Gazania flowers can be used to check the time, as they open at noon. For this they are called "midday sun". The plant is distinguished not only by its bright appearance, but also by its unpretentiousness in care. The flower is a real decoration of gardens, parks, balconies. Where did he get to European countries?
Flower Distribution Locations

The birthplace of flowers is distant Mozambique, in Africa. It was there that the Europeans first saw him. The plant also grows in Tanzania, South Africa, in the forests of South America, in the coastal dunes of Australia. Europe began to grow gazania from the middle of the seventeenth century. Until now, these flowers remain in demand among gardeners and florists.
In Russia, the flower took root quickly. It is often referred to as "African chamomile". The plant has spread especially widely in the steppe regions of the middle zone. This is due to the hot sunny summer that gazania likes so much.
Description of the plant

Flowers are perennial representatives of the aster family. Although among the diversity of species there are alsoannual specimens.
Gazania flower description:
- low grassy shrub;
- height up to 30 cm;
- stem is either missing or very short;
- basal leaves are collected in a rosette;
- peduncles are short;
- leaves dense, dark green;
- leaves have numerous silvery hairs;
- the inflorescence is presented in the form of a basket with a diameter of up to 9 cm;
- the fruit looks like a hairy achene, similar to a dandelion seed.
In total, there are up to thirty inflorescences on one plant. They replace each other, so the flowering process continues for more than one month. You can enjoy their beauty for a long time.
Popular varieties
There are about fifty species of "African chamomile". First of all, they differ in the color of the inflorescences.
Popular types:
- Brilliant Gazania - a flower whose photo is striking in the variegated colors of the petals in two rows. They are painted in red-black, orange, yellow colors interspersed with white and black spots.
- Potsi - the color of the petals is similar to the brilliant gazania, but the size of the inflorescence is larger - eleven centimeters.
- Long-shot - the flower belongs to annual crops. Its height is up to twenty centimeters. Flowers - baskets of yellow tone with a brown base.
- Peacock - a basket has white-pink narrow and long petals, darkened at the base.
- Hybrid is the result of crossing a long-shooting and brilliant species. The resulting plants are more resistant to the external environment anddiseases. Different varieties differ in the color of the inflorescences. They come in white, pink, orange with other shades added.
All these species have inflorescences open during the day and closed at night. Although varieties have already been bred in which flowers do not hide at night. Many gardeners are hesitant to grow these plants due to the fact that they do not tolerate cold winters. But solving the problem is not so difficult. The beauty of flowers deserves it. Where to start?
Growing from seeds

Before you can start growing, you need to get the seeds. You can buy them or assemble them yourself. They are quite small and at any moment they can fly out of the box on their parachutes, so there are some tricks in this matter. Usually flower growers tie a gauze bag around a faded basket. The seeds are in it. Then you don't have to check baskets every day. Harvested seeds can be stored for up to two years, while maintaining the ability to germinate. How is the planting of gazania flowers?
To get flowering plants, you need to sow the seeds for three to four months. To do this, each grain is placed in the ground. It should be light and nutritious. The distance between them should be three centimeters. From above they are sprinkled with a small layer of soil, sprinkled with water, covered with a transparent film.
The container should be placed in a bright place with an air temperature of +20 °C. Seedlings need regular ventilation. The first shoots will appear in seven to fifteen days. After the appearance of fourthe first leaves, it is better to reduce the air temperature by 4 ° C. Then the plants will grow more actively.
Planting seedlings
Gazania flowers are planted in open ground not earlier than May. To keep the root system intact, it is worth growing seedlings in peat pots.
Flowers are very fond of open places that are well lit by the sun. The soil should be light, nutritious. You don't have to worry about the scorching sun. "African chamomile" is not afraid of them, it tolerates drought well. But she does not like excessive moisture and shade, which is why she should not be planted near trees with a large crown. It will create a lot of shade, and moisture will stagnate in the ground.
Propagation by cuttings
Gazania flower, the planting and care of which is described, can be propagated by cuttings. They are cut in July with a sharp knife. Part of the stem should be with a heel. Its length is about ten centimeters. It is necessary to remove the bottom sheet, and process the cut with "Kornevin".
The resulting cuttings are planted in pots with soil. They are watered and covered with a transparent film. Root formation takes a month. After that, a transplant is possible. But due to the onset of cold weather, it is better to place the gazania in a pot and place it in a well-lit room. The main thing is that there are no drafts, which even mature plants do not like. Landing in open ground can be done in the spring.
Features of care

