Syngonium stalk-leaved: photo and description, home care

Syngonium stalk-leaved: photo and description, home care
Syngonium stalk-leaved: photo and description, home care

If you want to grow a sprawling vine at home, then pay attention to the leg-leaved syngonium. This attractive culture fits into any interior and reaches a decent size in a short time. In addition, the liana is unpretentious, and even an inexperienced grower can take care of it.

syngonium plant
syngonium plant


Syngonium leg-leaved, the photo of which is given in the article, belongs to the aroid family. This perennial spreading liana in its natural environment is found in the tropical forests of Central and South America. This type of syngonium got its name for large leaves resembling a human foot in shape. They reach up to 10 cm wide and about 30 cm long.

In its natural environment, the vine grows to colossal sizes, but at home, its size is a little more modest. In any case, the vine adds up to 60 cm in length per year, which makes it possible to plant greenery in an inconspicuous corner or hide apartment defects in a short time.

syngonium foot care at home
syngonium foot care at home

Home care

Stem-leaved syngonium is an unpretentious plant, and its cultivation does not take much time and effort. The main thing is to create the optimal temperature and humidity and choose a good place for the vine. The rest of the care of the liana consists in regular watering, periodic top dressing and a planned transplant.


Like most tropical plants, the stalk-leaved syngonium loves warmth. Therefore, keep the temperature in the room with it within + 23 … + 25 ° C. In winter, cooler conditions are allowed, because at this time the creeper has a dormant period. But it should be borne in mind that the temperature of +16 ° C is critical for the plant.

syngonium foot-leaved photo
syngonium foot-leaved photo


Syngonium refers to light-loving plants, but direct sunlight is contraindicated for it. Therefore, choose places with bright but diffused light. The ideal choice would be the east or west window sill. If desired, you can grow a liana near the south window, but in this case, do not forget to shade the plant from the sun's rays at noon.

On the north side of the room, the creeper will lack light, and although it will adapt to such conditions, it will negatively affect the decorative effect. Indeed, from the lack of sun, the color of the leaves of the culture fades significantly. Therefore, when growing vines on the north side, it is desirable to provide it with additional illumination with a phytolamp. In addition, the plant may also need artificial lighting in winter, when the day is too short and it is


Syngonium legumifolia calmly tolerates the dry air of the apartment. But still, in the heat and winter, when the central heating is turned on, it is advisable to regularly spray the foliage of the vine with warm water from a spray bottle, and also wipe it from dust. And in the summer this procedure is recommended to be carried out daily. In addition, it is useful to place water containers near the plant, as well as cover the batteries with wet towels.


Syngonium is a very moisture-loving plant, it needs regular and plentiful watering. Therefore, do not forget to moisten the soil as soon as its top layer dries. As a rule, in summer the plant needs to be watered 3-4 times a week, in winter - once every 6-7 days. If you keep a flower in a cool room where the temperature drops below +20 ° C, then minimize moisture, otherwise the roots of the plant will rot.

Syngonium does not impose special requirements on water quality. But still, it is advisable to moisten it with soft, filtered and settled water.


Syngonium leg-leaved can do without fertilizers. But it is advisable to feed the vine, especially if you do not transplant it. Fertilize once every two weeks from April to October. For these purposes, use complex mineral compositions intended for decorative leafy plants.


syngonium foot care
syngonium foot care

With proper care, the stalk-leaved syngonium grows rapidly, and it becomes cramped in an old pot. In addition, over time, the plant draws out all the usefulsubstances from the soil, and no top dressing can save you from this. Therefore, the vine needs periodic transplantation. For young crops, do this event every year, repot adults when roots begin to bulge out of the drainage hole.

Start transplanting in early spring, then the syngonium will more easily endure the stress of the procedure. For creepers, a universal mixture designed for decorative and deciduous plants is suitable. If you want to make the substrate yourself, then mix the following components in equal proportions:

  • leaf land;
  • turf soil;
  • sand;
  • peat.

Be sure to disinfect the mixture to destroy pathogens and pests that live in the soil. And also do not forget to put a thick layer of drainage on the bottom of the new pot. For these purposes, use pebbles, expanded clay or broken bricks.

Transplant itself using the transshipment method, trying not to destroy the old earthen ball and not damage the roots. The first time after the procedure, it is desirable to provide the liana with gentle care.


Syngonium foot-leaved is easily propagated by cuttings. For these purposes, choose apical shoots and cut them in such a way that at least one growth point is present on the blanks. Then plant the cuttings in a peat-sand mixture and place the planting in a warm, bright place where the direct rays of the sun do not fall. In order for the plants to take root, regularly spray the soil and maintain a temperature of +24 … +26 ° C. The cuttings will take root in two months, after this periodtransplant the young vines into individual pots and give them the usual care.


Sometimes the liana is attacked by pests such as aphids, spider mites, scale insects. Due to the activity of these insects, the leaves begin to deform and fall off. And if you notice signs of parasites, then treat the syngonium with soapy water. If this does not help, then use an insecticide, such as Aktara or Actellik.

Syngonium legumifolia is it possible to keep at home
Syngonium legumifolia is it possible to keep at home


Syngonium foot-leaved - a plant with strong immunity, and diseases are not terrible for him. But with frequent mistakes in care, the vine begins to "act up". And sometimes flower growers face such problems:

  • Rotting stems. This leads to excessive watering of the plant in combination with a low temperature. And most often this problem occurs in winter. To avoid this, keep the syngonium in a warm room and reduce watering.
  • The leaves are turning yellow. So the plant signals a lack of nutrients. Feed the creeper and it will restore color.
  • Dark spots appear on the tips of the leaves. Too dry conditions lead to this phenomenon. To remedy the situation, place containers of water next to the vine and do not forget to spray the foliage regularly.
  • The leaves turned pale, the shine disappeared. A similar phenomenon occurs due to high humidity, as well as excessive watering. Normalize irrigation and the plant will recover.
syngonium leaves
syngonium leaves

Signs and superstitions

SThis attractive plant is associated with several signs and superstitions. And many flower growers are wondering: is it possible to keep a stalk-leaved syngonium at home? Answer: it is possible and even necessary. This attractive vine perfectly purifies indoor air and absorbs impurities from formaldehyde, xylene and other hazardous substances. In addition, the leaves of the plant saturate the air with the necessary oxygen.

If you choose a flower according to signs, then it is useful for you to know that the syngonium improves the he alth of its owner and can even fight incurable ailments. In addition, it helps the owner get rid of bad habits, and also stimulates physical and mental development. This creeper also improves sleep and relieves nightmares.

As for the rumors that the syngonium survives men from the house and its mistresses remain alone forever, they are not confirmed by anything. And quite a few women who love and grow this vine are happily married.
