the help of fasteners and special belts, the first is attached to the sides of the second.
Shops offer cradles for newborns in a huge assortment. You can choose the model of domestic and foreign manufacturers. Today we would like to introduce you to one of the most

a popular company that produces luxury goods for babies.
Cradle "Simplicity"
Across the Earth, millions of children spend their first months of life in the charming cradles of this renowned American firm. Cradle-cradle "Simplicity" is very popular not only in the US, but all over the world, thanks to the highest quality and amazing design. All models of the company are made of high quality, environmentally friendly materials and perfectly equipped. For example, the product "Simplisity-3300" is equipped with an electronic unit, lullabies, motion sickness system and colorful hanging toys.