When the very first warm spring days come, each owner of a personal plot has a manic desire to turn his garden into a real fairy tale of landscape design. Lovely handmade fences, decorative fountains and blooming flower beds will bring bright colors to the picture of any garden, and the use of old car tires for such purposes will add originality. In addition, such beauty will cause envy of all neighbors. Here's how to make a flower bed out of a tire, we'll talk today. Exclusive compositions made from this waste material are created absolutely without much effort and expense. The most original flower beds from old tires that are found in gardens are flowerpots in the form of birds of paradise and exotic animals.
How to make a flower bed
To decorate your garden, all you need is a few old car tires, a sharp knife or a jigsaw,brute male power, some free time, a lot of enthusiasm, a mountain of ideas and, of course, your imagination. If everything is ready, you can start!

How to make a flower bed out of a tire

Not very experienced landscape gardeners are invited to start with flowerpots that are simple in technique. The most suitable option would be to simply wash the old tire, paint it a bright color and dig it into the ground (or fix it on the wall). To make your flower garden look more presentable, use several tires at once. Install them one on top of the other or make an alpine slide, decorating each wheel in its own color. Every woman can build such flowerpots, since male physical strength is absolutely not needed here. And how to make a tire flower bed more sophisticated and interesting?
Flower-shaped vases

This will require the help of the stronger sex, old car tires, a powerful knife (you can use a jigsaw) and a container with plain water or soapy water. The technology itself is very simple. Choose any tire (size does not matter), lay it on the ground. First you need to remove its inner rim, as it is too hard. To do this, stick a knife into the sidewall, where the softer and thinner rubber begins, and cut the rim in a circle. We do not need this part - you can throw it away. Next, make cuts from the center of the tire to the tread tometal cord - these will be the "petals" of your flowerpot. The width and shape of the cuts is determined only by your taste. They can be made triangular, rectangular, semicircular - whatever. Now it remains to unscrew the tire and paint the resulting flowerpot.
How to make a flower bed out of a swan tire

To start, cut a strip along the tread from the middle of the tire (slightly more than half). This will be the neck. To give it the desired shape, prepare the same strip of tin and connect them together with strongholds. To make a swan head, use any materials at hand - wood or a piece of foam. Now it remains only to shape the neck, bend the edges of the tire like wings (you can make cuts on them to make it more realistic) and paint the bird. For stability and beauty, put the resulting swan on another tire. Pre-paint it blue, imitating a lake. Subject to the implementation of all the tips, you get beautiful flower beds with your own hands, the photo of which is presented in the article.