Lovers of delicious dishes of meat and fish, fried on an open fire or coals, would certainly like to build such a structure as a barbecue in their yard or in the gazebo. Brick versions of this furnace equipment are considered the most reliable and convenient to use. There are many projects for barbecues and barbecues. The choice of a particular one depends primarily on the purpose for which the structure will be intended.
What is a barbecue grill?
There are actually a huge number of types of oven equipment designed for frying food on fire. According to the principle of operation, a brazier is practically no different from a barbecue. And here and there, cooking takes place on coals, in both cases there is a chimney, etc. It’s just that in our time, barbecues or barbecue grills are called whole stove complexes. Among other things, they can include stoves, cauldrons, countertops, fireplaces, grills, sinks, cutting tables, etc. The brazier is usually a separate structure with only a chimney. The only thing thansuch furnace equipment is supplemented - this is a woodcutter.

Also, designers often call a structure a brazier if its chimney is partially blocked. With this design, the food will not only be fried, but also baked a little. At the barbecue, the smoke passage is completely open.
Variety of projects
There are actually many types of furnace equipment of this type. The most popular among the owners of suburban areas are the following barbecue grill projects:
- With two countertops on both sides. A sink is usually built into one of them.
- With an oven for cooking ordinary food.
- With a cauldron - a facility for cooking pilaf.
- With grill.

Often, all the listed elements are included in the complex. And, of course, any barbecue grill is complemented by a woodshed. The complexes can have the usual linear or L-shaped form. Most often they are installed in gazebos. In any case, a canopy over them is a must.
Structure design
The barbecue grill is being erected using ordering. To date, there are just a huge number of such schemes. Below, for example, we present the most popular of them.

Of course, the brazier is being built on a solid foundation. When installing a barbecue in the gazebo, you must follow the fire safety rules. The floor in front of the barbecue must be covered with heat-resistantmaterial. The structure itself should be erected so that its walls are at least 20 cm away from the enclosing structures of the gazebo (if it is wooden). The chimney passing through the roof is wrapped with asbestos sheet. The foundations of the gazebo and barbecue are not connected.
How to make a project yourself
Next, let's look at how to build a simple brick barbecue with your own hands (with a spit for the grill, two countertops, a firewood rack and a sink). When drafting such a structure, you must first determine where exactly it will be located. You should choose a place in such a way that the smoke from the chimney subsequently does not fall into the windows of a residential building (your or neighbor's).
In the event that the brazier is located in the gazebo, it is he who is first of all erected. This method is considered more convenient. It will be more difficult to build a barbecue grill in a ready-made gazebo. The foundations of these structures are usually poured at the same time. When drawing up a project, first of all, you should determine the size of the furnace equipment. Most often, a barbecue with a height of 1.7-1.8 m is erected in suburban areas. The length of the complexes, taking into account the countertops, can be any. The width of the brazier is most often 45-50 cm, the height of the pedestal is 70-90 cm, the grill is 50-70 cm.
Building foundation
Since a brick barbecue grill is a rather heavy structure, the foundation for it is solid, tiled. Pour it in the following way:
- Digging a hole, the size of which depends on the size of the complex.
- At its bottom layerabout 5 cm sand is poured.
- Formwork is being installed.
- The reinforcing cage is mounted from a 12 mm rod.
- Concrete mixture is being poured (1x3).

After the mortar sets and gains strength, the surface of the finished foundation is waterproofed with two layers of roofing material.
Masonry construction
Next, let's look at how the barbecue grill is actually built. At the first stage, a brick platform is laid out on top of the waterproofing of the foundation. In the future, it will serve as the bottom of the woodshed.
Further laying is carried out according to the chosen order. For a woodcutter, smokehouse, countertops and chimney, you can use ordinary brick. It is better to lay out the firebox from fireclay material using clay mortar.
Stands for countertops rise simultaneously with the firewood rack, making up a single structure with it. The bottom of the firebox is laid out on steel corners. At the same stage, one of the countertops can be laid out in the same way. Instead of corners and bricks, it is allowed to use a concrete slab. The countertop into which the sink will be mounted is better to simply cover with a metal sheet with a hole cut out for the sink.

The front side of the "trough" under the coals is usually raised by two rows of bricks. The walls of the firebox of such a structure as a barbecue grill are erected to a height of about 70 cm (13 rows of bricks). Sometimes metal hooks are mounted in them above the “trough”. ATSubsequently, a removable skewer for grilling is attached to them. The first row of the front wall of the chimney is also laid out on a corner or reinforced concrete beam. Then the masonry gradually narrows. From above, the chimney is best covered with a metal "umbrella" or just a visor. At the final stage, a sink is mounted in the steel sheet of the second countertop.
How to make clay mortar
As already mentioned, a brazier-barbecue can be erected on cement mortar. However, the bottom and walls of the firebox are usually assembled on the basis of a clay mixture. It is prepared as follows:
- Clay is soaked with water in a barrel the day before work starts.
- After a day, it is stirred with a construction mixer. Water is added in such an amount that a solution of the consistency of liquid (store) sour cream is obtained.
- 8 liters of clay are poured into some container.
- Next, two buckets (10 l) of sifted fine mountain sand are added.
- A little more (5 liters) of water is poured into the mixture, and everything is thoroughly mixed.

In the resulting solution, you need to add a little (1 kg) heat-resistant glue for stoves and fireplaces (you can take "Profix").
What you need to know
The method described above allows you to prepare a very good solution, perfect for building such a structure as a barbecue grill with your own hands. However, the proportions indicated above are approximate. The fact is that in different areas clay may have a different fat content. The resulting solution shouldtest. To do this, a small amount of it is collected on a trowel and the latter is turned over. The solution must not fall down. Then the trowel is turned vertically. The solution should then slowly slide off. If the mixture falls when turned over, it means that it lacks clay. If it doesn't run off a vertical trowel, add some sand to it.
As you can see, it is quite possible to build a brick barbecue grill (photos of the most popular projects are presented in the article) in the country with your own hands. The main thing is to think over everything carefully when drawing up a project and choose the right order. You can start using the assembled barbecue no earlier than two weeks after erection. Otherwise, the firebox masonry may crack.