Revealing stains on a carpet is always an unpleasant event. Especially frustrating are stains from brilliant green, which, through negligence, were spilled on the carpet. Each of us is well aware of what kind of substance it is and how difficult it is to remove it from the surface. Therefore, when deciding how to remove brilliant green from the carpet, you need to be patient and prepare the necessary funds. In today's article, we will look at several effective methods that you can repeat yourself.
What to consider?
How to remove brilliant green from the carpet quickly? We must not hesitate to act and take action as soon as possible. The more time passes, the stronger the brilliant green will be absorbed into the coating. But before you remove the brilliant green from the carpet, you need to take into account some factors that can affect the final result:
- The composition of the carpet itself. Each material has its own restrictions on the use of differentcleaning agents. In addition, there are restrictions on the types of cleaning (washing, wet cleaning, and so on).
- Method of making a carpet. If it is handmade, it is better to entrust this operation to specialists - take the product to dry cleaning.
- Color. If it is a light carpet, it will be more difficult to remove the green stain. Everything is easier with the dark ones. But it must also be taken into account that if unstable dyes were used for coloring, then the carpet may shed during the work. This will greatly degrade its appearance.
- Having the right cleaning products. It should be sponges, brushes, clean rags.

How can you get the brilliant green from the carpet? Next, we will give some effective folk ways.
So, how to remove the green stain on the carpet? For this we need a stain remover. We apply the composition abundantly on the site and wait about an hour. Next, take the washing powder and make foam out of it. It should cover the entire stain. Then the mark must be cleaned with a brush. After that, the carpet is washed with water (partially possible) and dried with a hairdryer.
However, this method has limitations. This method is only suitable for plain carpets. For other coatings, there are other means.
Hydrogen peroxide
There is another way to get rid of green stains. How to remove brilliant green from the carpet with peroxide? To do this, we additionally need rags (clean and preferably white). Instead, you can use cotton pads or gauze. Next, put something under the carpet so as not tostain the floor. After that, we moisten a clean rag or gauze in peroxide and put it on the green stain. If it is large, you can additionally moisten the carpet itself. Please note that in this case it is impossible to use a brush and other devices. Otherwise, we will damage the pile and rub the stain even more. After some time (5 minutes), you need to get a rag and check the result. If the stain has not disappeared completely, repeat the procedure again. But remember that the rag in this case is not reusable and must be thrown away after use.

How to wash brilliant green from the carpet if it has been absorbed deeply? To do this, you can use a 10% solution of ammonia alcohol. What is the essence of the work? First you need to check on an inconspicuous area of \u200b\u200bthe carpet how the pile reacts to the liquid. If all is well, you can moisten the green spot with ammonia. After that, wait about five minutes and clean the area with a clean white cloth. If the stain cannot be removed the first time, repeat the procedure again. Then this area is treated with soapy water and dried. You can use a household hair dryer to speed up the process.

What is the disadvantage of this method? Ammonia has a pungent and unpleasant odor. Therefore, work must be carried out in a ventilated area. Windows should be opened even if it is cold outside. Otherwise, this smell will remain in the room for a long time.time.
How to wash brilliant green from a carpet with vinegar?
We continue to consider folk methods. You can also clean the stain of brilliant green with simple vinegar. How is this done? First we need to put a sheet of thick paper under the carpet. This is necessary so that the brilliant green, when dissolved, does not eat into the floor. Then we take table vinegar and spill the liquid on the desired area. We cover the entire stain with liquid. Next, pick up a white and clean rag. But you don't need to rub the stain. It is necessary to wet the area with a rag. After that, most of the brilliant green will dissolve and be absorbed into the rag. If the procedure did not help much, you need to repeat the operation again. Next, wash the carpet with water. In the latter, a few drops of lemon juice are preliminarily added. This is necessary in order to kill the pungent smell of vinegar.
You can use detergents like Fairy or Vanisha. To do this, apply the liquid to the stain and leave it in this state for several hours. After a while, the area is washed with clean water. For the best effect, you can manually rub this product into the carpet. How to do it? This is done with a carpet brush (long bristled).

Another simple but no less effective way is to use laundry soap. It is suitable for absolutely all surfaces and types of carpets. Therefore, you can apply it without a doubt - such soap will not corrode the pile and will not make the carpet pale. So, we wet the area slightly, and thenrub laundry soap into the stain. For the best effect, you need to use a brush. We rub soap with it. Active foam is formed. After 10 minutes, this foam can be washed off. The stain will disappear.

Toilet Cleaner
Everyone has such chemistry in the house. How to use it in this situation? To do this, we need protective gloves (since the liquid is very aggressive) and gauze. On the latter we apply cleaning fluid and put it on the stain. Since the toilet bowl cleaner is an active substance, the stain will disappear right before your eyes. But before using such a tool, you need to prepare a bucket of water and a rag in advance. The chlorine contained in this product may corrode the carpet dye after a short time. Therefore, you can not leave this tool for a long time. Otherwise, it will backfire.
Pay attention
Experts do not recommend removing stains from the carpet with various bleaches. In most cases, they can damage the structure of the pile. The palace after such processing becomes more faded.

Summing up
So, we figured out how to get the brilliant green out of the carpet. As you can see, there are several ways to solve this problem. But if you choose caustic products, you first need to test them on an inconspicuous area. Only after making sure that the solution is safe, you can add it to the stain. In most cases, you can get rid of annoying spots. But if you delaysolution to the problem, the green tint may still remain.