Home safety

Fire alarm "Sagittarius": description, specifications, instructions

What is a Sagittarius fire alarm? What characteristics does the system have? How much does a standard kit and its maintenance cost per month? How to use the system? All these questions need to be de alt with in detail. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

MDF doors: what is it, pros and cons, design, photos and reviews

The buyer certainly wants the purchased door leaf to be durable and beautiful in appearance, to be affordable and of high quality. Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of doors from various materials for every taste, color and budget. One of the most popular are MDF structures. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Biocides: what is it, where are they used, composition

Biocides are called substances of a special variety, designed to combat harmful microorganisms, insects, plants, animals. This group of drugs may include, for example, fungicides used in agriculture, antibiotics used in medicine, herbicides and other similar products. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Fire alarm: wiring diagram, installation, principle of operation

The statistics of a large number of fires is confirmed by the daily response of fire brigades. The causes of a fire can be varied - from smoking in the wrong place and careless handling of fire to electrical short circuits and arson. Automatic fire alarm warns of a fire and allows you to eliminate the source in time. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Factors affecting the degree of electric shock: safety precautions, degrees of injury, first aid

What factors affect the degree of electric shock? What are the most common types of electrical injuries and how are they obtained? Providing first aid to victims of electric current and safety rules. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Security alarm sensors: types, purpose, installation

Even the simplest security alarm systems for private use today rarely do without sensors. Thanks to sensitive sensors, the speed and autonomy of security systems in terms of responding to a critical situation is ensured. At the same time, burglar alarm sensors are quite diverse, therefore, in the course of system design, it is important to correctly correlate their capabilities with the protection requirements in specific conditions. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Preparation for fire protection: name, composition, impregnation and instructions for use

Very familiar wood or plastic finishes can cause a lot of problems in a fire if not properly treated. Especially for such needs, preparations for fire protection are produced that act for a long time and do not harm the structure of the target material. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Autonomous fire extinguishing systems: features of choice, classification and types

Autonomy and automation can be called the hallmarks of modern security systems. Users are captivated by their reliability, ease of use and, most importantly, timely response to a threat. Such properties are possessed by autonomous fire extinguishing systems of a new generation, the development methods of which are regulated in the SNiP documentation. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Fire prevention system: goals and objectives

In the modern world, there are a lot of factors that can cause a fire. This is especially true for large enterprises that deal with combustible and explosive substances such as oil or gas. However, a fire hazard situation can occur in any other place. To prevent these situations, the creation of fire prevention systems is provided. In this article, we will consider the goals and objectives of such systems. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to check for a gas leak: what to do in case of a gas leak, how to fix the problem, where to go for help

A gas leak can have irreversible consequences. From poisoning people to an explosion that entails irreversible consequences in the form of destruction of houses and destruction of cars and numerous lives. Everyone should know how to check for a gas leak. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Linear thermal fire detector: types, classification, specifications, features of installation, configuration and operation

Features of the functioning of a fire, heat, linear detector. Where are fire detectors used and what are the most popular device models known? The principle of operation of the device and its installation. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

The smell of burning: causes, effective methods of removal, the use of improvised means and home chemicals

The smell of burning is unpleasant for every person. It penetrates into all things, brings discomfort and harms the body. Means and all kinds of aromatic fragrances can only temporarily eliminate an unpleasant odor. If the smell is not very sharp, then you can get rid of it by airing the room, but after a fire this method will not help. In this case, you need to use other methods. To do this, you need to know how to get rid of the smell of burning. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Unscented laundry detergents: washing quality, composition description, tips and tricks for use

Babies, allergies, asthmatics - these are the groups of people for whom low-quality goods can be fatal. As a result, the choice of household chemicals, and most often washing powder, takes a lot of time. The most suitable in this case are odorless and phosphate washing powders. The best of them are presented in this article. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to get rid of the smell in the house: the most effective ways

Smells are an integral part of our life. Pleasant aromas improve mood, improve well-being and appetite. And it’s good if your home always smells of freshness and flowers. But what about the unpleasant smells of urine, mustiness, tobacco, burning and sewage? What needs to be done to permanently eliminate them? In this article, we will talk in detail about how to get rid of odors in a private house. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Smoke exhaust system maintenance system. Installation of smoke exhaust systems in a multi-storey building

During a fire, the biggest danger is smoke. Even if a person has not suffered from a fire, he can be poisoned by carbon monoxide and poisons that are contained in smoke. To prevent this, enterprises and public institutions use smoke exhaust systems. However, they also need regular inspection and repair from time to time. There is a certain regulation for the maintenance of smoke exhaust systems. Let's take a look at it. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to connect a gas cylinder to a gas stove: step by step instructions, tips and tricks

The lack of a gas pipe in a private house has become a headache for the people of Russia. Many settlements are still not supplied with gas. And the supply of a pipe to the site on which the residential building is located costs from 150 to 300 thousand rubles. This amount is not affordable for everyone. Installing a gas cylinder will help solve the problem. Despite the fact that its refueling and replacement require attention and care, this business is available to everyone. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to get rid of putrid smell: effective and simple ways, tips

Ways to get rid of putrid smell in the room, using powerful detergents, cleaning the house, airing and calling the disinfection service. Eliminate bad smell in your car by cleaning and washing. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to open the elevator doors from the outside: the need, safety conditions for work, calling the master, the necessary skills and tools to do the job

Undoubtedly, everyone is afraid of getting stuck in an elevator. And having heard enough stories that elevator operators are in no hurry to rescue people in trouble, they completely refuse to travel on such a device. However, many, having found themselves in such an unpleasant situation, rush to get out on their own, not wanting to spend days and nights there in anticipation of salvation. Let's look at how to open the elevator doors manually. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to check the RCD for operation: home safety, home testing methods, necessary tools and materials at hand

