While planning for renovations, there are many questions and difficulties associated with the preparation and execution of this process. For an excellent result, a person requires maximum effort, accuracy, attentiveness and a clear plan of action. All this needs to be well thought out at the initial stage of work.

Preparing the room for light (cosmetic) repairs
The first step is to prepare the surface for coating. First you need to remove the old wallpaper. To do this, you need to moisturize them. If paint has been applied, then it must also be removed, preferably with a spatula. To create a perfectly flat surface, putty and prime it. To apply paint, you should achieve perfect evenness. To do this, you will have to carry out puttying and grinding several times. This can be done with sandpaper and a sponge.
When finishing with drywall and other materials, this is not requiredpainstaking alignment. Here it is enough that the surfaces converge at a right angle.
It is necessary to remove the frames and skirting boards, sand the window sill, window and door panels with sandpaper. If there is a need, then you need to putty and primer.
Surface Repair Tips
Work must be done according to the sketch plan. The walls and ceiling are painted with acrylic and water-based paints with various rollers. When working with decorative plasters, special liquids are used. Not everyone can do it the first time. Need a good workout.

The basic rule in wallpapering is to start from the corner. It is important that the drawing matches the sample. The product must be cut larger than the measured size, because the height of the wall may be different. In this case, you can safely fantasize: work with stencils, stickers, collages and various textures.
If finishing is carried out with panels, calculations and measurements must be done before work and draw a diagram. You need to use special adhesives indicated in the instructions.

When applying wallpaper, leaving the ceiling without a baguette is the highest skill, since not everyone knows how to do it perfectly. For greater accuracy, it is necessary to close the joints.
Easy repairs do not include a complete floor renovation. In this case, you can limit yourself to cleaning and varnishingparquet surfaces. The plinth is easy to update. If desired, windows, doors and window sills can be painted. Doors are updated with various ornaments and pasting with a film. Also, the batteries should be masked with beautiful grilles. Having done such a little work, you can achieve a good update of the old interior.
Room renovation sequence
Before starting work, you need to carefully prepare everything, make calculations and draw up a diagram of the renovated premises. The best thing to do is get it on paper. This will make the job easier and faster. And of course, you need to strictly adhere to the sequence of repairs in the room. Also, before starting, you should think carefully about what work you can do on your own, and what you need to entrust to the builders. After all, it depends on the amount of future costs. What sequence of repairs in the room should be followed:
- You need to specifically decide what kind of work to do (change windows, doors, tiles, etc.).
- A mandatory item is the distribution of finances when planning the sequence of repairs in the room. At this stage, it is necessary to carry out all calculations and measurements regarding the objects of reconstruction (walls, floors, ceilings, etc.).
- Then, raw materials are purchased and the necessary equipment is prepared.

Builders recommend buying materials a little more than the required amount so that you do not have to waste time traveling to the store.
Renovation in the room: where to start?Sequence
Before starting repairs, you need to free the room from unnecessary things that will interfere with work (take out all the furniture, remove the chandelier and other items). Vacuum the room first. Experts advise starting work with windows and doors. To avoid damage to installed products (window, door) during the repair process, frames should be installed first, and then all other parts. Next, you need to start disassembling the old parts (remove wallpaper, remove plaster, floor coverings, etc.). And throw it all away immediately so that it does not interfere with the work. It is necessary to follow the sequence of repairs in the room: ceiling, walls, floor. It is in this order that the work must be done. And only at the very end they install chandeliers, skirting boards, furniture and other items.

Helpful tips
- For good, quality work, surfaces must be thoroughly cleaned and leveled before new materials are installed.
- According to the recommendations of experts, before laying the coating on the floor, you need to install a cement screed to level the floor.
- The most suitable for the ceiling is the installation of a tension structure. It will look very nice and will last a long time. In addition, this design has built-in lighting, and the need for a chandelier is eliminated.
- Now plastic products are considered the leader among windows. They have good noise insulation, durability and long service life.

The nuances of arranging a bathroom
Just like in other rooms, you need to follow the sequence of repairs in the bathroom. Only here it is necessary to change the pipes and plumbing, and then proceed to the steps described above. The bathroom in terms of the volume of actions performed is the most time-consuming in terms of repairs. The difficulty lies in working with plumbing, electricity, installing tiles and ceramic tiles, as well as pre-leveling the surface.
Bathroom remodeling tips
Specialists give some recommendations:
- Dismantling works. Usually this process is carried out in old-style premises. The size of the bathroom is increasing due to the disassembly of the plumbing element.
- Water supply and sewerage. You can not spare money and effort in installing these communications, otherwise problems will arise, and you will have to constantly change them due to leakage.
- Working with the ceiling. It can be done in two ways. You can make a plasterboard ceiling, and you get a perfectly flat surface (standard option), where you can install lighting. Tension structures are also used. This is a more reliable way. This type of ceiling is resistant to pressure in case of floods from neighbors.
- Conducting electricity. If this is a room with high humidity, you need to be extremely careful and careful during electrical installation procedures. It is strictly forbidden to install sockets and switches inside the bathroom.
- Plumbing products and equipment. Existvarious types of plumbing items on the market. You can choose sanitary ware for every taste and color (sinks, bathtubs, boilers, hoods, toilets, showers, bidets, etc.).
- Surface tiling. The final step in the renovation of the bathroom is the installation of tiles. There are many types of this material on the market, everyone can choose according to their own discretion, finances and preferences.
Modern wall and floor coverings
In whatever sequence the walls in the room are repaired, you first need to make a list of the necessary materials. It can be various wallpapers, slatted materials, wooden lining, paints and varnishes, decorative plaster, PVC panels and much more.

According to the plan, in the process of reconstruction, work is first done with the ceiling. You always need to follow the sequence of repairs in the room. The walls and floor are finished after the ceiling. When installing floor coverings, you can use various modern materials instead of monotonous, bored linoleums. There are many types of flooring materials: MDF-based laminate, cork (highly natural material), moisture-resistant elastic laminate, 3D self-leveling floors, various types of carpets and much more.
Thus, if you strictly adhere to the sequence of repairs in the room, then this process will be significantly accelerated and will please you with a good result.