How to join the SRO: procedure, documents and fees

How to join the SRO: procedure, documents and fees
How to join the SRO: procedure, documents and fees

Understanding how to join an SRO should start with a definition. What is hidden behind this mysterious abbreviation? This is a self-regulatory organization, which in its essence is a non-profit association. It consists of entities united by one common type of activity or profession. Knowing the definition, you can decide whether to join the SRO. If so, the information below will not be superfluous for you.

join sro builders
join sro builders

Features of SRO

Self-regulatory organizations have a lot of advantages, thanks to which they become quite popular among Russian businessmen.

Joining the SRO for the company gives access to closed orders. For example, it provides an opportunity to participate in government tenders. In addition, the very fact of belonging to an SRO raises the company's status by an order of magnitude, increases the confidence of potential customers, and so on. These benefits are especially relevant for those whoworks in construction, engineering and auditing.

For its own participants, the SRO provides legal support, as well as protection of interests.

How are self-regulatory organizations created?

The answer to this question will allow you to better understand the features of their functioning.

So, SROs are created according to two principles.

  • Regional. In accordance with this principle, companies that perform the same activities and are located in the same region are merged.
  • Industry. This principle of SRO formation involves the unification of companies with a common specific activity. For example, among construction companies, one can single out only those that are engaged in the construction of roads.

Almost any non-profit organization has a chance to get the status of SRO. To do this, it must include at least one hundred builders or fifty managers in the field of design or engineering surveys.

To register an SRO, you first need to create a non-profit organization, and then recruit the required number of members. It is also required to create a compensation fund. After that, you can contact the relevant government agencies.

do i need to join
do i need to join


This question is especially relevant for those who are interested in how to join the SRO.

There are two types of membership in such organizations.

  • Required. This option is provided for companies that are in charge of the security of capital construction, energyinspections, heat supply, audit.
  • Optional. This option is provided for organizations engaged in advertising or management.

So, as you might guess, the type of membership in a self-regulatory organization depends on the activities that the company is engaged in. For example, joining the SRO of builders is the responsibility of everyone who works in this area.

To find out if your activity is included in the list of mandatory, you can check the relevant laws to which it is subject.

In what areas are there SROs?

How to join a self-regulatory organization? While some are looking for an answer to this question, others have long become members of such professional communities and have appreciated all their benefits.

So, let's find out in which areas there are self-regulatory organizations.

  • Fire safety.
  • Carriers.
  • Medicine.
  • Construction.
  • Collectors.
  • Microfinance institutions.
  • Food and processing industry.
join the sro of designers
join the sro of designers

Self-regulatory organizations exist in various areas. Organizations that have joined the SRO receive greater trust from potential customers. In fact, such an event takes them to a new level of activity. That is why such actions should not be neglected.

How to join the SRO?

First of all, it is required to clarify who can join a self-regulatory organization corresponding to their professional activity.

So, registered enterprises with the legal status of IP, OJSC, LLC can join SROs in construction or other areas. In addition, you must meet the requirements of the specific SRO you plan to apply to.

In each organization, the requirements may differ, they should be specified additionally. However, the conditions often include the following.

  • The presence of education, experience and professional experience of the company's management.
  • The availability of qualifications and a certain number of employees with higher or secondary specialized education corresponding to the speci alty.
  • Completion of specialized advanced training courses and the availability of relevant certificates.
  • The presence of property owned by the company.
organizations that have entered into
organizations that have entered into


Joining the SRO of builders is not as easy as it might initially seem. Even the law puts forward the minimum requirements that a company must meet to apply for membership in a self-regulatory organization.

For example, for construction and design firms, the following criteria apply:

  • presence in the state of three employees with diplomas of higher education or five employees with secondary vocational education;
  • when using computers - licensed software;
  • certificates proving that each employee has taken refresher courses at least once every five years;
  • for individual entrepreneurs, a higher education in the speci alty is required, as well as professional experience of at least five years.

Required documents

sro construction enter
sro construction enter

If you have no doubts about the need to join the SRO of designers or representatives of other professional activities, it is time to provide information on the list of required documents.

It is worth noting that their specific list can also be determined by the conditions of the self-regulatory organization, a member of which this or that company plans to become. As a rule, such conditions are specified directly on the SRO website or through the websites of intermediary companies that provide paid services for collecting the necessary documents.

An approximate list of documents required to join a construction SRO may consist of the following items:

  • Statement listing a specific list of work that the company plans to carry out.
  • Constituent documents, which include the contract, as well as the charter of the organization. In order to join the SRO of cadastral engineers or something else, you need to transfer not the originals, but copies of the above documents. However, they must first be certified by a notary for a fee.
  • Order on the appointment of the head, certified by the seal.
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. It is possible that the SRO will also require copies of the TIN and PSRN. It is better to prepare these papers in advance.
  • Documents confirming paymentcontributions.
  • Documents confirming compliance with SRO requirements. It is rather difficult to formulate an exact list. These can be work books of employees, as well as diplomas confirming the availability of professional education in the speci alty, etc.
construction sro join
construction sro join


If you plan to join a project SRO, it would be useful to know how this happens.

  • First of all, you need to decide on the direction of the self-regulatory organization, depending on the type of activity. For example, different SROs have been created for builders and designers.
  • Choose a specific self-regulatory organization. It is advisable to give preference to proven SROs with more than three years of experience. In accordance with the law, both the self-regulatory organization and the company joining it must be registered in the same region.
  • Prepare the required package of documents and submit for consideration to the self-regulatory organization. This is the longest stage on the way to joining the SRO. The whole process can take about a month. You can use the services of intermediary companies that are ready to collect documents for a fee. Representatives of SROs can consider documents within thirty days. If they make a positive decision, then in three days the company can start fulfilling orders.
  • SRO issues an invoice, including entrance fees and contributions to the compensation fund.
  • Obtaining a certificate confirming entry into a self-regulatoryorganization.


This is a mandatory fee for those who plan to become a new member of the self-regulatory organization. Minimum expenses average from ninety to three hundred and seventy thousand rubles.

enter the project
enter the project

In fact, it is difficult to name the exact amount of contributions, since it consists of several components.

  • Entry fee. Contributed once by new members.
  • Contribution to the compensation fund. This is a kind of stabilization fund, the funds from which are paid to the customer, provided that the contractor caused damage to him.
  • Membership fees. The frequency of their payments depends on the requirements of a particular self-regulatory organization. Some monthly, some yearly.
  • Public liability insurance. Such contributions are not practiced in all self-regulatory organizations.

Exclusion from SRO

Don't assume that joining a self-regulatory organization is a one way path. There is always the possibility that a company may be excluded from its membership. When does this happen?

  • Failure to comply with the requirements established by the SRO.
  • Irregular transfer of membership fees.
  • Failed to pay the assessed contribution to the compensation fund.
  • Lack of evidence confirming the availability of admission to at least one type of work that affects the safety of capital construction. This item is relevant for members of construction SROs.

No clearance

To perform, in addition to the fact of joining the SRO, the company must have a certificate confirming the admission to perform a certain type of work.

SRO admission is issued in accordance with the rules of a particular organization. For example, without an appropriate permit, it is forbidden to perform work that affects the safety of capital construction projects.

There are several types of tolerances. For example, construction allows you to carry out the same name, as well as repair work. Design allows you to develop architectural and construction projects and so on.