Unscented laundry detergents: washing quality, composition description, tips and tricks for use

Unscented laundry detergents: washing quality, composition description, tips and tricks for use
Unscented laundry detergents: washing quality, composition description, tips and tricks for use

Babies, allergies, asthmatics - these are the groups of people for whom low-quality goods can be fatal. As a result, the choice of household chemicals, and most often washing powder, takes a lot of time. The most suitable in this case are odorless and phosphate washing powders. The best of them are presented in this article.

Rating of unscented washing powders

Supermarkets offer a wide range of washing powders. They come in a variety of types, but not all are hypoallergenic. Unscented washing powder should be chosen among these representatives:

  1. BIOMIO - environmentally friendly powder, after which things do not smell at all.
  2. Garden - odorless eco-friendly laundry detergent. A universal helper for any housewife.
  3. Frosch - German quality product at a reasonable price.
  4. Faberlic - premium quality concentrated odorless washing powder (automatic). Suitable for hand washing.
  5. "Nanny" is a laundry detergent sensitively caring for the cleanliness of baby clothes.
  6. "Our Mom" is a good laundry detergent with a quality composition and no smell.
  7. Tobbi kids is the only one of all the presented powders with phosphates in the composition. This element is contained in the product in an acceptable amount.

To choose which odorless washing powder is suitable in each case, their detailed description will help. Prices, advantages, disadvantages are presented in the following paragraphs. There are also reviews of unscented laundry detergents.


BIOMIO is by far the best unscented laundry detergent for kids. It contains no trace of phosphates. Its undoubted advantage is its high concentration. This allows you to spend the tool extremely economically. During the washing process, BIOMIO is completely washed out and does not leave its components on the products. It not only erases products with high quality, but also removes stubborn stains. This washing powder goes on sale in a volume of 1.5 kg. The price of this package is an average of 550 rubles. Despite the huge number of advantages, BIOMIO has one drawback - the presence of zeolites in the composition. As for the reviews, they are mostly positive. Users note that the powder does an excellent job of removing baby food stains and does not have an obsessive odor. Many of the disadvantages of BIOMIO include its inability to wash perennial stains.

unscented laundry detergents
unscented laundry detergents


In the pursuit of natural washing powder, many decide to try Garden. The reason is simply the ideal composition of this washing powder. Phosphates and zeolites were not even close to him, so many women call this remedy ideal in its composition. But, unfortunately, the quality of a product is determined not only by its composition. Of course, all housewives care about the result of washing. So, according to the reviews of women using this odorless washing powder, Garden washes rather weakly. The powder is ideal for everyday washing of lightly soiled items with fresh, unstable stains. Unfortunately, he is not able to remove old stains. As for efficiency, Garden washing powder is not peculiar to it either. Many housewives note the high consumption of this tool. In stores, this washing powder is presented in a package weighing 1.35 kg. Its price is approximately 450 rudders. Almost all housewives who wash Garden note that it has no smell, but still there are those who felt some kind of soapy aroma. In this regard, people with a serious intolerance to any new smells should use it with caution.

odorless washing powders reviews
odorless washing powders reviews


Another favorite of eco-housewives. Women stop their choice on it primarily because of the good composition. The most important thing is that it does not contain phosphates and optical brighteners. But still, the composition of the Frosch powder is not ideal. Enzymes, zeolites and cosmetic dyes are contained in it, albeit in a small amount.quantity. Perhaps it is their presence that leads to an excellent washing of things using this tool.

Frosch - odorless washing powder. At least not a single hostess has been able to feel it yet. It is just perfect for baby washing, as it is hypoallergenic. In stores, it is most often found in the amount of 1.35 kg at a price of 500 rubles. This package is designed for more than twenty washings. Thus, the price of one wash is approximately 25 rubles. On average, the cost of washing with a powder with a more harmful composition is 22 rubles. Therefore, washing with Frosch powder is also quite economical and affordable. Reviews about him are practically always laudatory. Mistresses note its wonderful washing and whitening function, as well as the absence of smell.

hypoallergenic unscented laundry detergent
hypoallergenic unscented laundry detergent


This concentrate did not accidentally fall in love with more than one hostess. Its composition is characterized by the absence of phosphates, fragrances, dyes and other "chemistry". The product perfectly removes even old stains, which makes it ideal for washing both children's and adult clothes. Due to its high concentration, you have to spend quite a bit of Faberlic powder per wash. As a result, its consumption is very economical. It is worth noting that the product not only washes well, but also rinses out perfectly. As for the smell, the powder has it, but not too aggressive. Faberlic washing powder also has disadvantages, although in smaller quantities. The point is that inits composition indicates the presence of chemicals such as zeolites. Optical brightener is also available here.

