Country cottage usually has a veranda. This building is used in the warm season. But if you want to increase the usable area and use the space in winter, then you should insulate it.
Insulation means sealing walls, floors and ceilings. But for the reason that external factors can affect the material, not all modern solutions can be used. The best option is slab and roll insulation based on natural minerals. They are vapor and breathable, which helps to remove moisture and protect wood from decay. Artificial insulation like polyurethane foam is not so preferred, because they have low vapor permeability and are used mainly for external insulation. The slabs are mounted on a pre-installed timber frame.
Which wall material to choose

Insulation for the walls of the house can be selected in any modern hardware storematerials. The most common option is mineral wool. It is soft and flexible, has low thermal conductivity, is strong in compression and is non-flammable. These characteristics are true for dense species.
The material is able to provide good sound insulation and is resistant to temperature deformation. Mineral wool for insulation is resistant to biological and chemical influences. But it has one significant drawback, which is expressed in the fact that the canvases need a frame during installation. Over time, cotton wool can lose density, it becomes caked, which leads to a decrease in thermal insulation properties.

Bas alt wool sometimes acts as a heater for the walls of the house. According to its characteristics, it is identical to mineral wool, but it is environmentally friendly. If the veranda is built from a log or timber, then you can use tow, moss or flax for insulation. They are environmentally friendly, but difficult to install. Among other things, they are prey for birds that use the material to build nests. Warming with these insulators is best done at the construction stage.
Insulation of the veranda from the inside can also be done with the help of a flexible foil insulation - penofol. It can be used as an independent heat-insulating material or in combination with other heaters. This material has low vapor permeability, is environmentally friendly, easy to install and fireproof.
Cons are small thickness and softness. The floor on the veranda can be insulated with foam. It has a low weight, does not change its properties during operation and is easily installed in a frame or frameless way. Its disadvantages are interest to rodents and flammability. If you do not want to deal with the installation of a hydro- and vapor barrier, then the foam can be an excellent solution, because it has zero hygroscopicity and vapor permeability.
Floor insulation

Before you insulate the veranda, you need to make a plan. It should provide thermal insulation of the floor. It is better to do such work at the construction stage. Such structures are made using frame technology, which facilitates the laying of insulation in the floor, upper floors and walls.
At the first stage, the design must be prepared. After the foundation is erected, the lower trim of the timber is installed on the supports. Its cross section should be square with a side of 150 mm. The material is used to install the crate. Before insulating the floor, the tree should be treated with a protective compound.
A draft floor is installed on the ceiling from edged or unedged 25 mm boards. If the design provides for the presence of an underground, then the problem will be solved easily. In the absence of space under the floor, square bars with a side of 30 mm are attached to the side planes of the ceiling. A draft floor is installed on them. Insulating material and a layer of vapor barrier are fixed on top, because a large proportion of heat loss occurs through the floor on the veranda.
On the bottomthe overlap must be laid with several layers of insulation, the direction of the sheets must be alternated at an angle of 90 ˚. Instead of roll or slab insulation, solid backfill materials such as expanded clay can be used. A layer of vapor barrier is laid on top. Then you can proceed to the flooring.
Wall insulation

If you are thinking about how to insulate the veranda, you should consider the need for thermal insulation of the walls. This needs to be done in the next step. Along the perimeter of the floor, you need to fix the vertical bars and fix them with the help of jibs and horizontal transverse inserts.
Outside, the walls are sheathed with trim, but first a layer of vapor barrier should be laid. Two layers of insulation should be installed between the vertical posts. Usually the thickness of the material eliminates the need for additional fixation. Pieces of mineral wool should be 3 cm wider than the opening. Once the surfaces have been insulated, you can begin to install the final layer of vapor barrier. Then the interior decoration of the walls is carried out.
Working on the ceiling

Thinking about how to insulate the veranda, you must decide which technology to use in the case of the ceiling. Without this, it will not be possible to qualitatively insulate the space. The work involves the assembly of the upper frame by analogy with the lower floor. Use square beams for this.
If you do the work consistently, then the insulation of the ceilingcarried out before the installation of the roof. On the underside of the floor bars, it is necessary to perform a finishing sheathing with the installation of a vapor barrier. Thermal insulation is installed on the finish, which must be laid in several layers. It is covered with a black ceiling. If the veranda does not provide for a separate roof with an attic, it is necessary to install a crate over the sheathing and install the roof.
Thermal insulation of the finished veranda

