DGS is a type of stand-alone equipment that generates electricity by burning diesel fuel. Diesel generator sets, whose decoding sounds like diesel generator sets, are made up of several main elements: the generator itself, a diesel engine and a protective system that is triggered by large overloads. Today, the market is ready to offer installations that operate on both gasoline and diesel fuel. The first type of units has a very low motor resource. Diesel stations are more economical, productive and safer. That is why, if there is a need to purchase an electricity generator, preference should be given to them. Let us consider in more detail the design of such installations, their types, proper operation and maintenance.
Functional DGU
Diesel generator sets can be used both as the main source of electricity and perform a backup function. If we consider the mainsource of power supply, then overloading the DGU is allowed in this capacity. Deciphering this type of equipment sounds like diesel generator sets for continuous operation. Overload is possible in the amount of ten percent of the rated power for an hour with a frequency of twelve hours.

The duration of operation of such installations is not limited by anything during the year. The redundant type of equipment prevents any overload relative to the rated power. For a year, such an installation should develop no more than five hundred hours. DGUs for both main and standby operation have the same engines. The choice of one or another type of device is dictated by the planned project.
The production of such installations is made in different versions: single-phase, three-phase. Moreover, this equipment can operate both in fully automatic mode and in manual mode.
Composition of diesel generator sets
Standard composition includes the following items:
- diesel engine DGU - deciphering the abbreviation itself indicates the use of diesel fuel;
- turbocharger (if the engine is equipped with a turbocharger);
- alternator with automatic adjustment (must be in a protective cover);
- single structure for fixing engine and generator;
- fuel tank;
- cooling system with radiator and fan;
- control panel;
- DG emergency shutdown system;
- voltage and frequency controllers with automatic adjustment.
The DGU scheme is shown in the figure below.

Some models of diesel generator sets have engines with a hydraulic fuel injection system controlled by a microprocessor. This greatly improves the performance of the engine in a variety of modes and increases its performance.
Pros of DGU engines with processor control
The main advantages of such engines include:
- a higher degree of fuel combustion and a higher efficiency of diesel generator sets - how this abbreviation is deciphered, many should know from school times - efficiency;
- low levels of harmful elements in the exhaust gas;
- lower noise and vibration;
- optimal fuel consumption;
- ability to start the engine in automatic mode without additional heating at low temperatures;
- better diagnostic system.

In order to expand the standard functionality of diesel generator sets, they can be equipped with additional equipment that greatly increases the ability to work.
Additional equipment for DGU
First of all, additional equipment should include automatic control panels. There are currently four levels of automation that they support. Their functionality also includescontrollers for switching loads, panels for remote start and stop of the engine, a controller for measuring the speed of rotation of the engine.

To prevent the battery from discharging, there is a device for its automatic recharging. The following additional devices contribute to the expansion of the convenience of working with the DGU: a larger fuel tank to increase the operating time of the unit, additional mufflers and protective covers for more complete sound insulation and vibration prevention, an arctic container for operation in harsh climatic conditions with an air temperature below fifty degrees, devices for periodic heating of coolant with oil and generator windings, chassis for more convenient transportation of units.
Types of DGS. Open type
Depending on the conditions of use, diesel generator sets are manufactured in three versions: open, in a casing and in a container. Diesel generators, open and in containers, are produced only stationary (fixed), but in casings - both stationary and mobile.
Open DGUs (the decoding of which has one more meaning - for indoor installation) are mounted in a specially designed engine room. They come in all capacities, single-phase and three-phase, air-cooled and water-cooled.

The room for such installations is usually chosen well heated and closed. If there is no suitable premises or it is not possible to build it,it is allowed to install diesel generators in casings that will protect the equipment and its elements from adverse external influences.
DGU in casings and containers
Depending on the level of protection required, enclosures are available in weatherproof, soundproof and high soundproof types. They can be installed outdoors. The big drawback of the casings is their small size, which makes it difficult to work with the internal elements of the generators. Not to mention the repair work, for which it will be necessary to remove the casing, which is highly discouraged in open areas.
As a way out of the situation, DGUs began to be produced in containers. They are more free and allow you to perform any type of work with installations. There are two types of containers - weatherproof and soundproof.

Cabinets and containers are of low-temperature arctic type. They are made of cold-resistant types of steel and are designed to work in harsh climatic conditions with air temperatures below fifty degrees.
Installation of diesel generator sets of all types must be carried out in accordance with certain requirements.
Recommendations for installing diesel generators
First of all, such installations should not be placed near residential buildings and warehouses with explosive flammable materials. It is necessary to ensure reliable grounding of both the generator itself and its auxiliary elements. The height of the machine room should beat least four meters.
The unit should be placed on a concrete foundation at least one hundred and fifty millimeters high and with an area that will withstand the load of the generator. If the generator set is located in a container, it must be ensured that the louvre grilles for air flow are away from other objects and walls. Next to the container there should be a well for emergency draining of the fuel mass with a piping system.
Use of DGS in construction
When building large buildings and facilities, the need for mobile power sources is especially great. Since it is not possible to supply the main electric line at many construction sites, all available equipment will be powered by a diesel generator set. Deciphering the name of such installations in construction does not differ from ordinary living conditions - in fact, these are the same diesel generator stations, only of high power.

The high power of such generators is capable of providing electricity to large construction sites for a long time. Work can be carried out for a long time without interruption, which is the main criterion for the completion of construction projects within the specified time frame.
For such an area, it is better to use foreign DGU units (the decoding, construction and production of which are represented by high-power diesel generator sets).
In conclusion: how to choose the right generator set?
Before purchasing a diesel generator, you need to decide for yourself a few questions - what type is best to use, how the installation will be done and in whatplace. It is necessary to decide on the purpose of the future generator - it will be permanent or backup. The most important point when choosing a DGU is to decipher for yourself what power will be needed to supply electricity to all necessary consumers. And finally, you should take into account the climatic conditions of the area in which you plan to install the generator, and find a place where it will stand. It can be indoors or outdoors. And in accordance with this, it will be possible to choose the type of DGU.