The article will tell you how to fix heating radiators to the wall. In preparation for the operation and construction of any publications intended for the work and life of people, you can inevitably encounter the installation of a heating system. At the same time, fastening to the walls of radiators is one of the most important stages. To properly perform all the work, the craftsmen must know the methods of fastener implementation. You also need to understand what types of batteries are available. Of course, you need to know the types of fasteners, as well as various connecting elements of the pipeline.
Varieties of heating radiators
The main indicator of the quality of all radiators is heat transfer. Moreover, this parameter completely and entirely depends on what material the heaters are made of. It should also be mentioned that the cost of installing a heating radiator today is quitehigh - from 1000 rubles and above. And so many homeowners install their own equipment.

But first you need to purchase batteries. The most popular today are the following heaters:
- Batteries made of cast iron, which have a very long service life, as they have very thick walls. In addition, such batteries are resistant to corrosion, they give off a lot of heat even after turning off the heaters. But there are also disadvantages that can be called significant. First, the appearance is not very aesthetic. Secondly, the batteries are very heavy, so mounting them is quite difficult.
- Batteries made from aluminum and alloys. The advantages of such heaters are that they have a very high heat transfer coefficient, low weight (any metal bracket can withstand the low weight of the device), and installation is fast enough, even pressure can withstand up to 20 bar. In addition, you can combine a large number of sections into a single design. And the appearance of such batteries is quite attractive. But there are also disadvantages, among which one can single out the rapid deterioration of the material in places that come into contact with another metal. Corrosion resistance is very poor.
- Batteries made of steel have such advantages as a small mass, give off heat almost immediately after turning on the heater. But there are also disadvantages, among which one can single out a very lowheating temperature, relatively fast cooling, small resources, low resistance to hydraulic and pneumatic shock, low maximum pressure - only 10 bar.
- Radiators made from multiple metals. They are the most versatile, as they combine the advantages of all types that we have listed above. The inner surface of the radiator is made of steel. This layer helps to protect the battery from corrosion, as well as to increase the operating pressure. The casing, which is also the outer part, is made of aluminum. This material is distinguished by the fact that it has a very high degree of heat transfer. Radiators made of two metals are able to withstand fairly large pressure drops, and they are also quite easy to mount. The cost of installing a heating radiator of this type is the same as that of a cast iron one, and depends largely on the specialist performing the work. Putting one radiator costs at least 1000 rubles.
Mounting radiators

Before you start installing batteries, you need to know how the work is done. To perform all the manipulations normally, you will need to know the general algorithm:
- First prepare all the necessary materials and equipment.
- Calculate the location of all radiators.
- Install the required number of brackets on the walls.
- Hang radiators.
- Seal and solder all places where elements join.
- Check the performance of the entire assembledsystem.
Equipment and supplies
To begin with, it is worth noting that it is impossible to install heating radiators in the winter. In the event that you decide to install the elements of the heating system yourself, you will need to call a plumber to disconnect the apartment from the riser. To carry out the installation, it is necessary to acquire corners, bushings, nipples, brackets for attaching heating radiators to the wall, spurs, couplings, tow, valves, adapters and keys.

In the event that you plan to install cast iron batteries, you will need to buy additional special Mayevsky cranes. They are designed to bleed air from the heating system. In addition, with their help you prevent airing. As for aluminum and bimetal radiators, they are equipped with what kind of taps at the factory.
How to calculate location
Before you mount cast iron radiators to the wall, you will need to take into account a few points. And the most important is the calculation of the location of heating devices. This is extremely important, without the correct calculation, the battery will not work properly. It is recommended that the sections of pipes through which hot water is supplied are installed at a slight slope relative to the horizon. The minimum slope value is 5 mm.

And now let's talk about how to properly fix the heating radiator to the wall and the requirementsto work. It is recommended to adhere to the optimal parameters for the location of heating batteries:
- It is necessary to retreat about 3-5 cm from the walls.
- A distance of approximately 10 cm must be maintained from the floor.
- Before the windowsill should be at least 5, but not more than 10 cm.
In the event that you have chosen batteries that have a high degree of heat transfer, it is allowed to install a screen to reflect heat on the wall directly behind the heaters. As a rule, it is made from special insulating materials or substances that are applied directly to the surface of the wall.
Mounting brackets
Brackets are fasteners for radiators, they are not solid metal hooks, they are installed in the walls. The calculation of the number of metal brackets can be done quite simply. You will need one bracket per 1 square meter of radiator. Of course, even if the entire radiator is no more than one square meter, you will need at least two brackets. The fact is that it is unreasonable to fix the entire structure on one, and the reliability is very low.

After you have decided on the number of brackets, you need to outline their position. To do this, use a level and a tape measure. You need to drill a hole in the wall and install dowels in them. Screw fasteners by hand. Make sure all brackets are secure and not loose. In the event that you are mounting cast iron heating radiators to the wall, then most likelyspecial fasteners are required. They are support elements that look like legs. With their help, the weight is distributed as evenly as possible on all fasteners. These legs allow you to install the battery in such a way that the weight will be distributed not only on the brackets in the wall, but also on the floor.
Installing a radiator
And at the last stage, you mount the heating radiators to the wall. To do this, you need to hang the battery and check how tightly it is installed. Carefully examine all fasteners, make sure that the mass is evenly distributed on all brackets. Shake the radiator in different directions, and if it is securely fixed, you can proceed to the final assembly and connection to the heating system.
Scheme for connecting radiators

In total, there are three schemes that are actively used in construction:
- Diagonal connection is ideal for long radiators installed in large rooms. It will ensure the most uniform heating of the radiator. When using this scheme, the supply pipe must be connected to the nozzle located on the top on one side. The outlet pipe must be connected to the branch pipe located at the bottom on the opposite side.
- Single side connection is the most popular type. In this case, the supply pipe must be docked with the nozzle located on top. The outlet pipe is connected to the branch pipe on the same side, but which is located below.
- Lower diagramconnection can be used when the system is closed in an underground space. In this case, both the inlet and outlet pipes must be connected to the nozzles located below. But keep in mind that with this type of connection, the heat transfer is approximately 10% less than in the previous case.
Assembly Features
So, the fixing of heating radiators to the wall is finished. After the connection option is selected, it is necessary to proceed with the assembly. Regardless of which fittings are used for radiators of the heating system, all connections must be sealed as carefully as possible. Needless to say, the slightest leak can, for all intents and purposes, result in personal repair costs.

For sealing, you can use tapes, sealants, silicone or tow. In the event that a film is glued on the battery you purchased, you need to remove it only after you have made all the connections crimped. After supplying water to the heating system, carefully inspect all connections for leaks.