Arbor from a bar with your own hands: projects, photos

Arbor from a bar with your own hands: projects, photos
Arbor from a bar with your own hands: projects, photos

If you are the owner of the cherished acres or have a country house, then you probably thought about building a gazebo on the site. There you can hide from the rain and have a good rest. Some people use this part of the garden to relax with a friendly company or with the whole family.

To make your dream come true, you can build a gazebo yourself. It will play a functional role and become a decorative element of the site. Pavilions made of glued beams look harmoniously against the background of a brick house or a wooden hut. In warm weather, the gazebo can be used as a dining room, where you can not only fry meat, but also drink tea and light a samovar. Eating is much more pleasant surrounded by flowers than indoors.

The building style is matched to the exterior of the main house. If this task is not feasible for any reason, then you can use separate parts. Some use the same coating when decorating the roof that was used when constructing the roof of the house. You can also purchase a finished design, manufacturers offer them in a wide range. But if you want to getmoral satisfaction and save money, then build a gazebo is worth it yourself.

Material selection

arbors from a bar photo
arbors from a bar photo

If you want to build a gazebo from a bar, then it is very important to seriously approach the issue of choosing a material. The best solution would be rounded bars. Their undeniable advantages are environmental friendliness and naturalness. The material is durable and fits well with the surrounding landscape. When choosing a breed, special attention should be paid to pine or spruce. This wood is less susceptible to decay. Less commonly used:

  • fir;
  • oak;
  • larch.

How to make a tree durable

timber gazebos
timber gazebos

All elements are treated with impregnation with water-repellent properties, which allows to increase the life of the building. This procedure after completion of construction must be repeated every five years. This is due to the fact that sometimes the impregnations are washed out with water, which requires wood processing and additional staining. This helps provide protection against mold, insects and other pests.

If you want to create an ideal arbor from a bar, you should select a material that has been processed using impregnation technology. It consists in impregnation under high pressure. The service life of the material is increased to 30 years, and additional painting is not required.

What nuances should I pay attention to before starting construction

Forbuilding a gazebo is extremely important to choose a place. It will depend on the purpose of the building. If the design serves as a place for a relaxing pastime, it is installed in the corner of the garden. If you often gather in a large company, then it is better to place the gazebo closer to home so as not to run far with compotes, cutlery and salads.

The building must be protected from strong air currents and unwanted views. It is not recommended to build a gazebo from a bar in a lowland. So the material will quickly rot and become unusable. The surface of the soil is prepared, the base should turn out to be even, reliable and solid. The roof can have any shape, it is selected taking into account the configuration of the building. If the structure is rectangular or square, the roof has several slopes. When the gazebo has a complex configuration, it implies an intricate roof. The roof must have a certain slope. Its level is calculated at the design stage. The bevel ensures the convergence of the snow mass and rain moisture. Precipitation should not linger on the surface.

Recommendations for covering material

gazebo for giving from a bar
gazebo for giving from a bar

When building a gazebo from a bar, you will also need to choose a material for the roof, it can be:

  • profiled sheet;
  • slate;
  • tiling.

Tin or metal materials are not recommended. In hot weather, such a roof will become very hot, which will make being inside uncomfortable. original coatingthere will be a removable canopy made of water-repellent fabric. Such a roof is not practical, but it can be updated periodically. For solid buildings, a solid foundation is equipped. A light gazebo will not need it. In this case, the soil is leveled and covered with rubble.

Base type selection

do-it-yourself gazebo from a bar photo
do-it-yourself gazebo from a bar photo

If you plan to build a gazebo "for centuries", then it is better to arrange one of the grounds:

  • tape;
  • columnar;
  • monolithic.

The last option combines two advantages: the foundation fulfills its main purpose and acts as a floor, which can be decorated with granite or ceramic tiles. The gazebo can be put on a pedestal. Filling the sole in this case is carried out 30 cm from the ground. If necessary, steps can be built. The wooden base will be protected by a plinth, which will prevent the material from interacting with wet soil.

The floor can be wood or cement. You can use a decking board that has excellent performance characteristics. For the floor of a wooden gazebo from a bar, you can use curly paving slabs. The path from it can lead to the building and continue inside. For these purposes, cement-bonded particle boards are also excellent. They are usually painted or exploited without modification. Their surface is smooth but not slippery.

Creating a project

You can build a gazebo with your own hands from a bar 100x100 mm (material section). It can be open or closed. Firstthe option is great for summer cottages, which their owners visit only in the summer. If you are used to being in nature in early spring and late autumn, then it is necessary to draw up a project taking into account the construction of blank walls. However, some lumber arbor designs include walls that are only partially enclosed. This option is great if you are used to visiting this place in the garden during bad weather in the summer, when it can rain or blow.

Material preparation

gazebos from profiled timber
gazebos from profiled timber

Before starting work, it is recommended to consider suitable photos. A do-it-yourself gazebo from a bar can be erected after designing and studying the technology. You can cope with the work with the help of three people. But first you should take care of the availability of material, namely:

  • roofing;
  • bulk materials;
  • flooring;
  • lumber.

