Do-it-yourself installation of heating boilers: a general installation and configuration scheme

Do-it-yourself installation of heating boilers: a general installation and configuration scheme
Do-it-yourself installation of heating boilers: a general installation and configuration scheme

The installation of heating boilers quite often today helps homeowners solve the problem of hot water supply, as well as the lack of central heating. To do this, you can purchase one of two types of boilers, namely double-circuit or single-circuit. In the latter case, the equipment provides only one of the possible processes, it may be the ability to use heating.

If we are talking about a double-circuit boiler, then the owners of the house will also be able to use hot water. To install the boiler, you will need certain skills and knowledge. The master will have to comply with the installation standards for such equipment. The operation of any gas appliance carries risks, so you must strictly follow fire safety regulations.

Installation rules

installation of heating boilers
installation of heating boilers

Installation of heating boilers can be made only after the conclusion of a contract for the supply of natural gas. The design of the installation must be agreed, as regards the technical conditions. Theseissues should be resolved with representatives of the gas service. The license is used to develop project documentation. Installation work must be carried out by specialists of the installation organization. The heating system is pressurized to an indicator of 1.8 atmospheres, after which the system is deaerated, the connections are checked for leaks. The operation of the boiler provides for the presence of a voltage stabilizer. In no case should antifreeze be allowed to mix with heating water, as this may cause the seals to be damaged. You will end up with leaks in the heating system.

Requirements for furnace

installation of gas heating boilers
installation of gas heating boilers

Before you install heating boilers, you must make sure that the room meets certain standards and requirements. If you live in a private house, then the boiler room or furnace can be located on any floor, it can be a basement, attic, roof space or basement. Restrictions apply to premises that have a residential purpose. Among other things, it is forbidden to have equipment in the bathroom and bathroom.

Installation of heating boilers should be carried out after calculating the volume of the room, which takes into account the thermal power of the equipment, as well as water heaters of any type. Thus, if the total thermal power does not exceed 30 kilowatts, then the volume of the room can be 7.5 m3. If the first indicator increases to 60 kilowatts, then the volume of the room should be 13.5m3. With a heat output of 60 to 200 kilowatts, the volume of the furnace room should be increased to 15 cubic meters.

For reference

home heating boiler installation
home heating boiler installation

If you decide to install gas heating boilers, you must remember that there are some exceptions. They lie in the fact that the boiler may have a closed combustion chamber. In this case, the volume of the boiler room is not standardized, the room may not have a window with access to the outside.


installation of heating boilers in a private house
installation of heating boilers in a private house

A ventilation system should be provided for air intake and exhaust. If you purchased a boiler with an indicator of 23.3 kilowatts, then 2.5 m3 of gas will go out within an hour. For residue-free combustion of this volume, 30 m3 of air per hour will be required. With an insufficient amount of oxygen, the gas will not burn completely, this will cause the formation and accumulation of a harmful substance, its breathing can have an extremely negative effect on a person's condition.

If the gas enters the lungs within 15 minutes, death may occur. This indicates the need for air to enter from outside and from other rooms. This can be ensured by the presence of a gap, it should be located in the gap between the floor surface and the door leaf. What gap can be replaced with a grill in the doors. Installation of home heating boilers is carried out at a distance of 10 centimeters from the wall, its surface should be made of non-combustible material. If there is none, thenrefractory protection should be installed.

Features of installation work

installation of boilers and heating systems
installation of boilers and heating systems

It is important to consider that special requirements apply to the area of the room where the boiler will be located. This figure should not be less than 4 m2, while the ceilings should be higher than 2.5 m. When designing the room, it should be borne in mind that the width of the door that leads to the boiler room should be 80 cm or more. When installing heating boilers in a private house, you must install the equipment in such a way that it is lit through the opening in a natural way. For every 10 m2 of room, there should be about 0.3 square meters of window. The room should be well ventilated, this is due to the fact that gas combustion is ensured by a constant supply of fresh air. The area of the hole for the inflow of oxygen should be equal to 8 centimeters square per 1 kilowatt of power of the unit.

Requirements for gas pipeline and chimney

do-it-yourself heating boiler installation
do-it-yourself heating boiler installation

When installing boilers and heating systems, it is important to consider that the pipe elements of the gas pipeline system must be made exclusively of metal. The use of flexible hoses is permissible only when there is a need to connect individual consumers. When choosing the section of the chimney, it should be taken into account that it must correspond to the power of the installation. If this indicator is equivalent to 30 kilowatts, then the diameter should be 130 millimeters. If athe power increases to 40 kilowatts, then the diameter of the chimney is 170 millimeters. A smaller cross-sectional area of the chimney in relation to the cross-section of the hole for installing the chimney is unacceptable. The uppermost end of this knot should be brought out 0.5 meters above the ridge.

Features of installing a wall-mounted gas boiler

heating boiler installation diagram
heating boiler installation diagram

If you will be installing a heating boiler with your own hands, then you must consider what equipment is in front of you - wall or floor. If we are talking about the first option, then this will allow the master to equip an autonomous heating system even in a house that is equipped with central heating. Such equipment is not too demanding on free space, it can even be installed above other appliances that are on the floor. That is why wall-mounted boilers are quite often installed in a cascade. This is very convenient if there is a need for high power.

The installation of such a boiler should be carried out by separating it 20 centimeters from other appliances and flammable materials. Taking into account the model and power of the boiler, it is necessary to determine the distance between it and the wall surface, this figure can vary from 30 to 50 cm. Experts do not advise placing the unit for heating a private house in the opening between the walls, it is unacceptable to install it in the immediate vicinity of the window.

Expert Tips

Before starting work, you must definitely study the installation diagram of the heating boiler, this will eliminate many errors. howonce a place has been chosen, the boiler must be checked for completeness. Before installation, all pipes of the boiler are washed with water, which also applies to the pipes of the heating system. This will eliminate foreign particles that may have entered the equipment during assembly at the factory. The base on which the unit is supposed to be installed must be 0.8 meters from the floor. This figure is the minimum. The wall should be as flat as possible and strong enough to bear the weight of the unit and related appliances. If there is a combustible material surface, a non-combustible material gasket must be fixed to the base, the thickness of which should be equal to 3 millimeters or more. In this case, the unit is fixed at a distance of 4.5 centimeters from the wall.


In order to prevent clogging of the equipment heat exchanger, it is recommended to install an angle strainer at the coolant inlet, on both sides of which ball valves are installed. This simplifies further maintenance and repair work.
