Water-soluble iodine in the complex - "Pharmaiod". The substance is opaque, with a specific odor, has a dark brown color. The instructions for use describe the antimicrobial plant-disinfecting drug "Pharmaiod" as follows: a high concentration solution has a broad effect against fungal diseases of the soil and plants. The drug is manufactured by the domestic company PharmBioMed according to a formula developed by Russian scientists.

The active substance is iodine in combination with a non-ionic surfactant surfactant (100 g/l). Available as an aqueous solution.
The main benefits of the drug are:
- Almost complete compatibility with fertilizers, but should be tested before use.
- Environmental safety.
- Fightwith tobacco mosaic virus and potato x-virus.
- Can cure medullary necrosis in tomato.
- Capable of removing bacterial streak.
- Treats cucumber root rot.
- Able to fight green mottled mosaic virus in cucumbers.
- Capable of stopping bacterial wilt in cucumber.
- Fights Cucumber Mosaic Virus
"Pharmaiod": instructions for use for plants. Impact principle
Thanks to the active substance, the drug is able to increase and strengthen the immunity of plants. At the same time, diseases that can progress in them due to viruses or pathogens are destroyed.

The use of this drug increases the resistance of plants to temperature extremes and other natural influences.
Pharmaiod preparation is well suited for the treatment of any plants. Instructions for use of a product belonging to the third hazard class states that a one percent solution is not harmful to humans and animals, does not cause irritation, and does not have a toxic effect even with prolonged use. At the same time, it is very effective against viral bacteria and fungal diseases harmful to plants.
How to prepare a solution of "Pharmaiod"
You need to prepare the composition on the day of processing and use immediately. Do not store the solution after preparation and dilute it in a container in which food will subsequently be located. The presence of children and animals during the process is not allowed. Atthe preparation of the composition you need to use protective equipment. At the time of processing the plant, you should take care of the absence of bees.

Farmayod has proven to be excellent as a means for cultivating the land. Instructions for use for the soil are as follows: take 10 ml of solution per liter of water. Expect that a liter of funds will process 10 square meters. meters of surface. After the soil is watered.
"Farmayod" instructions for use for the soil: watering
Soil disinfection is carried out two days before planting. To do this, 100 ml of the drug is dissolved in ten liters of water. The soil must be well cultivated with a watering can with a fine sieve. If the ground is heavily contaminated, then the concentration should be tripled.
This solution (10 liters) should be enough to process 100 square meters of land. After processing the soil with this composition, the number of pests and bacteria in the earth will be reduced to 98%.
Pharmaiod for plants and disinfection
This solution fights phytopathogenic viruses and bacteria that cause fungal diseases in plants. Has a long period of influence. There is a decrease in the number of various kinds of pests when using the drug "Pharmaiod". Instructions for use for trees describe how to treat the trunk and crown with a 1% solution in the presence of fungal diseases and a 10% composition in the presence of pests. Usually for spraying plants, 1 teaspoon of product is taken per 1 liter of water.

Farmayod solution can also be used to treat floors in a room where people live to disinfect surfaces. Windows and doors must be closed during processing. For this purpose, the solution is prepared in this way: a 1% solution is diluted with 1 liter of water with a calculation of 1 liter - 10 square meters. m.
Farmayod: reviews of gardeners and gardeners
In many forums, instructions for use are discussed and described for the preparation "Pharmaiod". Reviews of gardeners and gardeners indicate that this is a very effective drug for combating diseases and pests. Many indicate that trees and plants need to be processed more than 20 times per season.
The first spraying is done in early spring before the buds swell. Not only bare trunks and branches are processed, but the soil under the trees is shed. The second time you need to perform this action when the first leaves appear. After this treatment, a break is made until the plants fade and fruit sets appear. Further spraying with "Pharmaiod" is carried out as diseased leaves appear on the plant. The result of such processing is an excellent harvest.
Many disinfect greenhouses and greenhouses in the spring, before planting seedlings. To do this, they make a solution with which they spray the entire greenhouse, wash the glass and spill the soil. The drug "Pharmaiod" can be very useful. The instructions for use for plants say that after two days from the moment of processing, seedlings can be planted.
The difference between "Pharmaiod" and "Iodinol" sold in a pharmacy
Many reviewsthey ask: is it possible to use Iodinol, which is similar to Farmayod? The drug, which is sold in a pharmacy, is not suitable for treating plants and soil, as it is an alcohol solution. "Iodinol" causes burns of the skin, and for plants you need to buy only "Pharmaiod".

In addition, the drug is well suited for processing greenhouses, garden tools, inventory. You can spray rooms that contain animals and poultry. The main thing to remember is that rooms disinfected with Farmayod must be well ventilated.