Exquisite syngonium flower with unusual leaves on long petioles, which, when closed, form a magnificent cascade, looks great in any interior. If its stems do not have suitable support, then the plant grows as a ground cover or freely hanging its long shoots, like an ampelous one. But as soon as the stems feel vertical support, the shoots will rush up.
In this article we will talk about the types and varieties of this plant, answer the frequently asked question "Is it possible to keep syngonium at home?" and discuss how to care for him.

Description of the plant
Syngonium, the photo of which you can see in this article, is a fast-growing beautiful vine with numerous beautiful leaves. The plant belongs to the aroid family, which includes 33 species. Under natural conditions, they are common in Central and South America.
The flexible grassy trunk has numerous aerial roots. ATindoor floriculture liana can reach 1.8 meters. Numerous leaves are attached to long petioles. Closing together, they form a continuous magnificent cascade.
Leaves can be arrow-shaped, heart-shaped, tripartite, spear-shaped. Young leaf plates are whole, but over time they are dissected, forming lobes. The syngonium leaf can have a variety of colors: monochromatic - various shades of green, sometimes almost white or pink, variegated with spots, strokes and silver veins.

The root system of a flower is nourishing and scototropic (aerial) roots. Using air formations, the plant clings to the soil, firmly held on a support. From each node, one rather long nourishing root appears, which the plant needs to provide itself with useful substances. Unlike aerial ones, the feeding root is much larger in size and departs from the stem at a slight angle.
Even for experienced flower growers, the appearance of a syngonium flower can be a real surprise, since this is a rather rare occurrence when keeping a plant at home. It is a green ear with male and female flowers that have a pale pink or red bract in the form of a veil that almost completely covers the ear.
The bract is shaped like a hood or a half-folded scroll. Male flowers, as a rule, are located in the larger, upper part of the cob, and female flowers at its base. Syngonium blooms innatural conditions in late spring. The plant is cross pollinated. The female flowers open first, followed by the male flowers. After pollination, ovoid or cylindrical fruits with a strong aroma appear on the plant. They contain up to 100 seeds. Animals, birds and animals feed on the fruits, carrying them over fairly long distances.

Syngonium in the house
Quite often, novice gardeners are interested in whether it is possible to keep a syngonium at home. This question does not arise by chance. Indeed, this flower is toxic, so children and pets should not be allowed to come into contact with it. All work with the plant must be carried out with gloves.
Throughout the history of the cultivation of the plant, many signs and superstitions have appeared. Since the vine is a native of tropical forests, it reacts sharply to high humidity. This can be seen in the small droplets of moisture on the tips of the leaves. Because of this, the syngonium is often called the "weather forecaster" - as soon as drops appear on the leaves, it can be argued that rain is approaching. True, such a reaction of the plant may indicate an excess of moisture in the soil.
In the distant past, the syngonium, like other types of vines, was considered to be a "husband". However, over time, this belief was recognized as just a prejudice.
Plant species
Despite the existence of 33 species of this plant in nature, only three types of syngonium are common in indoor floriculture:
- Syngonium leg-leaved (S. podophyllum). This flower with graceful stems innaturally grows in Central America. Quite large (up to 13 cm) leaves, located on long petioles, densely cover the shoots. In a young flower, they are spear-shaped, and in an adult they become palmate, with a maximum dissection of up to 11 lobes.
- Pixie. A small, variegated syngonium with white veins on the leaf blades. The leaves are glossy, shaped like a heart-shaped elongated ellipse with a characteristic color - with bright green veins.
Syngonium eared (S. auritum). This species has thin, no more than two and a half centimeters in diameter, climbing shoots, reaching 1.8 m in length. Internodes, from which aerial roots and large leaves appear, are located close to each other on the stems. The species got its name due to the structure of the leaves: each green leaf, which is attached to a long petiole, has two processes at the base. They are shaped like ears. The length of the leaves varies from 6 to 20 cm (depending on the variety). Their surfaces are shiny, with a thin wax coating.

Common varieties
Based on these species, numerous varieties of syngonium were bred. We list and briefly describe the most popular ones.
Wendland (S. Wendlandii)
Large climbing vine. Its velvety, dark green colored leaves look very impressive. The variety was imported from Costa Rica. On petioles, the length of which can exceed 30 cm, leaves appear with a main vein that shimmers with silver.
Butterfly (S. WhiteButterfly)
Perhaps this is one of the most common varieties. A plant with large spear-shaped leaves with a thin cobweb of veins, painted in light colors. The species is undemanding in care, it breeds at any time of the year.
Very rare and unusual variety, each leaf of which has a unique color. Against the background of other varieties, Confetti stands out for its leaves - bright green arrow-shaped plates are decorated with yellow and pink dots. The leaves of the plant transform depending on age - in young plants they are arrow-shaped, in adults - clearly distinguishable lobes resembling irregularly shaped stars with elongated rays.
Syngonium pink (S. Neon Pink)
The magnificent syngonium, the photo of which you can see below, has pinkish heart-shaped leaves (sometimes with a salad-colored border). Interestingly, in a young plant, leaf plates are bright pink, which turn pale over time, pink veins become more clearly visible. Among gardeners, another name for this variety is common - Neon syngonium.