Growing gazania flowers will not bring much trouble, but the joy of realizing that with your own handsmanaged to achieve such a fantastic beauty, there will be a lot.
Basic plant care rules:
- It is worth loosening the ground regularly so that the roots are filled with oxygen.
- Weeds are best removed so that they do not take nutrients from the soil and do not block the sunlight that gazania really needs.
- Wilted inflorescences should be removed in time so that the general appearance does not deteriorate.
- Mulching the soil will help retain moisture during a severe drought. If you fill the soil around the flower with sawdust or other mulch, weeds will no longer bother. It is also a good option in slug prevention.
- Feeding depends on the quality of the soil. It usually requires watering with a solution of mineral fertilizers once or twice a month. It is important not to overdo it with the amount of top dressing so that the flowers do not decrease in size.
Don't water the "African chamomile" too much. Its root system may rot. Take care of the drainage system. So, before planting in open ground, you need to pour expanded clay or pebbles under a layer of soil. Then excess water will flow freely.
With good care, flowering can continue until frost. If the plants are supposed to be grown as an annual crop, then after flowering is completed, they should simply be disposed of. However, you can save the perennial look for next year. Then there will be no need to sow seeds and seedlings again.
Flower care in wintertime
Gazania flower, which is easy to care for, may not endure winterfrost. That is why many flower growers grow it in flowerpots. Then the container with the plant is simply transferred to the house or greenhouse. The main thing is that the air temperature does not fall below +10 ° С.
If a perennial plant grew in open ground, it is dug up and placed in a container with soil. Before that, drainage holes should be made in the container and expanded clay should be poured into it. The plant needs good lighting. If natural light is not enough, you will have to take care of artificial. But abundant watering is strictly prohibited so that the gazania does not die.
Return to open ground
What else does the care of the gazania flower, the photo of which can be seen in the article, imply? It is better to transfer it to open ground in the middle of spring. Then you can not be afraid of severe frosts. The landing hole can be about twenty centimeters. The soil should be moist but not overflowing.
Expanded clay should be placed at the bottom, as well as a mixture of sand and peat. You can also add mineral supplements of any origin.
Gazania must be carefully pulled out of the pot along with an earthy clod. In order not to disturb the root system, before pulling the plant out of the container, it is worth watering it along the edge. The water will soften the soil, and it will more easily move away from the walls of the pot.
Flowers should be planted at a distance of thirty centimeters from each other. You should not water them after planting, it is better to wait three days.
Pests and diseases

Gazania flowers can be attacked by pests orsusceptible to disease only if they are not properly cared for. If the plants are affected by gray rot, they are removed and disposed of. Non-infected flowers are treated with Fitosporin.
Among pests, gazania is most often attacked:
- snails – hand-picked and destroyed;
- spider mite - Fufanon and Ditox help to fight it;
- aphid - destroys pests "Fitoverm", "Akarin".
In addition to treatment, the conditions of the plant should be reviewed. Otherwise, the problem may recur. For example, slugs will return again if the shaded ground is too wet nearby.
Combination with other colors

Photos of gazania flowers, the planting and care of which are considered, turn out beautiful in flower beds where the plant is adjacent to other crops.
Flowers that pair perfectly with "African Daisy":
- lobelia;
- alissum;
- iberis.
Other low shrubs will do. And if the gazania is planted in a hanging flowerpot, it is placed in the center. The empty edges will be filled with climbing ampelous plants. The composition will turn out beautiful.
Application in landscape design and not only

The tiny but very bright flowers are often planted in flowerpots and containers on the streets. They bloom for a long time, are not susceptible to disease.
Gazanias look beautiful on alpine slides and in stone gardens. The small bush hasmany inflorescences, it looks good against the background of stones and sand. It is impossible to pass by these flowers.
An ordinary garden becomes amazingly beautiful with such plantings. By placing them in pots, they can decorate the veranda, gazebo, balcony. They will be ideal plants for sunny sides of the house. Burning rays will not harm them, like other flowering shrubs. This is their great advantage.
They are beautiful in bouquets. You can make compositions only from ghazania or combine them with other colors. Florists often use them when creating their masterpieces.
All a gazania needs is plenty of bright light, fluffy soil, abundant but infrequent watering.