Orchid is a beautiful exotic flower that brings a lot of positive emotions with its flowering. But even she has a period when the plant fades. What to do when the orchid fades, how to properly care for it during this period?

Often an orchid is purchased during the flowering period. She is so beautiful and unusual that there is a great desire to have this unusual flower at home. And few people think that this plant requires just a lot of attention, because it is very capricious. To achieve repeated flowering of orchids, you will have to make a lot of effort.
Such plants need good lighting, excluding direct sunlight on the foliage of orchids. With proper care, the flowering period can last from two to six months.
In order to stimulate the flowering of orchids, it is necessary to provide a temperature difference between day and night. If this is not done, the plant will rarely bloom. The fact is that during the day at elevated temperatures inorchids all their forces rush to the growth of foliage, while the development of flower stalks slows down. Considering that orchids are still tropical plants, they just need high humidity. It is created by frequent spraying and, in addition, a container with a flower is placed on a wet pallet with sand or pebbles.

So, you have achieved the flowering of such an exotic flower. Now the most important thing is to provide proper care for the faded orchid in the future. Do not immediately cut the peduncle under the root after flowering. First you need to make sure that the flower really does not bloom again. Some orchids have such a feature: they gradually wake up dormant buds and bloom in waves.
You should carefully examine the tip of the stem and its shoots, if they are green, then most likely the flower is still preparing to release a few buds, so pruning is worth the wait.
And if the tip is dry, turned yellow or black, then you should not wait for new buds and you can prune the plant. How to prune a faded orchid correctly?

You can cut the peduncle to the very base. You can try to provoke repeated flowering on the old stem, then the peduncle should be cut 2-3 cm above the dormant bud. But there is one caveat: even with the right care, there is no guarantee that the peduncle will give side shoots and they will bloom.
What to do when the orchid fades? The most important factor is to direct all efforts to the growth of a new peduncle. Even indormant period this exotic plant requires special care.
So, what to do when the orchid fades? The most important thing is to remember that in no case should you immediately remove a faded flower. It is better to wait until it dries completely. Do not be afraid and plant such an exotic beauty as an orchid at home, take care of it, protect it, find out additional information about the specifics of care, and then you will know exactly what to do, when an orchid blooms, and how to properly care for it during this period.