Camomile-like flowers: name, description, photo, planting and care

Camomile-like flowers: name, description, photo, planting and care
Camomile-like flowers: name, description, photo, planting and care

Many people love daisies since childhood. The first flowers drawn in childhood look exactly like daisies. Yellow core and many petals around the edges. To date, there are many types of flowers that look like chamomile. Echinacea is the name of the most popular daisy-like flower. These plants are indispensable when creating landscape design in the garden or in the country. In addition, species such as rudbeckia, erigeron, asters, anacyclus - Spanish chamomile and many others are popular among flower growers.

The seeming simplicity of these flowers is perfectly set off by conifers and ferns. Chamomile is a native Russian plant. She, like other chamomile-like flowers, belongs to the Compositae family. All flowers similar to it in appearance are identical in terms of care and planting. They are not subspecies of chamomile, but are completely different plants. One of the most unusual andthe brightest representatives of the Asteraceae family is the cosmea, a photo of which can often be seen on many sites and forums of flower growers. In addition, the aster can be called a favorite plant of summer residents. It is found in almost every farmstead.

In this article we will look at photos of cosmea and some other types of flowers that look like chamomile. In addition, we will learn about the basic rules for planting and caring for these plants.

The main external signs of daisies

The light petals and the yellow center are features that combine several completely different colors. The genus of daisies belongs to the Compositae family and includes more than twenty different types of herbs that bloom in the first year of their existence. All representatives of this genus are small in size. They are herbaceous and have pinnately dissected leaves.

field daisies
field daisies

The size of conical or hemispherical inflorescences can vary from two to twenty centimeters in diameter. Their size directly depends on the variety of the flower. Baskets of these plants have two types of petals. The first is bisexual tubular. They are yellow in color. The second type is pistillate false flowers, which are painted white. The second variety of petals is located at the edges, and the first - in the center.

What are the names of flowers similar to daisies

Chamomile has many varieties, both cultivated and wild. In addition, there are a number of plants that are not its subspecies, however, have a great external resemblance to it. The flowering of these crops also occurs in the summer, so it is not difficult to confuse them. Moreover, these plants have the same white petals and yellow center.

Multi-colored types of daisies
Multi-colored types of daisies

To an uninitiated person, the name of flowers similar to chamomile may not be known. However, in the scientific community there are a number of names of such plants. Experts include anacilus, leefflower, calendula, helichrysum, daisies, feverfew and others. It is noteworthy that chamomile and calendula are often classified in the same genus, but this is far from the case.

In addition to similar in color, there are a number of plants that have an identical shape, but different colors. Often ignorant people call them colorful daisies.


This flower is more like a camomile than the others. Differences nivyanik lie in its size - it has more pronounced forms. It is noteworthy that, without special knowledge, the inflorescences of these two plants cannot be distinguished. Another factor that introduces confusion is that the daisy is also often found among the people under the name large chamomile.

The plant is a whole genus, although a small one. It has no more than twenty species. However, these flowers are found on all continents except Antarctica and Africa. The most famous is the greatest leucanthemum. This species is in great demand in all flower shops in the world. Attractive is its gigantic size. This flower can reach a meter in height and has beautiful double flowers withamazing petal shape. Among flower growers, this plant is called so - large chamomile.

Nivyanik flower
Nivyanik flower

Planting and caring for cornflower

Plant daisy in the middle of spring. The most favorable period is the end of March and April. In addition, some flower growers practice planting it in the autumn. If the seeds were planted in the spring, then their germination will take a couple of weeks, and at the end of the summer you can see full-fledged strong plants. However, they will bloom only next season. If the seeds are planted in autumn, the first shoots can be observed in the spring, and flowering will occur in the same season.

In order to successfully plant a cornflower, you need to follow some rules. The seeds of this plant are located at a shallow depth, which should not exceed two centimeters. The distance between plants should be at least 30 cm. It is noteworthy that when the first shoots appear, they must be carefully cut through. In this case, no more than 10 centimeters are left between the seedlings. If it is a pity to throw away extra plants, then you can not thin out, but plant some of them in another place.

The first two years, the cornflower will be a small bush. However, with proper care, already in the third year, you can get a powerful bush more than 80 centimeters in diameter and about a meter high.


This is also a flower that looks like a chamomile. The name of the most popular species is oriental doronicum and plantain doronicum. It is a perennial plant. Belongs to the aster family. Into the wildIn nature, there are about 40 varieties of this plant. Doronicum is found mainly in mountainous areas.

The bushes of this flower are able to grow in one place without a transplant for many years. The stem of this crop has little branching and good weather resistance. The leaves do not have petioles and are arranged alternately on the stem. The size of this plant can vary from 25 centimeters to a meter. It depends on the variety of doronicum. The leaves are yellow or red in color and can also have a different diameter. The smallest barely reach four centimeters, and the largest - ten. The flowering of doronicum falls on the last month of spring and the beginning of summer. These colorful daisies are completely undemanding to care for. They adapt perfectly to any conditions.

doronicum flower
doronicum flower

Doronicum: planting and care in the open field

Since this flower can easily adapt to different conditions, planting it is possible both in sunny clearings and in a shady garden. However, some varieties are more selective. So, for example, a plantain variety, in order to fully develop, should be planted only in a sunny place. It is also worth considering that absolutely all varieties of doronicum do not tolerate proximity to large trees. Plants planted near them will flower very quickly.

