Frame arches: choice of material, decorative items and good examples with photos

Frame arches: choice of material, decorative items and good examples with photos
Frame arches: choice of material, decorative items and good examples with photos

Relatively recently, studio apartments have entered the interior fashion. They represent a reasonable combination of space and clear visual zoning. Therefore, various arches have become an integral part of creating an attractive interior.

Initially, the arch was erected as a ceiling for blind and through openings in the walls. Also, this design was used to create a lateral thrust. But modern designers are looking at old structures in a new way, and it is not surprising that the previously functional arches have turned into a decorative element of a modern interior.

archway framing
archway framing

Decorating the arch in various ways

You are incredibly lucky if the house already has an arch. In this case, you can immediately start decorating it. If you are just planning to design an arch, be sure to seek help from specialists.

So, let's look at several options for finishing arches that you can implement yourself. There are several options, from the simplest and most economical, to the more complicated and requiring investment of certain funds.

Materials you may need to complete the work:

  • Wallpaper.
  • Decorative plaster.
  • Artificial or natural stone.
  • Inked stencil pattern.
  • Fine wood overlays.
  • Mirror tiles
  • Mosaic
  • Stucco moldings
  • Moulding or polyurethane.

Each of the above materials is quite easy to use. And its processing does not require special skills. To frame the arches, it is enough to decide on the material, purchase it in the required volume and prepare the tools.

framing door arches
framing door arches


One of the easiest and most economical ways to frame an arch is to wallpaper it. This method is available to absolutely everyone. You can use colored, textured, bright panels with an original print. Joy, comfort and fun will always reign in a house with a neutral shade of walls and arch walls pasted over in bright and cheerful canvases.

The main task is to choose the right color scheme, which will definitely overlap with other interior accents of the apartment. If the house has several arches, the designers suggest pasting them with contrasting canvases that would be combined with each other.

This way of decorating is quite simple. It is enough to follow the recommendations regarding the gluing of a certain type of trellis,which you have chosen. This information is always indicated on each roll.

Experts recommend cutting off the excess with a breadboard knife. It is recommended to trim the panel only when the glue dries well. A flexible plastic profile can protect the ends of the arch.

Cork for decorating openings

The modern construction market is full of proposals for the use of natural, natural materials in the interior. Each person chooses a finishing material, guided by certain selection criteria. If naturalness and environmental friendliness are important to you, it is better to choose a cork. This material can be found both in the form of rolls and panels. To frame the arch, it is better to choose a roll. Cork wallpaper on a self-adhesive basis can also serve as an analogue. If this is not available, you must use acrylic glue.

framing the arch with wallpaper
framing the arch with wallpaper

Important! If your home has high humidity, it is better to purchase a cork treated with wax. You can also varnish the surface yourself. This will prevent the cork from absorbing excess moisture.

It is necessary to glue the material on a previously prepared surface. It needs to be well puttied, leveled and dried. Cork must be applied to the wall in the same way as wallpaper.

Wood or stone finishes

Stone and wood have always been held in high esteem. These materials can be used to frame arches. Perfectly finished with stone or precious woods suitable for classic and eco-interiors.

Advantagethe use of natural or artificial stone - the ability to ennoble the surface of any size and shape. You can ennoble a semicircular, rectangular or asymmetrical opening. The cost of such a finish can be significantly reduced if you use not a natural stone, but an artificial one. Visually, they practically do not differ from each other. In addition, a cheaper analogue is characterized by high wear resistance.

Working with wood requires more work and effort. After all, not all carpentry shops can work with bent wood, so the services of such a master will cost you a pretty penny.

Before you start framing the arches with your own hands, you must carefully prepare the surface. It should be even and symmetrical about the axis. Remember that errors that are not corrected at the beginning of work will always be noticeable. And their correction in the future may take a lot of effort, time and financial investments.

wood arch framing
wood arch framing

Use of polyurethane elements and moldings

Styrofoam or plaster moldings, polyurethane moldings can elegantly decorate the opening. But when framing the arch with these decorative elements, you must be extremely careful. After all, such decor can be used if the interior of the apartment is designed in the style of Rococo, Baroque, Biedermeier.

Ready-made stucco for framing arches can be purchased at hardware stores. It is enough to correctly select and place baguettes, moldings, rosettes and friezes on the surface. Glue, putty and paint suchelements are not difficult even for a novice builder. Many people think that stucco decor must be white. But it's not. You can dream up and choose a more suitable shade for your design. At the same time, remember that in classic interiors such elements painted in bronze (with the effect of antiquity), silver or gold look noble.

Creating such beauty with your own hands is quite simple. If suddenly the muse has left you, you can use photos of arch framing from decorating magazines for inspiration.

simple way to decorate an arch
simple way to decorate an arch

Film - a simple and cheap finishing material

Self-adhesive polymer film can be used to frame arch openings. But at the same time, the arch must be made of drywall. Such a film is often embossed, and is characterized by high wear resistance. This material is not afraid of high humidity, sunlight, temperature fluctuations. The laminated surface does not deform for a long time, is not whimsical in care, and is easy to operate.

Decorative plaster and painting

Decorative plaster is another easy way to frame door arches. It is enough to purchase the material and apply it in the desired sequence. Often, a spatula of various shapes is used for this. After the surface is painted with a suitable shade.

stone arch framing
stone arch framing

In addition, do not forget that framing an arch in an apartment can be extremely simple. Enough to alignsurface and paint it with paint with the desired color.


Modern interiors are often associated with large rooms that are connected by an arch. Framing these decorative elements is an easy way to transform your home. There are many finishing options. Some are easy to implement, while others require a lot of work and effort. The main thing is to decide on the desired goal, and you will succeed!