Many home masters are wondering how to insulate the veranda if it is already in use. Such procedures are much more difficult to implement. It is desirable to minimize dismantling works that may cause damage to the finishing material of the floor, walls and ceiling. You need to start from the last one. It involves the dismantling of the interior surface finish. Try to minimize the amount of waste.
If we are talking about a wooden house, then lining is usually used to finish the veranda. Once all the panels have been removed from the horizontal top floor, you can begin to remove the thermal insulation. In this case, it is important to exclude the loss of mineral plates. Nails are driven into the bottom surface of the beam for this. When installing insulation, the assistant must hold the material between the beams, while the master will stretch a nylon cord between them. Then the nails are driven to the head. First you need to prepare long strips of fiberboard. Their width should be 5 cm.
Things to consider
You will also need 30 mm construction nails. On theThe next step is to act according to the scheme described above. At the same time, the assistant must hold the insulation laid in the opening, while the master will fasten the rails. When finishing, the auxiliary strips must be removed.
Working on the walls

Do-it-yourself warming of the veranda in the area of \u200b\u200bthe walls is usually done from the outside. This will preserve the interior finish. After dismantling the outer skin, it is necessary to install a vapor barrier. It can be a film that is attached in the gaps between the racks. In this case, it is necessary to use a construction stapler.
Instead of mineral wool, you can use foam plastic, which is characterized by resistance to precipitation and is not afraid of the influence of microorganisms. Warming is carried out in a pre-installed crate, which will provide air circulation. Particular attention should be paid to windows. It is best to install two or three-chamber double-glazed windows. If the windows have single glass, the joints should be treated with adhesive-based insulation, while the frame landing sites should be treated with sealant.
Floor insulation procedure

When the veranda is insulated in a wooden house, you will have to pay special attention to the floor, because a large amount of cold air penetrates through it. Without high-quality thermal insulation, the operation of the veranda during the cold season will become impossible, and heating costs will increase several times.
It is necessary to start work on the installation of insulation from the dismantling of the floor covering. Boards can be attached in several ways. It can be screws or nails. Fasteners are installed in the groove of the board, the fastener direction is at an angle of 45 ˚. For dismantling, use a screwdriver or a nail puller.
The use of self-tapping screws is preferable as you can save the material of the floor sheathing. Boards can be fastened from the front side in the sweat. In the place where the self-tapping screw is installed, it is necessary to drill 18 mm holes, deepening by 10 mm. Screws are hidden after screwing. For decoration, you can use a wooden cork. To dismantle the boards that were installed using this technology, it is necessary to drill out the plugs and unscrew the screws.
Expert Tips
If there is a rough sheathing, a vapor barrier membrane should be installed and mineral wool should be laid, which is sometimes replaced with expanded clay. With a standard thickness of a roll or mats, 3 layers are laid between the timber. The thickness of the thermal insulation in this case is 50 mm, and the timber used has a square section with a side of 150 mm.
A vapor barrier and floor boards are fixed on the upper planes of the beams to their original places. If there is no subfloor, you can make a false lattice of pine timber. Its cross section should be square, and the side is 30 mm. Fixation is carried out to the side planes of the beams with self-tapping screws.
Veranda floor insulation involves the use of 20 mm boards that go to the subfloor. They will serve as the basis forinstallation of insulating materials. Next, the vapor barrier and insulation are covered.
Work on roof insulation
Insulation of the roof of the veranda is usually carried out at the construction stage. If we are talking about a simple shed roof without an attic, it will be problematic to move along it. In order to perform insulation from the outside, you will have to dismantle the roofing material. If you still decide to do this, then the material is stacked in layers. First comes the waterproofing film, which is covered with rafters. The next layers will be insulation and vapor barrier. At the final stage, it will be necessary to lay a decorative coating.
Windows to the veranda can be made by you yourself from wood. This will keep the heat in the room and achieve comfort. Along the perimeter of the glazed area, it is necessary to install a structure made of timber, to which the frames will be fixed. The beam is treated with an antiseptic and flame retardant.
After the frames have been installed in place, it is necessary to fill all the cracks with mounting foam. Silicone sealant is poured into the internal grooves. After that, you must wait 3 minutes and you can insert the glass. They are pressed, and the sealant is applied around the perimeter on both sides. When installing windows on the veranda, you will need to install a glazing bead to secure the glass in the frame and mask the traces of the sealant.
Summarizing the choice of insulation
As practice shows, mineral wool for warming the veranda is the best solution. Styrofoam is also not inferior in this race. But you mustbe prepared for the fact that it will release dangerous carcinogens when exposed to fire, so this fact should not be ignored. But foam sheets are still used more often, as they are more affordable.
Penofol can become additional insulation. The metallized layer will reflect the cool air from the street and will keep the heat inside the veranda. This material is a high-tech heat-insulating agent, which consists of a layer of foamed polyethylene and aluminum foil. Bas alt wool, resole foam and polyurethane foam are also considered effective options. They are non-flammable, so experts advise paying attention to them.