The cactus family includes many plants that amaze not only with their beauty, but also with their shape. Forest cacti are especially different from other representatives in their appearance. The genus of these plants includes about 65 species of epiphytes. They are characterized by a different form of shoots: ribbed, leaf-shaped, cylindrical, etc. These small epiphytic shrubs can reach 1 m. The plants feature is the presence of aerial roots.

Often forest cacti grow on trees. In this case, they receive nutrients from organic residues that accumulate on the bark. Plants get moisture from the air, absorbing it through the surface of the leaves.
Forest cacti can also actively germinate in a small amount of humus, in rock crevices. Plant roots can attach to rocks.
The natural habitat for these cacti is the tropics of Central and South America. But to many of us, these plants are known as indoor plants.
Features & Description
Representatives of this species were discoveredfor the first time in the forest zone of the South American continent. They grew on trees in the form of deciduous growths of green color. These are epiphytes - plants belonging to the genus Cactus, characterized by a brown-green or green color. They often lack spines.
The most attractive in epiphytic cacti are their flowers. They bloom in spring and summer. The buds of these plants are characterized by a wide palette of shades (pink, white, yellow, crimson, etc.). The shape of the inflorescences is also different, they can be both small and large.
Epiphytes are often used in ampelous gardening. They make great home decorations. Leaves of plants with blooming buds hang attractively and gracefully from the pots. These flowers are not only a great decoration for the house, they purify the air well. Bioenergetics also talk about the positive effect of plants on the normalization of the energy balance in the room.
Plant care
These plants require minimal care. Forest cacti, subject to all the rules of cultivation, will delight their owners with flowering for a long time every year.
Lighting and temperature
The ambient temperature should match the growth phase of the plant. During the dormant period, it should not exceed 15-17 0С, at other times the temperature should be within 18-22 0С.

Special attention should be paid to the lighting of the room. After all, the natural habitat of the plant is the tropics. The light should be diffused, but bright. It is necessary to exclude direct sunlight on the shoots of plants. Experienced flower growers recommend placing flowerpots with homemade cacti on the east side. Photos of forest cacti will not leave indifferent any amateur grower. After all, such a plant must be on the windowsill in every apartment.
Air humidity and watering
Watering the plant differs depending on the season. For example, in the spring, the cactus needs to be watered more often. And during the period of active growth, the formation of buds and the flowering itself, the plant should be watered as needed. As soon as the earth dries, it must be moistened immediately.
Watering is best done with warm soft water. It is necessary to provide for frequent spraying of plants from a spray bottle.
Plant transplant
Replanting a cactus is necessary if the root system does not have enough space in the pot. In addition, this is a great way to rejuvenate the plant. Flower growers recommend replanting the cactus annually after flowering has ended. This recommendation does not apply to the forest cactus epiphyllum. After all, a cramped pot stimulates the flowering of the plant.
Cactus reproduction
Most forest cacti reproduce vegetatively in summer or spring. To do this, carefully cut off the cuttings (the top of the stem). You can also use side shoots that already have rudimentary roots.
The sprout must be planted in a small pot in a moistened peat-based soil mixture. It is recommended to cover the container with a transparent film or jar to creategreenhouse conditions. Within a few weeks, the root system will begin to actively develop.

Difficulties in reproduction cause cacti that do not have children. It is necessary to choose a he althy side shoot, which is carefully cut with a clean, sterile knife. The cut site is dried for 3-4 days. The cut is sprinkled with a crushed activated charcoal tablet. After the cactus can be rooted in a moist substrate, the basis of which will be peat.
Today, flower growers distinguish between many original species and their hybrids. Consider the popular names of forest cacti, which are most often found in amateur flower growers.
This plant is also known as Schlumberger. This cactus is considered the most common, it is loved for its unpretentiousness and ease of care. The plant is very beautiful, tender during flowering. The leaf of a zygocactus consists of many segments, on which there are sharp tips. Schlumberger blooms raspberry, white, pink, lilac.

Easter candle or ripsalidopsis
This plant got its name from the time of flowering, which often coincides with the Easter holidays. In appearance, the Easter candle resembles a zygocactus, but the flower petals and stems are more elongated. And the edges of the flowers are wavy, with a pronounced dark edging.
Often the name of this cactus is confused with the common name of the family. But this planthas its own unique history. In the literature, this flower is often called a cactus orchid because of the height of the stem and the splendor of the flowers. All buds are collected in a funnel, which is framed by a large number of pink petals. A cruciform stem with dense leaves in the recesses.

This plant is known to domestic flower growers as a melon cactus. The plant is rounded, in width and height can be quite voluminous. This plant is characterized by the presence of thorns, which are located along the edges of the main stem. A large fleshy bud is always located at the top of the plant. The bud is white-red or white-orange.

This cactus is extraordinarily beautiful during flowering. Flowers of a pale shade visually resemble a wild rose. The bush itself is small. It consists of a large number of stems with dense glossy oval leaves. Pereskia cactus is undemanding to growing conditions, grows well at home with proper care.
This cactus looks like a shrub made up of many thin stems. Flowers are small, yellow or white. This plant is unpretentious. It requires a small amount of moisture, may be in a poorly lit room.
Forest cacti - plants that have taken root perfectly at home with our compatriots. Everyone knows the Christmas tree that blooms innew year holidays. This plant pleases the eye, gives hope and faith in a brighter future. Indeed, in winter, bright cactus flowers help fight depression.
Photos and names of forest cacti will help every novice grower decide on the future inhabitant of his windowsill. These unpretentious but sophisticated plants will decorate your home and purify the air. A wide variety of species allows you to choose the perfect option for your home.