Growing an apple bonsai tree: all the subtleties and tricks

Growing an apple bonsai tree: all the subtleties and tricks
Growing an apple bonsai tree: all the subtleties and tricks

The art of bonsai has an ancient history. And for it, as for everything oriental, today there is a considerable demand in different countries of Europe. Russia is not an exception at all. True, most people believe that growing a bonsai in a pot requires special skills. This is not true at all. More precisely, all the necessary skills will come in the process. So growing a bonsai apple tree from seeds at home is quite realistic.

Choosing the right capacity

First of all, you need to choose a container in which you will grow bonsai. This is a very important and serious matter - oriental art does not tolerate shortcomings and requires perfection.

flowering tree
flowering tree

An ordinary flower pot will not work. We need a flat container of relatively large area. It is advisable to choose clay with a beautiful pattern. In this case, color must be taken into account. For growing apple trees, Japanese experts recommend using a pale green or blue pot. It will best set off the beauty and sophistication of the plant.

Of course, there must be a hole or several holes in the bottom so that excess moisture is quickly eliminated, otherwisethe roots will begin to rot, and this threatens the death of the entire plant.

What to grow an apple tree from?

The next question that arises among people who decide to grow bonsai from an apple tree with their own hands, what to take as planting material.

Perhaps the easiest option is to escape. Yes, you can just carefully cut off a few branches from the tree you like. The main thing is not to let them dry out. Arriving home, you need to put the cuttings in the water. When one sprouts appear, you can safely plant it in a prepared pot. If several sprouts appear, this is even better - there will be an opportunity to choose the strongest, he althiest and most beautiful of the seedlings. The advantages of this solution are that you can save a lot of time when growing, and the variety will exactly match the tree from which the cutting was taken.

Refined and simple
Refined and simple

You can also take seeds. It is enough to pick up a ripe apple and extract seeds from it, which you can hold in the freezer for some time, and then plant it in the ground. In this case, the tree will be stronger and he althier. But it will take more time to grow. Yes, you can take the fruit from any breed of apple tree. It is not at all necessary to use special bonsai apple seeds - they simply do not exist in nature. A miniature tree becomes thanks to the long work of the gardener and the special growing conditions.

Caring for bonsai

Care is an essential part of the whole process. It takes a little time, but daily.

Of course, watering is the first thing. Especially actively it is necessary to water the plant during the periodflower formation. After that, you can reduce the number of waterings and intensity. But at the time of fruit formation - increase again. In winter, watering is reduced to a minimum. The main thing is to make sure that the earth does not dry out at all, but is a little damp.

Appetizing apples
Appetizing apples

It is also very important to spray the bonsai. It is better to use a regular spray bottle for this, which you can buy at any store that sells pots and indoor plants. You need to spray daily. Tiny leaves dry out quickly in hot climates. And the accumulated dust on their surface does not make the plant attractive. The only exception is the time of flowering. At this time, you can refuse to spray.

Don't forget about fertilizer. In the spring, you need to use slowly decomposing fertilizers - organic, sold in powder form. You need to fertilize little by little, but often. In autumn, on the contrary, it is better to fertilize rarely, but in larger portions. This will allow the plant to get stronger and survive the winter, when solar activity is significantly reduced.

Regular pruning

The most important step in growing an apple bonsai tree is pruning. Yes, it is thanks to her that an ordinary plant becomes dwarfed, and this is the main goal.

How miniature
How miniature

When the tree reaches the desired length - usually 30-40 centimeters - the top is cut off. Thanks to this, the apple tree will no longer grow up. But still, she will throw away the shoots every year. They need to be cut to the second eye. Preferably do it right away.after the formation of fruits on the branches - approximately in early-mid July.

The optimal length of the branches is 5-10 centimeters. They are cut off at each transplant. When the branch reaches the desired length, it is simply cut off. And all additional shoots need to be cut in the winter, when the transplant is made.


If you are working with a young bonsai, but the transplant will have to be de alt with annually. The best time for this is the end of winter. In a year, the plant will acquire a powerful root system and it needs to be cut. Otherwise, the tree will develop too quickly, and this is not encouraged at all in the art of bonsai.

Looks great
Looks great

You don't need to use a larger pot. The tree is simply carefully removed from the pot along with the ground. The earth is shaken off into a pot, and the roots are cut off by about a third. After that, the plant returns to its place and is watered abundantly.

More mature bonsai, already bearing fruit in summer, do not need to be replanted every year. It is enough to repeat the procedure once every couple of years.

With proper care, regular pruning and transplanting, a bonsai tree may well live for several decades, delighting others with an exquisite smell and sophistication inherent in the mysterious east.


This concludes our article. Now you know how to grow a bonsai apple tree. So, nothing prevents you from doing an experiment and bringing a piece of amazing and exotic Japan into your home.