Material recommendations

You will need a bar with a section of 50 x 100 and 100 x 100 mm. Take care of the availability of boards 25 x 100 mm. For assembly, you will need nails, their length should be 200 mm. The screws will have the following dimensions: 6 x 200mm and 3.5 x 55mm. Photos of arbors from a bar allow home craftsmen to decide how the building will look. But it is also important to study the methodology of the work. It provides for the use of crushed stone in the amount of one cubic meter, sand and screenings of 400 kg each, as well as ondulin and plywood. Each of these sheet materials will need approximately 9 m2.

You should also purchase an outer corner, its total length should be 18 m. Paving slabs can act as a floor covering, its area will be 6 m2. The cost of such a gazebo, which you can build on your own, will be approximately 30,000 rubles. If you purchase the simplest design from this material, you will have to pay about 50,000 rubles.

Preparatory work

pavilions from glued beams
pavilions from glued beams

Having examined the wooden gazebos from the timber, which are presented in the article, you can start work. They start with markup. A hexagon is to be drawn on the ground. But first you must draw a circle. The center of the gazebo is marked with a peg. 1.5 m of rope should be tied to it. A rail and fittings are fixed to the other end. The length of the segment is 15 cm. With this device, you can draw a circle. Hammered pegs should determine the place of entry into the gazebo. The distance between these elements should be 1.5 m. The same step is used to distribute points around the circle.


In the marked places, it is necessary to make a recess of 60 cm. A garden drill will be a suitable tool for this, but a bayonet shovel will also work. In the center of each hole, 16 mm pegs should be installed, the length of which will be 85 cm. For stability, the reinforcement is driven into the ground by 10 cm.


At this stage, you need to prepare square formwork. They must be put on rolled metal. The interior space is floodedsolution. Here you can use 200 mm asbestos and pipes. They are dug in to the entire depth of the hole. This will allow you to get a columnar foundation that will rise 20 cm above the soil surface. In this way, you can eliminate the contact of the racks with wet soil.

In order to save the mixture, pieces of stone and broken bricks should be placed in the hole. Until the solution hardens, the reinforcement is set vertically. These elements must be at a certain height in relation to the concrete screed, which is 15 cm.

Preparation of material for the ceiling and supports

timber gazebo projects
timber gazebo projects

When building a gazebo for a summer house from a bar, in the next step you will need to prepare the material for the ceiling and supports. At the racks, 16 mm holes should be drilled from one end. Their depth is 15 cm. On the other side of the workpiece, a cut should be made, it will be located in the center. On both sides from the edges of the beam, it is necessary to retreat 2.5 cm. At this distance, a cut of 10 cm is made.

Two beams are used for the ceiling, each of which will measure 50 x 100 x 3600 mm. The length forms an overhang of 30 cm on each side. On these segments, a square cut is made with a side of 50 mm. Later these segments will be set crosswise.

You will need two more bars, each one measures 50 x 100 x 1800mm. One of the ends of each workpiece should be cut at an angle. All these manipulations can be performed with a hacksaw. Hexagonal column will give a sloperoofs. It can be done in one of two ways. The first is that you will need to use the services of a carpenter. You will take a beam to him with the following dimensions: 100 x 100 x 800 mm. Along the entire length at an angle of 30˚, you can cut the edges yourself. On both sides, the rafters are cut off, one end should form an angle of 25˚, while the second angle will be 65˚. You can make more accurate calculations on the spot by marking the desired saw cut angle.

Assembling the frame

When building a gazebo from profiled timber, the next step is to assemble the frame. To do this, waterproofing must be laid on the pillars, which will exclude the interaction of wood with the concrete surface. Supports are established on metal support vertically. If necessary, they are carefully knocked out from above.

First you need to assemble the ceiling structure. For this, a board is used, the length of which is 3.6 m. The element is installed in prepared recesses in opposite support posts. If necessary, the supports should be scrolled a little so that the recesses are located opposite each other. Using the same method, it is necessary to install another workpiece, but the groove will be facing down, which will make it possible to connect in half a tree. These boards are arranged in a cross pattern on the ceiling.

When assembling a gazebo from a bar with your own hands, you should not forget about an additional overhang of 30 cm. Boards of shorter length are installed in the remaining cut. To do this, the butt is applied to the point of intersection of the diagonals. After you make the fit, the detailsceiling can be fixed with self-tapping screws. You can form a belt from boards, they are inserted between the supports and, if necessary, adjusted in length. The strapping should be aligned along the outer edges of the racks. Fastening is carried out with screws at two points. Working holes are best drilled in advance. This will reduce internal stress, so the risk of deformation will be minimal.

The drill should be 2 mm smaller than the hardware rod. At the intersection of the boards, a hexagonal bar is installed. Metal corners will act as fasteners. Before mounting, make sure that the post is perfectly vertical. It will be necessary to fix the rafters to it. The length of each will be 2 m. Using a chisel, you can adjust the corners of the ends. This will ensure the optimal fit of the boards. The finished structure is installed on support pillars.