Doronicum loves loose and not very dry soil. It is noteworthy that the amount of moisture should be moderate, as excess will harm the plant. The culture has a superficial root system. ATtherefore, it is not recommended to loosen the soil under the most flower bush.

Weeding also needs to be done with care. Intensive watering of this plant is needed only in dry hot weather. The rest of the time, doronicum almost does not need water. This is due to its powerful rhizome, which serves the plant as a kind of moisture reservoir. It tolerates frost well and does not need additional protection.

This flower is easy to care for. In order for it to develop and grow safely, it is enough not to loosen the soil near the base of the bush. Growing this plant in a summer cottage or flower bed involves a number of activities that will help maintain the desired soil moisture. In this case, mulching the topsoil would be an excellent option. It is carried out using sunflower seed husks, wood chips, bark, hay, or using special materials that can be purchased at flower shops.

When the flowering period of doronicum ends, its part, located above the ground, goes into a dormant stage. It lasts until the very end of summer. At this time, the culture practically does not need care and watering. When summer ends, the flower grows back and often may even re-bloom. During this period, flower growers recommend intensively watering and fertilizing a young plant.


It is a perennial plant. Feverfew red belongs to the Compositae family. It is a genus of plants that includes more than a hundred varieties. They are distinguished according to one commonsign - the color of reed flowers. They come in white or pink.

This plant is common in Europe, Asia and America. It got its name because of the special healing properties of some varieties of this flower. Scientists claim that a decoction of them can be used as a good antipyretic. Moreover, the name itself comes from the Latin word "pyretos", which literally means "heat".

pyrethrum flower
pyrethrum flower

Planting feverfew

Sowing seeds should be done no earlier than April. This is due to the thermophilicity of the flower. At night, it is recommended to cover the plant with a film. This is necessary in order to protect it from possible frosts. Seeds are sown at a shallow depth. At the same time, it is worth planting them as little as possible. When the first shoots appear, it is necessary to break through them. Between the remaining plants leave a distance of at least eight centimeters. However, over time, flowers need to be planted at a distance of 40-45 centimeters. Planted in the soil in spring, feverfew will only bloom the following season.

It is noteworthy that the seeds of this crop are very small. Experts recommend mixing them with sand to facilitate the sowing process. However, there is an even simpler method. In this case, the seeds are distributed over the surface of the soil mixture, and then sprinkled with the right amount of soil. It is recommended to water crops using a fine spray gun.


This flower is considered one of the most beautiful of garden crops. Arktotis whitehas a chic, rich green color and exquisite inflorescences that will impress any grower. However, these beautiful flowers are now less and less common in flower beds and private plots. The reasons for the decline in the popularity of these plants are not fully known.

Arctotis flower
Arctotis flower

How to plant arctotis

Planting material can be easily purchased at any flower shop. The seed ripening period occurs two weeks after the flowering of the plant. The seeds are tiny, so it is extremely important not to miss the harvest period. After all, after they fall, it will be almost impossible to find them. It is noteworthy that within two years after collection, they do not lose their germination.

In order to successfully grow arctotis, you must first get its seedlings. After that, she is already planted in open ground. Seedlings are grown in March. Flower growers recommend that the soil be well treated with potassium permanganate before planting seeds, this will help to avoid plant diseases. The resulting seedlings are planted in the last days of April and early May.


The plant has branched bushes, on which many baskets are formed. Due to this, a flower similar to chamomile, whose name is osteospermum, also has a second name - Cape chamomile. The stem of this culture can reach 30 cm in height. Inflorescences are up to five centimeters in size. They are white, pink, purple and orange. The center of the flower is usually blue, but white, orange and pink varieties exist. The leaves haverich green color. The plant is unpretentious and can bloom all the warm season.

Osteospermum flower
Osteospermum flower

Planting seedlings in open ground

Special conditions and care when planting an osteospermum flower are not required. In the soil, this plant is placed in the form of seedlings. The procedure is recommended by specialists at the end of May. Osteospermum prefers full sun but can be grown in shady areas.

When planting seedlings, the distance between flowers should be observed. It should be no more than 25 and no less than 20 centimeters. It is noteworthy that the planting holes should be of such depth that both the root system and the earthen room can fit there.

Seedlings are transferred from the pot into a prepared hole. After that, it is covered with a nutritious soil mixture, which can be purchased at a specialized store or made independently. It consists of humus, soddy and leafy soil. In addition, fine sand is added to the substrate. All this should be mixed in proportions one to one. When the planting of seedlings is completed, it must be watered with plenty of water. Osteospermum blooms in mid-June.
