Everyone wants to have beautiful and natural furnishings in their home. However, they are quite expensive and do not always correspond to the family income. How then to be? Manufacturers offer an alternative option - veneer finish.
General concept
Veneer is a solid thin sheet of natural wood, which is obtained by sawing the trunk. At the same time, natural drawings stand out quite clearly and give its appearance nobility. This material has a wide range of applications:
- furnishings;
- decorating furniture facades;
- door making.
At the beginning of the 19th century, veneer began to be used in mass production. It quickly gained popularity and practically replaced the expensive natural wood.

Veneer Types
"Veneer" is a generic name. This material has many varieties. The differences are in the way of cutting, the usespecific type of wood and method of manufacture.
The type of cut determines the future pattern on the veneer sheet, depending on the direction of sawing the growth rings of the tree. In order to get an individual pattern, use the following methods:
Tangential - sawn at a certain distance from the core of the trunk tangentially. It has a low cost, a well-defined wave-like pattern and a distinct texture
Radical - passes exactly through the middle of the trunk. The quality of the sheet is quite high, the structure is homogeneous. Resistance to various methods of exposure fully influenced its high cost
Depending on the processing method, three main types can be distinguished:
Sawn veneer is made on a special high-precision dividing machine, it is equipped with about 20 saw blades. Such equipment allows you to cut the sheets most evenly. Moreover, each of them has an optimal thickness, which determines its wear resistance. This type is used in the manufacture of parquet and multilayer doors. Sawn veneer is most resistant to mechanical damage, which allows you to restore the surface without replacing the top layer
Sliced veneer is made on a horizontal planer. The process itself takes place with the help of a knife running along a firmly fixed tree trunk. The result is a canvas with a thickness of 0.3 mm to 30 mm. Widely used in the manufacture of furniture and decoration of various facades
Rolled veneer. Sheets are made bypeeling short pieces of wood on a machine specially designed for this purpose. Most often, this type of veneer is used for cladding and veneering. Thanks to the use of special knives with a wavy edge, an original pattern is obtained on the canvas
Wood species for veneer making
The type of wood used affects not only the quality of the material, but also its natural color. Veneer is made from almost all types of wood, such as poplar, olive, apple, beech. The most common ones are:
Walnut veneer is a high quality material used for the manufacture of doors, pianos, furniture, and is also very often used in various carpentry work. The color scheme is varied. It can vary from light terracotta to the darkest tones, such as brown
Veneer from wenge. If young layers of wood are taken for its manufacture, then the color is pale white, and the sheets from the core are brown with different shades. The main scope of its application is the lining of doors, furniture. Canvases made from such wood have high wear resistance, so they are often used for the manufacture of flooring
Oak veneer is the strongest, most reliable and durable. It has a fairly high cost, but in operation it fully justifies it. The color palette is different, shades from light beige to dark brown. Widely used in carpentry at various levels
- Cherrywood veneer has a noble and majestic appearance, so it is most relevant for finishingluxury furniture. His palette is dominated by red - from fiery orange to dark brick.

Veneered interior doors
Currently, interior doors made of solid wood have lost their relevance. They were replaced by the lightest and most affordable models. This fact is mainly due to the size of the living quarters: living in standard apartments, few people will install massive wooden doors. Although they have a majestic appearance, they look too cumbersome in small areas. Now people prefer a harmonious and original design, in which lightness and maximum free space are in the first place, so they try to install beautiful interior doors. Veneer is a material that can fit into any design project, while at the same time giving naturalness to the surrounding space without weighing it down.
This type of door trim is the most relevant, since at a low cost it is very difficult to distinguish them from solid wood.

Features of interior doors
The main criteria for choosing interior doors are color heterogeneity, low price, practicality and originality of design. It is the implementation of all these points that will help make the room light and harmonious and save the contents of the owners' wallets.
For the proper arrangement of living space, it is necessary to choose the right interior doors. Veneer, in comparison with other types of cladding,best suited to the task at hand. Its indisputable advantages are a unique pattern, natural shades, high wear resistance, the possibility of reconstruction without replacement. After surface treatment with a special varnish, veneered doors tolerate a humid climate well and are easy to clean.
MDF veneered interior doors
MDF, veneer - these are the materials that, due to their properties, have become the most successful option for replacing natural wood, and when they are combined, objects are of excellent quality, not inferior to the natural prototype.
In order to produce MDF veneered doors, a special technology is used using high pressure and temperature. It is she who provides such properties of the material as reliability, practicality and durability. Due to the very high density of pressing, such doors are moisture resistant and practically do not deform. Compared to wooden models, they are more functional. Their advantages: light weight, aesthetic appearance and long service life.

Veneer is a modern finishing material, which has recently become widely used in various finishing and carpentry works. Over the years, he managed to prove himself only from the best side, and to this day is the most common and in demand.