What is ODPU: transcript. Installation, verification of ODPU

What is ODPU: transcript. Installation, verification of ODPU
What is ODPU: transcript. Installation, verification of ODPU

The activity of Russian residents who are interested in the details of the calculation of utility bills per capita is constantly increasing. Many have installed individual devices for metering electricity, gas, water, and heat. The question arises about the need for the presence of ODPU in apartment buildings.

ODPU, decoding
ODPU, decoding

Deciphering this abbreviation - "common house meters". Such a device is a counter that determines the total amount of the spent resource, for example, electricity. Often ODPU performs the function of a distribution structure of an apartment building. The latter, of course, does not mean a separate entrance, but the entire building.

Functions of ODPU

Specialists are of the opinion that individual meters are not effective without OPDUs. The decoding of this statement consists of the following points.

  1. The ability to compare readings is necessary for monitoring the operation of communication systems.
  2. Improving the formulas for calculating the payment of utility services by the population.
  3. Detection of leaks, analysis of the parameters of the flow of resources (temperature, pressure). OPDU allows you to determine who, whenviolations of the system will bear the losses (management company or installer).

Based on these points, it becomes clear what is the ODPU in the housing and communal services.

Characteristics and types of ODPU

Mostly ODPU are installed in the basements of houses. Such devices include general metering of hot and cold water, as well as heat and electricity.

What is ODPU in housing and communal services
What is ODPU in housing and communal services

Commissioning companies offer a variety of options for installing ODPU. The decoding of their proposals includes not only comprehensive work to establish the functioning of metering devices, but also auxiliary materials.

For example, in addition to the heat energy meter, which is called an ultrasonic flow meter, water costs, a node is arranged that takes into account the automatic regulation of the heating system. Along with the electricity meter, a device is installed that controls consumption.

Ultimately, three main options are offered, consisting in the installation of an ODPU without additional elements of regulation and data transmission, or with the inclusion of auxiliary equipment in the system.

Electricity meters

What is the FLG of Electricity? They are divided, like individual metering devices, into one-, two- and multi-tariff. The latter is now the most popular option, as it allows you to reduce the cost of costs at night, late in the evening and during the day. The price of installing such a meter is significantly higher, but it quickly pays off.

There are three tariffs: night - 23-7 hours; semi-peak - 10-17, 21-23; peak - 7-10, 17-21 hours.

How are payments made for different types of meters? According to the device, there is a difference between its indicator and the sum for all apartments. The result is divided among all tenants. If there are many tariffs, then for all separately.

What is ODPU of electricity
What is ODPU of electricity

The best option for checking and maintaining meters is the periodic arrival of specialists who installed it. However, such work can be carried out by trained people of the house management company. Sometimes, in order to identify organizations that are dishonest and incorrectly recording readings, on the basis of a complaint from residents who have identified an obvious overcharge of the tariff, an organization engaged in the supply of electricity, or an authorized person - a representative of the payers, checks. In this case, the data is reconciled with receipts. For example, electricity for general needs cannot jump sharply, by 2 times, just like that, depending on the season. This situation requires immediate verification.

Installation of ODPU

Even before June 2013, inclusive, the Russian government obliged everyone to install the ODPU. Deciphering the need for this process is clearly seen in federal law No. 261.

Verification of ODPU
Verification of ODPU

It consists in the implementation of tasks aimed at energy saving. Installation is carried out after a meeting of all tenants and a vote, a protocol is drawn up based on the results. If it is impossible to pay for the installation, the management company will immediatelycollects money in installments. The organization, in the absence of the initiative of the residents, can itself decide on the installation, and if they resist, do it forcibly through the court. All costs associated with the acquisition and installation, as well as the maintenance of the ODPU, are paid by the owners.

According to the law, the management company is obliged once a year to inform residents about approaches aimed at energy saving, develop options for action and submit them to the meeting. In addition to the above methods, the installation of an ODPU can be offered by resource workers, that is, organizations that supply light, heat, etc.

Maintenance and verification of ODPU

ODPU is the common property of an apartment building and is part of the engineering systems. The management company is responsible for their content. Verification of ODPU can be carried out by any person who is trusted by this organization. Maintenance of systems includes inspection, repair if necessary, verification of compliance with real readings. There are situations when the maintenance of the LPPU is carried out by a resource-saving organization at its own expense.

Supplying the buildings with the thermal energy supply system

Installation of thermal power plants is gradually gaining momentum. Back in 2009, due to the growing costs of heat supply to buildings, a law was passed requiring the presence of such devices in them.

Installation of ODPU thermal energy
Installation of ODPU thermal energy

They also oblige to install individual heat meters. Delay in this matter may result in a fine. Their acquisition is also decidedowners at the general meeting, while they also need to choose a specialist in this area.

How utility bills are formed

The calculation of payment for utility bills is formed based on the totality of all metering devices. There is a special EDP formula that varies depending on the type of resources consumed. For example, the amount of payment for water supply is calculated taking into account the following indicators: the consumed amount of the resource according to the EDP indicators is divided by the amount of hot or cold water consumption from an individual meter and the indicators according to the standards, if there are rooms that are not equipped with a meter. The resulting number is multiplied by the tariff and again - by the indicator from the individual meter.

Some nuances of paying for common house needs

What additional factors can affect the performance of the FSL? To begin with, it should be noted that when calculating the amount of resource consumed, the MOS counters of the common structural elements of the house (entrances, platforms) are not. The use of such devices as shared devices is not permitted by law.

ODP formula
ODP formula

If commercial organizations are located in a residential building, then either their costs do not go through the OTPU and are calculated separately, or the required amount is deducted from the total indicator.

The statement that everyone else pays for a malicious defaulter is not always correct. For example, when calculating the total electricity, its indicator is still subtracted from the total amount. If the debtor does not transmit information on meters, then the datafor it are compiled according to the approved tariffs.

Doubt about the reality of the rent amount

For all structures and residents who monitor the procedure for paying utility bills and spending resources, it is useful to have such equipment in the house. Household appliances are equivalent to putting things in order, ODP=comfort. The Russian Federation is one of those countries where legislators understand this and have a desire to create transparent relations in the housing and communal services sector, understandable for the owners of an apartment building. It should be clear to people what they are paying for, how points are formed in receipts. To achieve the goals set, the installation of the ODPU is necessary.

Service ODPU
Service ODPU

In case of situations of misunderstanding of the formation of the amount in the receipt, you can require an explanation from the management company by submitting a special application. In it, point by point, indicate the need to clarify how the calculation was carried out with the formula and values; what are the volumes for general and individual counters; is there an ODPU in the house and are they sealed; whether there are connections for non-residential premises; at what tariffs the calculation was made.

If the management company refuses this request, then it violates the law. Such an organization can already be suspected of withholding important information and fraud. To reduce such opportunities for companies, ODPU are established. Deciphering their meaning is to provide additional opportunities for special services in order to quickly compare the indicators recorded by management companies with real ones.