To ensure safety in the house and protect a person from electric shock, residual current devices (RCDs) are most often used. They are triggered by current leakage. When buying such devices, people ask themselves the question: "How to check the RCD?" immediately before installation. In this article we will try to answer this question. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to get rid of sparrows: tips

People living on the upper floors of multi-storey buildings or in private houses may face such a problem as the presence of birds under the roof. They can cause significant discomfort to a person, and even carry danger. In this article, we will consider several effective options for getting rid of sparrows under the roof of a house. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Roof inspection - a guarantee of a cozy home

All building materials, alas, are not eternal, especially those that are mounted on the roof. Therefore, it is extremely important to conduct a regular inspection of the roof, which allows you to identify all problems at an early stage and eliminate them. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Ground bus: main features and specifications

When organizing the work of any type of electrical equipment, the main requirements are always reliability and safety. The ground bus is the most important component of the electrical network, the purpose of which is to ensure a high level of safety when working with a variety of electrical devices. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Modular grounding: types, classification, characteristics, installation instructions, application and owner reviews

For those who don't know, grounding is a special connection of all elements of equipment, which, even if they are not connected with electricity, but as a result of insulation breakdown, can be energized with the ground. This is necessary for safety and protection against electric shock. In this article, we will consider one of the types of this connection, which is called modular grounding. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Video surveillance system for an apartment: description and types, principle of operation, installation methods

Today it is impossible to imagine an integrated approach to organizing a security system without video surveillance cameras. At home, such tasks are solved with less labor and financial costs than at commercial facilities, but this in no way diminishes their importance. There are different methods for arranging video surveillance systems for an apartment, as well as methods for their communication and power supply. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Responsible for fire safety at the enterprise

As one of the measures to protect labor safety in enterprises and organizations, a person responsible for fire safety is usually appointed. This person is selected from among the leading employees. The responsible person begins his duties after completing the training and signing the corresponding order by the head. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Necessary measures to ensure fire safety

Both the design and construction of any objects with their further operation implies compliance with certain required standards. In some cases, it is necessary to carry out special measures to ensure fire safety. We will talk about this in more detail. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Air quality sensor: types, specifications, features, manufacturers and owner reviews

The level of human comfort and safety depends on the microclimate where people spend most of their lives, namely: at home, in the office and in the office. Atmospheric pollution, the reduction of green spaces, the use of synthetic materials worsen the composition and properties of the inhaled air mixture. To have an idea of its composition, devices and detectors have been developed that determine the state of the atmosphere for the presence of dust and the content of harmful substances. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Examination of the roof - all the details

In building a house and maintaining it in the right condition, a very important procedure is the examination of the roof. This article describes the main points of such a study. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Efficient ground loop

In order to protect a person from the harmful effects of the properties of electricity, special protective devices are used: RCDs, fuses, automata (circuit breakers) and other safety equipment. The most popular human security system is the ground loop. This is a specific grounding device, the purpose of which is to connect individual parts of electrical equipment to the "ground". Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Temperature graph: a cozy house without heat will not be

As the classic said, saving the drowning is the work of the drowning themselves. In relation to our topic, we can say: the heating of the freezing is the work of the freezing themselves. Of course, if you live in a mansion or a country house equipped with a unique system, it is enough to set the required temperature schedule and heat supply mode to the automated control system. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Insulation resistance: the need for measurements

Quality insulation resistance is a necessary condition for the normal operation of electrical circuits and electrical equipment. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Fire detectors - home security

A typical fire alarm system is not such a simple complex of peculiar technical means that are simply necessary and serve to detect a fire in time, as well as generate control signals intended for fire warning and fire extinguishing systems in automatic mode. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Pool cleaning system

It's no secret that clean pool water is our he alth and safety first. The question arises: how to ensure this security? If you use modern water treatment systems, the water in the pools will always be in perfect condition, remain crystal clear and have a pleasant smell. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

DIY video surveillance system: manufacturing and installation

The article describes how to assemble and connect a video surveillance system with your own hands. The issue of the correct choice of components of such a system and all the nuances of its connection and installation are considered in detail. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

What is a power plug

The word "plug" is of German origin. And it means nothing more than a cork. Indeed, the plug, being in the socket, seems to clog the holes of the latter. Hence the term. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Rating of entrance doors: in terms of reliability and type of finish

Let's try to evaluate the most popular manufacturers in the metal door market and identify the best entrance doors to the apartment. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

What is ODPU: transcript. Installation, verification of ODPU

The article describes the importance of ODPU (common house meters) for owners of apartment buildings, organizations involved in monitoring energy consumption and inspecting management companies. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Panic button for home and apartment

Unfortunately, there has always been crime. And today she has not gone anywhere. Life is now such that the possibility of robbing a home cannot be ruled out. Therefore, you should take care of your safety, your household and your property in advance. One of the effective means of protection is the panic button. Its installation will allow you not only to feel more secure, but also to know that at your first signal, a rapid response team will come to you. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Loud notification: features of emergency warning systems

Today, quite a lot of different high-quality devices are offered to create a speakerphone. Using such a public address system, it is possible in the shortest possible time, in large numbers and at the same time to notify people in the building about a fire or other emergencies. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Supervisory system: design, installation, installation, maintenance

Description and principles of operation of building management dispatching systems. Varieties of systems and specifics of use. Subtleties of maintenance. Opportunities for comfortable use of dispatching systems. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01