A summer cottage or a country house is a cherished dream for most citizens. The modern rhythm of the metropolis exhausts people, and they strive to get into the bosom of nature at any cost in their free time.

First steps
If you are lucky enough to get your own plot of land, then sooner or later you will want to equip it to your own taste. The landscape of a summer cottage is able to create not only a professional. Such work is within the power of even the most ordinary gardener - you just need to know some of the laws and rules of this art.
The design and landscape of the suburban area will be in harmony if all plantings are selected in the same style, in combination with the exterior of buildings. The main task of design on a garden plot is harmony and beauty in a separate area.
Cottage landscape rules
First you need to create a plan of your site and indicate on it all the available and proposed objects - a house, a bathhouse, shrubs and trees. So you will clearly see how best to organize free space.

Designing the landscape of a summer cottage is an extremely exciting activity. The plants that you have chosen for your "hacienda" are better to be grouped than planted one by one. But here it is necessary to ensure that they do not interfere with the growth of each other. In addition, you should not plant trees in a straight line - strict symmetry usually deprives the site of naturalness.
The center of every landscape design project is the main building (house). It is in accordance with his style that the main details of the exterior are selected - a lawn, green spaces, a reservoir (if any), small architectural forms (lamps, paths, garden figurines) are drawn up.
The landscape of the suburban area: we create masterpieces with our own hands
All owners of summer cottages seek to isolate their territory from prying eyes. To do this, it is not at all necessary to build a three-meter brick fence. A hedge looks much more attractive. It will not only protect the site from prying eyes, but also decorate it. Think about how you want to see it - from climbing plants or evergreens, high or low. A flowering hedge looks very impressive, for the creation of which almonds, lilacs, mock oranges, bird cherry trees are perfect.

If you choose coniferous plants, it is better to add annual climbing specimens to them. These can be morning glory, sweet peas, climbing roses, ivy, etc.
Practical recommendations
For a summer cottage of a large area, it is not difficult to create decorative andvegetable zones. It is much more difficult for the owners of modest dachas. How to create a landscape of a summer cottage with your own hands, if the latter is not more than six acres? Small cottages are always charming with their unique comfort. Here, every bush, every design element is in full view. Therefore, all the details must be thought out especially carefully. For example, in the absence of a large amount of free space, you can create multi-level garden compositions.
In a small garden, the land should not be empty, but this does not mean that the site should be oversaturated. You can visually expand the space with the help of artificial hills, fenced with low stone walls.
Slope countryside landscape
For some, such a dacha seems like a punishment, and someone perceives it as a great success. Such a site opens up great opportunities in creating landscape design. Do not rush to level the slope. It should be strengthened and played beautifully.

Style selection
The landscape of a summer cottage of an unconventional form requires a special approach. Plants for landscaping are selected depending on the natural features of the slope - drying of the soil, openness to winds, composition and depth of the soil layer. On a sloping site, you can do:
- flower garden with level differences;
- alpine slide;
- heather garden;
- lawn;
- waterfall or rocky stream;
- vineyard.
Plot of 10 acres
This is notthe smallest cottage. To make the landscape of a summer cottage of 10 acres organic, make a list of everything that, in your opinion, should be in the country. Choose the style that you will adhere to - the final result largely depends on this. If you feel that you can not cope with this work, contact the experts. The designer landscape of a summer cottage, of course, is not cheap, but the costs will justify themselves.

If, nevertheless, you decide to do this work yourself, then after drawing up the project, proceed to the selection of plants. They must match the climate in which the cottage is located. Don't overload the area. All buildings, paths, a pool or a natural reservoir require special attention and patience. Create a landscape gradually, it is impossible to do everything at once. Plan the work and do it in stages.
Japanese garden
This is a very original and very unusual design. It conceals comfort and tranquility. The Japanese garden combines three elements - stone (strength and stamina), water (movement and growth of plants) and living elements - conifers, as well as beautifully flowering trees. Mandatory elements of such a garden should be a bridge over a pond and a gazebo. A plot of 10 acres will quite allow you to create a Japanese garden where you can retire or spend time with friends.
Wildlife in the garden
If your site is located on the border with a forest, then your decision to create a "wild" nature reserve on it will be completely natural. wild treeswill be perfectly combined with the cultural ones with which you diversify them. Plant shade-loving plants such as ferns under the trees.
This garden is filled with details from village life. It may seem that it looks somewhat neglected and a little rustic. However, he requires no less attention. Flower arrangements in such a garden are created in tubs, wooden boxes. Relevant here is a wattle fence with earthenware, buildings with whitewashed facades. A cart will fit perfectly into such a landscape. It can become a luxurious base for a flower bed. A Moorish lawn is also suitable - a flower meadow that delights its owner with bright colors.

Hi-tech style
It is used not only in the interiors of apartments, but also in the design of a summer cottage. The peculiarity of such a landscape is in the conciseness and severity of forms, color scheme. It is characterized by clear and straight lines in furniture and paths, the use of modern materials in the manufacture of small architectural forms. Such a garden is distinguished by open spaces, plants are most often of a strict form, sheared.
Mediterranean style
It should remind you of a vacation in warm countries on the Mediterranean coast. In recent years, it has become very popular among summer residents. In such a garden, there must be a patio, shady corners, paths paved with natural stone in light colors, herbs and flowers in ceramic pots, forged or wicker furniture.
Landscapesmall dacha
The center of the landscape composition can be a round flower bed, possibly with a small fountain. You can do it yourself. If the fountain is not included in your plans, then install a small statue instead. It is better to fill the path into the depths of the garden with gravel or gravel, and completely abandon paving slabs. From plants, it is better to use ornamental grass, bright phlox, lavender or geranium.
Revitalize the site even the smallest reservoir that can be made, for example, from a bath. Plant daffodils, mint, primroses and irises along the "shores".

Finishing the center of the site
Start in the center to create a harmonious landscape. At the summer cottage, it is often decorated in the form of a tree with a curly-cropped crown, a fountain surrounded by a sculptural group, flowers in vases of different heights.
Playground & lawn
If you have children, then you will need to create a special landscape for your summer cottage. With your own hands, you can make an excellent playground. It is more expedient to create it under the windows of the room where parents or other adult family members spend most of their time. It is better to make a lawn when leaving the terrace or veranda. On it you can arrange a recreation area. On the edge, you can build a platform with a canopy for barbecue.
Perhaps, not a single landscape of a summer cottage can do without this detail. Probably every man can make the simplest bench with his own hands. Make some original, exclusivemodel is only capable of master. First, decide which benches you want to see on your site. Today there are a great many of them - metal, stone, wooden benches, rocking chairs and other models - it all depends on your financial capabilities and imagination.
Finally, let's talk about the role of lighting in creating the landscape of a summer cottage. It performs the following functions:
- accent lighting;
- general light.
Accent lighting does not illuminate objects on the site, but only outlines their contours. Its purpose is to set boundaries and indicate the direction of human movement in the dark.
The general one illuminates paths, recreation facilities, and other key objects. Lighting a suburban area does not have to be dull and simple, as in the old days. You can do it yourself, but it is better to entrust this work to professionals. They will be able to correctly place landscape lights on flowerbeds, make high-quality illumination of the garden, fountain, gazebo.
Original lamps
The main problem of landscape lamps is their high cost. There is an exit. You can make lamps yourself from improvised materials - from wood chips and skewers, from clothespins. In this way, you can make a street lamp with LEDs, plastic lighting and garlands.