Factors affecting the degree of electric shock: safety precautions, degrees of injury, first aid

Factors affecting the degree of electric shock: safety precautions, degrees of injury, first aid
Factors affecting the degree of electric shock: safety precautions, degrees of injury, first aid

Electrical shock can occur both at work and in everyday activities. The risk of injury will directly depend on the degree of electric shock. Most often, such a defeat is received by representatives of professions related to electrics, but sometimes it also happens that the current negatively affects the human body in everyday life. To avoid unpleasant consequences and death, it is important to remember how to provide first aid to the patient and alleviate his condition before the arrival of professionals.

Causes of electric shock

If the defeat happened due to an unfortunate coincidence, then the main reasons may be:

  • not knowing or not following the basic safety rules when working with electrical appliances;
  • break in wires of high-voltage lines.
Causes of electric shock
Causes of electric shock

The following factors affect the degree of electric shock:

  • electrical passage methodcurrent through the human body;
  • strength and voltage level;
  • duration of exposure to the body;
  • age of affected person;
  • general condition of the body, systems and organs;
  • quality of first aid for electric shock.

Main types of electrical injuries

The type of injury received will depend on the degree of electric shock to a person. The main types of injuries include:

  1. Electric burn is the most common injury. There are three main types of trauma. Contact form - in direct contact with a voltage source; electric current passes through the whole body of the patient. Arc lesion - the current does not pass through the entire body of the patient, but acts on him with an electric arc. The last type is considered a mixed lesion, which is distinguished by the combination of the contact and arc forms.
  2. Electroophthalmia. An electric arc provokes powerful radiation of ultraviolet rays, which leads to radiation and burns to the eyes. From this effect on the conjunctiva of the eye, an inflammatory process develops in a short time. To prevent such a state from happening, it is important to use specialized protection against electric shock, as well as follow the basic rules for working with its sources.
  3. Metalization. In this condition, metal particles penetrate the skin, which are melted under the influence of an electric current. These are small elements that penetrate the outer layers of the skin, especially in open areas of the body. It should be remembered that this condition is notmay lead to death. Soon, the unpleasant signs of damage will pass, the skin condition will recover, its color will normalize and the pain syndrome will go away.
  4. Electric signs. Chemical and thermal action that provokes the formation of peculiar symbols on the body with pronounced boundaries and color from gray to yellow. Such symbols can be of various shapes (from round to oval), as well as lines and dots. On the skin in this area of the body, necrosis begins to actively develop. As a result, due to the necrosis of the outer layers, the skin becomes hard. This condition after a certain period of time passes due to skin regeneration. The skin regains its natural color and elasticity.
  5. Mechanical damage to the skin. This condition appears with prolonged exposure to electric current on the human body. It leads to rupture of ligaments, muscles, as a result of strong muscle tension. In addition, a person can get injured in the neurovascular bundle. Sometimes severe injuries (eg, fractures and complete dislocations) can occur. If first aid in case of an electric shock was provided too late or the effect of the current was too long, then a fatal outcome cannot be ruled out.
Types of electrical injuries
Types of electrical injuries

How to give first aid?

First aid technique will depend on the degree of danger of electric shock to a person. Start providing first aid to a person in case of electric shockprohibited without observing basic safety rules - first of all, it is important to exclude the effect of current on the rescuer.

First aid
First aid

For proper assistance, you need to follow the following instructions:

  • turn off the electrical installation or part of it that affects the patient;
  • if it is impossible to turn off the current source, it is important to remember that the step voltage and the patient's body are dangerous for the rescuer;
  • if the voltage indicator is less than 400 V, then you can drag the patient from the place of injury by dry clothes, it is important to remember that it is extremely dangerous to touch open parts of the body, wet clothes, and the victim’s shoes;
  • to protect your body from current discharges, it is important to use galoshes, dielectric gloves, mats and special stands when rescuing the victim;
  • if there is a conductor with current in the patient's hand, then it should be cut with a sharp object, the handles of which are made of plastic or other material with insulating properties;
  • if the voltage exceeds 1000 V, then the patient must be rescued using a special insulating rod and tongs, while it is important to follow the instructions for their use;
  • under the victim who has fallen from electric shock, you should carefully slip dry plywood or a board on your own, which will help protect his body from contact with the electrified surface of the earth.

Degree of protection against electric shock

After removing the source of exposurecurrent, it is important to determine the condition of the victim, and then draw up a first aid plan. To do this, follow the following rules:

  • if a person has not lost consciousness from an electric shock, then he should be given time to fully rest from the event;
  • in the presence of injuries, for example, bruises, burns and fractures, first aid should be provided even before the ambulance arrives, if this is not possible, then it is important to deliver the patient to the clinic as soon as possible.

Actions in case of loss of consciousness

If an electric shock victim has lost consciousness, it is important to adhere to the following first aid rules:

  • If the patient is breathing, then first put him on a soft bedding (plaid or blanket).
  • Remove all excess, pressing clothes: loosen the belt or unbutton the collar of the shirt.
  • It is important to eliminate blood and accumulated mucus from the mouth.
  • Get the patient fresh air.
  • Try to revive the patient with ammonia.
  • The face should be moistened with liquid.
  • Next, rub the human body and wrap things.