Necessary conditions for growing a flower: choosing a place
Syngonium - a flower that develops beautifully, being in a light or slightly shaded place. In winter, the plant feels more comfortable on a bright windowsill at a temperature not lower than +16 °C.
In the warm season, the syngonium needs abundant watering, but it is important to ensure that moisture does not stagnate in the pot. Moisturizing is necessary only afterafter the topsoil dries out. Remove excess water from the tray after a while.
In winter, watering is carried out after drying by 1-2 cm of an earthen coma. Liana is quite enough moderate humidity. On hot summer days, it is necessary to spray the plant daily, sometimes it is recommended to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. In winter, it is better to place the plant further away from heating appliances. Spraying is not carried out. For watering and spraying the syngonium flower, use settled water at room temperature.
Features of care
These plants do not tolerate direct sunlight, preferring indirect lighting. They can be grown on east and west window sills, and even near a north window. All varieties with solid green leaves grow especially well in partial shade, but excess sunlight provokes pale leaves.

Syngonium must be fed every 2-3 weeks in summer and spring with mineral liquid fertilizers with a low calcium content. In winter, top dressing is stopped.
Plant supports
To enhance the decorativeness of the syngonium, it is recommended to make a support. For this, a moss tube is most often used. The support for the plant is installed when the plant is transplanted into the center of the pot, then drainage is poured, and then a third of the earth. The plant is placed in a pot, having previously spread all the roots well, fill the ground in a circle and lightly press the soil.
Crown formation
If you don't want tothe flower grew too much, and you plan to grow a syngonium in the form of a compact bush with thick leaves, it is necessary to include pinching the flower over the 6th leaf in the care of the plant. This procedure will cause the emergence of new side shoots. The same should be done with them: pinch the growth point when there are 6 leaves on the stem.
Plants under the age of three are transplanted every year, adults - once every three years. The soil mixture for transplanting the syngonium needs to be slightly acidic (pH 6-7) or neutral, well permeable and loose. The mixture is made up of leafy, soddy soil, peat - 1 part each, and sand - ½ part. First, drainage should be poured into the bottom of the pot with a layer of about three centimeters.

Room syngonium can be propagated by cuttings or pieces of shoot. If the shoot is divided, then it must have a kidney on it. Root it in a separate container at a temperature of +26 ° C. After rooting, young plants are planted in pots with a diameter of no more than 9 cm.
In the second case, the apical shoot 5-7 cm long is cut off with a sharp disinfected knife, the place of the cut on the mother plant is treated with crushed charcoal. The cut of the cutting is treated with a root growth stimulator and placed in a loose nutrient mixture, covered with a glass jar to create a greenhouse effect. Rooting occurs within a month.
This plant is quite rarely attacked by pests. The most dangerous for him are aphids and scale insects. Aphids infect the leaves from the back, as well as the tops of the shoots. Affected areas become discolored, leaves turn yellow, curl, and then fall off.
This scourge should be fought by spraying the plants with Actellik, Intavir, Fitoverm. In case of severe damage, the treatment is repeated.
Scale insects populate the stems and leaves of the plant on both sides. The syngonium stops growing, its leaves dry and fall off. To combat the scale insect, it is necessary to spray the plant with an Actellik solution (10 drops per half liter of water).
The appearance of thrips is promoted by too high air temperature, as well as its dryness. Thrips forms numerous colonies on the back of the leaf, light dots appear on the upper side of the leaf plate. As a result, it acquires a grayish brown color with a silvery sheen.
The plant should be sprayed with insecticides ("Fitoverm", "Aktara", "Intavir"), if necessary - repeatedly.
Possible growing problems
Each houseplant with its appearance informs the owner about emerging problems. Carefully monitor the condition of the flower - and you can prevent many serious diseases of the plant:
- If the tips of the leaves have dried up and turned brown, the air in the room must be moistened. Spray the plant and the air around it.
- Leaves turn pale and lose their luster due to excessively high air humidity or abundant watering.
- If the newly emerging leaves are smaller than the old ones, this means that the plant is experiencing an acute shortagelighting or nutrients in the soil.
- The leaves of the variegated syngonium forms that have become green also lose their color due to lack of light.