The hostess will not be able to just go to the store and buy this product for herself. The fact is that this brand is a network and distributes its products according to the catalog. Thus, to purchase Faberlic powder, you need to be patient. But many women note that the wait is worth it. By purchasing this tool, the buyer receives a high quality product at an affordable price. The average price per kilogram of powder is 330 rubles. Both machine and hand wash is possible. You can use the product in water of any hardness and at a temperature of 30 degrees.

best unscented laundry detergent
best unscented laundry detergent


Special baby powders are the most purchased among new mothers. So, the "Nanny" detergent, ideal in composition, has long established itself among them. The composition of the powder is just perfect, as it does not contain any "chemistry", including phosphates. You can use it from the first days of a child's life. It is worth noting its hypoallergenicity. The undoubted advantage of the "Nanny" is its pleasant cost. 400 grams of powder cost only 65 rubles. But his expense is rather big, which does not always allow saving. In terms of the quality of washing, the product can be called good, although it still cannot cope with old stains. Yes, and there is a laundry detergent "Nanny" on store shelves is not often. Because his fansyou have to literally hunt him. But, judging by the reviews, chasing him is worth it. Many believe that for such a price he simply has no equal. As for the conditions, the product can be used both for a typewriter and for hand washing. It works in water of any hardness and at different water temperatures.

washing powder babysitter
washing powder babysitter

Our mother

As a rule, powders created for washing children's clothes have the highest quality composition. Powder "Our Mom" - just like that. It contains only a few enzymes. No other components of chemical origin were found in the composition of this washing powder. The tool perfectly relieves clothes of stains of various origins, and does not leave any smell behind. The undoubted advantage of the powder "Our Mother" is its presence on the shelves of all children's stores. You can buy it at a price not exceeding five hundred rubles for nine hundred grams.

Despite a wide range of obvious advantages, the powder has a couple of significant drawbacks. So, it is not very convenient to use due to the not very suitable consistency - chips. The chip format makes the washing powder poorly soluble.

what kind of laundry detergent is unscented
what kind of laundry detergent is unscented

The product is sold in children's stores at a price of five hundred rubles per kilogram. Washes things equally well both in hand washing and machine washing. It is based on coconut and palm oils. This product is recommended for both cotton items andfor synthetic.

Tobbi kids

When buying baby powder, mothers first of all pay attention to the absence of phosphates in its composition. Tobbi kids powder contains them. But this is not at all a reason to refuse this washing powder, since this chemical element is contained here within the normal range. For those who are allergic to this component, it is better not to try the remedy. For babies, Tobbi kids powder is usually suitable, as it has a good composition and does not have a strong odor. These components allow you to provide maximum comfort for the baby. As for other chemical components - fragrances, enzymes and others, they are not here. Regarding the quality of washing things, this powder has quite good parameters. It removes stains from gouache, baby food and other stubborn dirt with a bang. The basis for this product is natural soap. According to reviews of this tool, it is a real sensation. Many mothers noted that there is not a single odorless washing powder with the best composition and washing properties at the same time. The price, it is worth noting, is very loyal for the powder of this brand.

laundry detergent without odor and phosphates
laundry detergent without odor and phosphates

Features of using phosphate-free powders

The use of such funds has several important conditions:

  • They must not be used with chlorine bleach.
  • Follow exactly the dosage indicated on the powder package.
  • Pre-concentrated Phosphate-Free Laundry Detergentspowders must be diluted in hot water.

If you follow these rules, washing with phosphate-free and odorless washing powder will bring real pleasure.
