What qualities of berry crops are most valued by gardeners? First of all, this is their fertility and the taste of fruits, and if the shrub is also not particularly whimsical in care, then it has no price.
Gooseberry varieties Rodnik experienced connoisseurs of fruit and berry crops will not be able to bypass. This variety of garden shrub was bred relatively recently, in 2001, at the All-Russian Selection and Technological Institute of Horticulture and Nursery. From the many positive reviews about the gooseberry variety Rodnik, we can conclude that it pleases both with its taste and high yields.

Advantages and disadvantages of Spring
Description of the Rodnik variety gooseberry in a good sense is diverse: its positive qualities far outweigh the number of disadvantages.
The spring belongs to the category of frost-resistant shrubs: it tolerates not only winter cold, but also periodic spring frosts during flowering, while the percentage of yield does not decrease. Gooseberries of this variety calmly withstand cold temperatures down to -35 ° C. The spring is an early gooseberry, it ripens by the end of June, therefore, in order to enjoy their favorite berry all summer, experienced gardeners plant on theirplot several varieties of shrubs with different ripening dates.
The spring begins to bear fruit already in the second year after planting, its shoots take root quickly, so one-year-old seedlings should be taken. The yield of a shrub cannot but delight: it is possible to collect from 6 to 11 kg of berries from only one bush per season! It is worth noting that the main advantage of the Rodnik gooseberry is large fruits with a delicate sweet and sour taste and juicy pulp.

The only significant shortcomings of the gooseberry Rodnik can be considered the shedding of ripe fruits after rain and somewhat difficult picking of fruits due to the presence of thorns. Their length is about 11 mm, while the number of shrub shoots per 50 cm is about 2-3 pieces.
Characteristics of the gooseberry variety Rodnik

The gooseberry bush itself is formed from sprawling branches of medium length, not falling to the ground, but standing straight, vertically. The berries of this variety are large, reaching a weight of 6 g. The color of the fruits is yellowish-green with characteristic veins, which acquire a reddish-brown color during ripening, their shape varies from round to oval.
Chemical analysis of gooseberries showed that the fruits contain about 7.7% sugar, their acidity is 2.7%, and ascorbic acid per 100 grams is about 23 mg.
According to the existing system of tasting evaluation, the fruits of the gooseberry Rodnik received almost the maximum score - 4.7 out of 5.0possible.
Proper planting of gooseberries
Proper selection of soil before planting a shrub will allow it to quickly and adequately form its root system, because the faster the plant takes root, the faster the gooseberry will begin to delight the gardener with delicious berries.

For the correct selection of the territory for landing, you must follow a few simple rules:
- The ideal soil for Spring is loamy and slightly acidic species.
- It is necessary to plant a shrub on the sunny side - its fruits will ripen on the shady side, but it will not be able to please with its unique taste qualities;
- Do not plant gooseberries on too wet soil - if groundwater runs close to the surface, you should find another place to plant, this will avoid rotting of the root system.
As for the process of planting seedlings in the soil, you need to remember the following points:
- You can not plant seedlings close to each other - the distance between them should be at least 1-1.5 meters.
- The seedling should be 8-10 cm deep in the ground.
- It is mandatory to fertilize each plant with superphosphate.
How to properly care for gooseberries
As the reviews about the gooseberry Spring say, this shrub is very unpretentious and viable. It endures severe frosts and pest attacks.
However, as already mentioned, you can not be zealous with watering the plant: only whenprolonged drought is allowed to self-irrigate it.
It is mandatory to periodically feed the plant with both organic and various mineral fertilizers. At the same time, root feeding is needed much less frequently: only during the period of the appearance of the ovary and the first leaves, as well as when the fruits ripen.
Another important factor in growing this shrub is pruning.
What is gooseberry pruning and why is it needed?

Excessive shoots of the shrub do not bring any benefit to the plant, because of their growth, the gooseberry fruits and its main skeleton do not receive proper nutrition. At the same time, the berries lose their valuable taste due to the reduced intake of nutrients. Over time, its yield also decreases.
Gooseberries need to be pruned regularly to avoid these problems. This process is one of the main ones in care, pruning relieves it of diseased shoots, cuts the bush itself. In addition to the above, the shrub can be shaped: multi-stemmed or on a stem.
How is it right and most useful to cut the gooseberry Rodnik?
- It is important to determine the best time to prune. It should be carried out before the movement of juices in the plant begins. In central Russia, it is worth pruning gooseberries in early spring or late autumn.
- First, all damaged and diseased shoots are removed so that the plant does not waste energy in vain, and only then they shape the bush or leave iton the stem.
Formation of the bush is suitable for low-growing plants, while the branches should ideally be about 25.
Pruning on a trunk is more suitable for tall plants. This method somewhat reduces the level of yield, but at the same time makes it easier to pick berries due to fewer thorns.
Processing gooseberries
After pruning, it is recommended to treat the plant from pests and diseases, primarily from powdery mildew. This is the most common disease that affects gooseberries. It is easiest to get rid of it using a solution of copper sulphate with laundry soap (10 g of vitriol and 100 g of soap per bucket of water). You can also defeat this disease by treating the bush with ashes and mullein infusion.
It is possible to increase the plant's resistance to diseases, as well as help it get rid of fungus or various bacteria, by treating gooseberries with ordinary boiling water, while not exceeding 5 seconds of treatment for each branch to avoid plant burns. Gooseberry processing, as well as pruning, must be carried out in early spring.
It is enough to follow these simple rules in caring for the Rodnik gooseberry variety so that it will please gardeners for many years both with its well-groomed appearance and with berries of the most delicate dessert taste.