"Doctor Robik 509", reviews of which you can read in the article, is used to clean sewage. It is used in the work of cesspools and autonomous septic tanks. They collect and treat wastewater, and for proper operation they need the use of special tools that speed up recycling processes. The above substance is a product based on active biological organisms.
Before you make a purchase, you need to understand the types of funds. It may be intended for older systems that were used intermittently. Other substances of this brand have an effect on detergents.
Consumer Reviews

The product based on artificially grown microorganisms has many advantages. According to consumers, this drug contributes to the disintegration of large fractions into small particles. Harmful bacterial flora within the system is controlled in reproduction. Unpleasant odors are eliminated. Sewage disposalwhen using Doctor Robik 509, reviews of which you should read before going to the store, are not required.
Silage deposits are shrinking. For the environment, the substance is completely safe, which, according to consumers, affects their choice. System performance improves. Pipe walls are not damaged. Structure and equipment are used for a longer period. Buyers also like the fact that the drug has an affordable price.
Artificially grown micro-organisms survive at the optimum temperature between 4 and 45 °C. Inside the septic tank, oxygen must be provided, which is necessary for the nutrition of bacteria. Consumers emphasize that biological activators may die, and their work may be slowed down, if special conditions are not created inside the septic tank.
Instructions for use

Before you visit the store, you should definitely read the reviews about "Doctor Robik 509" for a septic tank. That will allow you to use it according to the instructions. By purchasing a package with a volume of 75 g, you ensure the normal operation of the system throughout the month. This is true for the 1500L tank.
It is necessary to fill the toilet with a standard amount of the substance. Then the water goes down twice. The contents of the package are poured into the septic tank. Having diluted the drug from one package in a bucket of warm water, you will need to pour it into the cesspool. Depending on withhow intensively the system is used, treatment with the agent must be performed once every 30 or 45 days.
"Doctor Robik 509", the instruction manual for which is supplied with the drug, is safe for human and animal he alth. You can not be afraid that the substance will threaten the vegetation. Keep the mixture out of the reach of children.
Instructions for using the cesspool cleaner

Before you use Dr. Robic on your pit latrine, you must pour warm water over the pile or compost bin. The contents of the package must be scattered over wet compost. Next, the layer is sprinkled with garden soil. The soil backfill and the powder must be mixed. The contents of one package will be enough for a single use on an area that is equal to 1.5 m22.
Instructions for using the regular care product

Dr. Robic 509, the instructions for which you should definitely respect, can be used for regular use in treatment tanks and drains. So you can ensure the uninterrupted operation of the sewerage system and eliminate the unpleasant smell of the local treatment plant.
This tool removes blockages. One bottle will be enough for a year of cleaning the tank, the volume of which is 2000 liters. There are no hazardous substances and caustic compounds in the composition. Before using the productit is necessary to shake it up, and then pour it into the toilet or into the septic tank. A bottle of the composition "Doctor Robik 509", reviews of which are only positive, is designed for single use at the rate of 2000 liters. The first day it is necessary to reduce the discharge of water.
Working principle. Reviews

After the spores are in the cesspool, the bacteria, as consumers emphasize, will begin to multiply. Colonies of microorganisms will absorb waste and process it into a liquid mass. On the first day, a fermentation process will occur, which can cause gas locks. After 32 hours, the cesspool will operate normally.
On the 4th day, according to buyers, the unpleasant smell from the sump will disappear. Fecal matter up to this time, as well as fatty deposits on the walls, will be completely recycled. If the pit was silted, then on the 6th day the bacterial composition should be updated. This will increase the cleaning efficiency. The action of the funds will end two weeks after the start of use. After 14 days, you can pump out liquid waste.
Negative reviews

Before you make a purchase, you must read the reviews of "Doctor Robik 509" for cesspools and septic tanks. According to the owners of private real estate, on the territory of which local treatment facilities are installed, the described composition also has some disadvantages. For example, during frosts, the drug works more slowly. When the pit freezes, biological agents should not be used.recommended. Buyers emphasize that the cost of this mixture is higher than universal chemical destructors. However, the price is offset by the safety of use.
Feedback on performance features

After reading the reviews of "Doctor Robic 509", you can find out that this composition is suitable for cesspools, septic tanks and drainage systems that are filled with fossils, as well as dense masses. According to consumers, this drug has increased power and is designed to be used in conjunction with problematic and old sewers.
With the help of the mixture, you can clean the pores in the soil and normalize the operation of the system, whether it is drainage or sewer. You can use the tool annually or as needed. Consumers like that the application is not difficult, because the drug can be poured into a septic tank, cesspool or toilet bowl. If the system is working normally, but it is used regularly, then it is better to use tools marked 109 to restore working capacity; 309 or 409.
Additional feedback on usage features
"Doctor Robik 509" will be able to restore the system if used according to the instructions. For example, the temperature readings when pouring the cleaning agent should be positive. If it becomes necessary to clean the collector, then the reagent must be poured into the drain hole, and then rinsed with water several times.
If the processing of bathrooms that are operated away fromresidential buildings, it is recommended to pour the composition into the cesspool. Consumers are advised to follow the manufacturer's recommendations when the cesspool has not been used for a long time. When the waste mass dries up, it is necessary to pour 2 buckets of warm water into the tank.
What else do you need to know about the remedy?
The principle of operation of "Doctor Robik 509" was described above. This composition refers to specialized tools that allow you to process compost and dissolve fossils. In order to achieve an increase in the effect of the activator, the cesspool should be cleaned of liquid waste. This will help dissolve problematic accumulations and eliminate the processes of decay, which quite often occur at the bottom of the storage tank.
After the "Doctor Robik 509" for the septic tank was used, and its action was completed, it is recommended to pump out the resulting liquid mass, which was formed as a result of the work of the organic destructor. You can use it for watering the soil or fertilizer. This measure is not mandatory for an open pit latrine.
Drug cost
The described tool for cesspools and septic tanks works on the basis of the action of bacteria. You can buy the composition for 750 rubles. for one vial. It will be enough for a 3000 l tank. After the restoration of the system, it is recommended to use the mixture regularly. Experts advise using "Doctor Robik" marked 509 together with a detergent and soap splitter, which is indicated by the manufacturer with the numbers 809.
You can use the described products not only in cesspools and septic tanks, but also in sewer wells made of concrete rings. This will eliminate the silting of the pores in the soil and prevent the formation of fossils. The mixture contains microorganisms and special cultures that improve the decomposition of wastewater, accelerate biological processes, and contribute to the utilization of feces, starch, fat and paper.
When exposed to bacteria, cellulose and proteins decompose. You can use "Doctor Robik" to accelerate the maturation of compost and mass, which makes the drug universal. For its proper operation, it will only be necessary to maintain a normal positive temperature.