Today, there are such a huge number of products on the chemical market, each of which allows for effective disinfection. Moreover, any manufacturer is trying to convince you that the chosen option is completely safe and does not harm your he alth. Sometimes the arguments are very convincing, but still the share of doubts remains. This is especially true with the advent of the child's home. And many mothers are thinking about how to prepare a soap and soda solution for disinfection.

General Description
These two substances are perfectly safe. Laundry soap has long been used to treat pimples and pustules. At the same time, soda is an excellent pair for him. The solution is completely safe for he alth, it does not cause an allergic reaction. But for thisyou need to know how to prepare a soap and soda solution for disinfection. There is nothing complicated about this, just ask our mothers and grandmothers. In Soviet times, this solution was prepared during general cleaning.
Every housewife has a pack of soda in her locker, which is called an endless component. And indeed, it is spent extremely economically. It can be used not only for making dough, but also for cleaning various surfaces. It is known for having good antimicrobial properties.
But when we talk about how to prepare a soap and soda solution for disinfection, we must also take into account the property of the second component. Soap is great for removing dirt and grease. Therefore, in order for the cleaning to be of better quality, these two components are combined together. Such a composition is known to cleaning services, especially if they have to put things in order in clinics and kindergartens. Use this disinfectant at intervals prescribed in sanitary standards. It should be used in case of an outbreak of respiratory diseases.
When analyzing how to prepare a soap-soda solution for disinfection, it should be noted that the concentration depends on which surface you plan to treat. But even if you work with a saturated solution, there will be no harm to he alth from this.

General rules
Despite some difficulties, the procedure is quite within your power. Preparation of soap and soda solution for disinfectionrequires a certain amount of time, so do it in advance, and not at the moment when you need to start cleaning.
To get started, you need laundry soap. Today it is sold in chunks or in liquid form. If you bought a bar, then you will need to grind it with a regular grater. It turns out chips, which must be poured with two liters of cold water. Put the mixture on fire and wait for complete dissolution. Add 5 tablespoons of soda to the resulting liquid and boil for 10 minutes. Almost everything is ready, now you need to let the solution cool. During this time, it will turn into a thick mass.
Can be used for cleaning the room, washing floors and tiles. It is great for washing dishes, cleans grease from any surface. In this way we get a concentrated, 10% composition. It can be used to prepare a 1% solution by mixing with warm water. It doesn't take time anymore.

The peculiarity is that it can be used not only as a disinfectant, but also as a cosmetic product for the feet. However, you need to decide in advance how you will use the resulting composition. The percentage of ingredients depends on this, as well as the choice of laundry soap.
- For soaking rags - 1% solution. This will require at least 100 g of soap 72%.
- For mopping also 1%, more concentrated is not needed.
- For furniture disinfection and general cleaning2% will be required.
In order not to waste precious time just before harvesting, the concentrate must be prepared in advance. It does not deteriorate and can be stored in a locker for a long time. As needed, you can dilute it with water, achieving the required concentration.

Disinfection of children's toys
This is a special topic that is very important to many parents. In kindergartens and entertainment centers, this is not just a desirable, but a mandatory procedure. Disinfection with a soap and soda solution according to SanPiN of all objects with which children come into contact should be carried out at least twice a year. In the midst of infectious diseases, it is necessary to repeat the procedure.
In this case, you will need 50 g of laundry soap and 2 teaspoons of ordinary baking soda. All these components must be filled with a liter of clean water. And then everything is simple, wash the toys in the solution, rinse and wipe dry. At home, this procedure can be performed at will, as needed. Toddlers take toys with them outside, regularly drop them on the floor, so that they become carriers of bacteria. Therefore, we must not forget the importance of their disinfection.

Other applications
Due to the fact that the preparation of a soap-soda solution is not difficult, and the composition is quite cheap, it is widely used in various institutions:
- In preschool. In addition to washing toys, the solutionuseful for wet cleaning. It can wipe dining tables and tiled panels, plumbing fixtures and shelves.
- In hospitals and clinics. Here it is used very widely for everyday and general cleaning. This allows high-quality disinfection of all surfaces and inventory.
- In living quarters. Of course, today you can buy a variety of products for the care of any surface. But practice shows that a soap-soda solution for disinfection allows you to quickly and efficiently put in order not only plumbing, walls and floors. In many cases, this simple solution removes the toughest stains from dishes. Get rid of burnt fat, food debris, degrease the inner and outer surfaces of pots and pans - not always advertised means allow you to achieve such results. And a soap and soda wash solution does the job just fine.

If the thermometer breaks
This happens from time to time in every family. The phenomenon is not very pleasant, but the main thing is to get rid of the consequences as soon as possible, namely, poisonous mercury. Soap and soda solution for disinfection in this case is the best way to go. Of course, if the city has a special service for the neutralization of hazardous waste, then entrust it to her.
First of all, you need to protect the place where the thermometer was broken. Try to find where the balls of mercury rolled out. Do not rush to open the windows, a draft can cause it to fly apartinto thousands of tiny particles. If the balls are clearly visible, then collect them with napkins. Be sure to wear gloves before you start.
To neutralize everything, down to the smallest particles, you need to disinfect. To do this, the entire place where mercury was spilled must be treated with a soap and soda solution. It should be quite strong, 30 g of soda and 40 g of soap per 1 liter of water. Cover with a solution all surfaces that are near the place of damage to the thermometer. This applies to wood and metal surfaces. Don't rush to wash it off. It takes two days for the neutralization reaction to complete. The solution can now be washed off with cool water.

Instead of a conclusion
If you're constantly changing your cleaning products but still haven't found the perfect value for money, you might want to consider choosing something radically new. Moreover, it is desirable that it is affordable and safe, as well as universal. And there really is such a tool. This is a simple duo of soap and soda. No wonder they say that everything ingenious is simple. Now it's your turn to check it out. The concentrate is stored for a very long time, you can prepare it in advance, for the future. If you buy liquid laundry soap, it's even easier. It is enough to mix a small amount of it with water and add soda. Just two minutes - and the cleaner is ready.