If there are no signs of life

First aid for an electric shock to a person without a pulse, with dilated pupils, intermittent or absent breathing, will be:

  • Freeing the chest from excess, restrictive clothing.
  • Eliminating everything unnecessary from the oral cavity.
  • Having a self-massagehearts.
  • If not breathing, perform CPR.


It often happens that in case of electric shock, the victim has to perform artificial respiration. To do this, use a special portable device RPA-1.

It is with its help that the lungs are ventilated through the rubber tube in the device and a mask put on the patient's face. In one use, the device is able to pump air up to 1 liter.

First aid for electric shock should be done as follows:

  • put the patient on his back;
  • eliminate excess mucus and saliva from the mouth;
  • insert a special air duct, during such a procedure it is important to ensure that the ventilation of the lungs does not interfere with the tongue;
  • putting on a mask;
  • with the help of belts fix the volume of fur;
  • when the fur is stretched, air from the atmosphere is added to it;
  • when compressed, air is pumped into the respiratory tract;
  • passive exhalation occurs through the breathing valve on the device when the fur is subsequently filled with air.

In the absence of a special device, ventilation should be carried out through the nose or mouth.

Electric shock severity parameters

The degree of danger of electric shock directly depends on many factors, the main of which include: the magnitude of the electric current, the time of action on the human body, the magnitude of the voltage actingon the body, the frequency and type of current, the path of electrical resistance through the human body, the psychological and physical state of the body, individual properties, general condition and environmental features (air temperature, humidity index, gas contamination and dustiness). There are several main factors that affect the degree of electric shock.

Severity of electric shock
Severity of electric shock


What determines the degree of electric shock? A person begins to feel an alternating current of industrial frequency (about 50 Hz) passing through the body from the minimum values, with an increase in the current strength, the strength of its negative action increases:

  • 2-3 mA - the victim has a strong trembling of the fingers;
  • 5-7 mA - severe convulsions and pain in the hands are recorded;
  • 8-10 mA - pain that spreads to the entire limb and provokes the appearance of convulsive contractions of the muscles of the hand and forearm;
  • 10-15 mA - arm muscle spasms only increase, a person cannot control them and even get rid of the current conductor;
  • 20-25 mA - problems with the functioning of the heart system and lungs begin, with prolonged exposure to such a current on the human body, even cardiac arrest or a sudden cessation of respiratory activity can occur;
  • above 100 mA - the current passing through the human body provokes heart fibrillation - convulsive non-rhythmic contractions of the heart (blood pumping by the heart stops);
  • more5A results in immediate cardiac arrest, no fibrillation condition.
Current strength
Current strength

The strength of the current in determining the factors affecting the degree of electric shock will depend on the strength of the voltage and the resistance of the body of the victim. The higher the voltage and the lower the resistance of the body, the stronger the effect of current on the body.

The most dangerous places where current can flow are vital organs (lungs, brain and heart) - head, limbs, chest.

Current frequency

Another factor that determines the degree of electric shock is its frequency. The optimal industrial frequency mark is 50 Hz. Direct current and high frequency current is very dangerous for the body, it also has high thresholds.

At a voltage of 500 V, alternating current is considered more dangerous. At voltages above 500 V, direct current is considered the most dangerous.

Current frequency
Current frequency

Exposure time also affects the risk of electric shock. With an increase in the duration of exposure, the risk of death or serious complications in the restoration of a person's condition increases significantly. The most dangerous duration of current exposure is considered to be one second or more.

Factors on the degree of electric shock will also depend on the individual situation. There have been recorded cases of death of people from a weak current under a voltage of only 12 V and a successful outcome when exposed tovoltage up to 1000 V. All this will depend on the individual state of the nervous system and the physical development of the victim.

Indoor safety

A number of hazardous production factors that affect the degree of electric shock include elevated voltage levels in the electrical circuit, upon closing of which the current can pass through the human body at an elevated level. A high-risk room can be described by the presence of certain dangerous conditions in it, which include:

  • Dampness. At the same time, the relative humidity of the air constantly exceeds 75 percent (such rooms are damp), or in the presence of conductive (coal, metal) in it.
  • Heat temperature. The indoor air temperature exceeds 35 degrees Celsius for a long time.
  • Conductive floor (made of metal, reinforced concrete, earth or brick material).
Indoor safety
Indoor safety

Particularly dangerous are rooms in which the humidity of the air reaches 100 percent. But it is important to remember that even rooms in which there are no factors that affect the degree of electric shock are not safe. It is important that a special grounding device is always installed near the power source. It is a collection of metal conductors that are in contact with the ground and ground the conductor connecting the grounded parts of the electrical device to the ground electrode. A person must protect himself as much as possible from injury.electric shock, as it is considered quite dangerous and can lead to death.
