Fresh air in the apartment is the key to good he alth and the atmosphere in general. In order for unpleasant odors to escape, the premises must be equipped with a ventilation system. As a rule, the hood is located in the bathroom, toilet and kitchen.
But there are times when the system is broken, and then problems can begin. The biggest inconvenience is noted in the bathrooms. Due to the fact that the humidity is increased, the appearance of a damp or even putrid smell is not long in coming.
In addition to unpleasant odors, the owners are faced with the appearance of fungus and mold. This is not only unsightly, but also harmful to he alth. How to choose and install a bathroom hood, what parameters are most important, read the article.

Why do you need a hood in the bathroom
The bathroom has its own microclimate, which differs from the general one in the apartment by high humidity. And as you know, a humid environment is an ideal place for the reproduction of bacteria and the growth of various fungi, including mold.
Moldadversely affects human he alth: allergic reactions, respiratory disorders may occur. In addition, it also spoils the appearance of all coatings - walls, ceilings. In advanced cases, even destruction occurs. Fighting mold is very difficult. Therefore, in order not to encounter such a problem in the future, everything needs to be taken care of in advance. Installing an exhaust hood in the bathroom will help ventilate the room and reduce the risk of fungus. Mold also creates an unpleasant, putrid odor that towels can absorb. Taking a bath or shower in such conditions is not exactly pleasant.
Even moisture-resistant materials are best used in a dry or neutral microclimate. So the appearance will be preserved, and the service life will increase.
Also a common problem in bathrooms is stale air, which is exacerbated by the fact that various detergents are used in a small area. All this not only spoils the mood, but also harms he alth.
In order to make the atmosphere of the room more pleasant and comfortable, it is necessary to use a hood.
Types of hoods for bathroom
In order for the bathroom to be pleasant to be in, and the air to be clean, it is necessary to install an exhaust hood. Bathroom hoods are divided into two types: natural and forced. In order to understand the features of these systems, it is worth dealing with each separately.

Natural drawing
The design of natural ventilation in a private or multi-apartment building occurs even beforestart of construction. This is necessary in order to mark all the ventilation holes and lay the mine itself. The exit of the mines is located on the final, attic floor. Canals are built of brick, but there are cheaper materials on the market that are suitable for this purpose.
In order to make a natural hood in the bathroom, the following points must be considered:
- The duct (exhaust port) must be vertical. If the house has several bathrooms, then each room should be equipped with a separate air duct.
- When creating a combined ventilation duct for the toilet and bathroom, it is important to consider the level of the location of the premises. It should be the same.
- All ventilation ducts in a private house can be combined in the attic. This is not suitable for houses in which the bathrooms are located in different parts of the building.
- The fewer twists and turns the ventilation system contains, the better the air will circulate.
- In one-story houses, it is best to place hoods on the ceiling.
If the above rules are observed during the design and installation of natural ventilation, then the air in the bathroom will be clean and dampness will not appear.
Forced exhaust
Forced exhaust is called, which is installed if natural ventilation does not cope with the task, and there is no air circulation. As a rule, installing a new hood is much easier than repairing an old natural one.

If you decide to create a sauna in the bathroom, then you simply cannot do without such an extract. Installing a fan will be the easiest and most effective. On sale there are many varieties of fans and hoods for bathrooms. The principle of operation is preserved in all cases, the only difference is the dimensions of the device and its appearance.
Characteristics of bathroom and toilet hoods
Before you buy a hood, it is worth checking whether it meets all the characteristics:
- Electric hood. The bathroom is a place with a high level of humidity. Splashes and drops of water often fall on the walls and ceiling. To avoid a short circuit, the hood must have a sealed housing that will protect the appliance from water and steam.
- Compliance with quality standards. The bathroom hood must have documents confirming the quality of the goods, guarantees, as well as information about the class of the device, which must be indicated by a number of at least IP-34.
- Performance. Indicators of 90-100 m3/h guarantee high-quality air circulation in the bathroom. Also, such a hood can be equipped with both a toilet and a bathroom together.
- Power. This is an important parameter when choosing a hood. The higher this figure, the better the performance. Also, the power should be higher if the device is additionally equipped with sensors and a timer.
- Size. The bathroom has a small area, so the dimensions of the hood should be compact. If you install a large appliance, then even the most sophisticated interior will be spoiled.
- Noise level. Optimalis an indicator that does not exceed the limit of 25 dB. There are also a large number of silent bathroom hoods on the market. This is a real gift for lovers of soaking in the bath before bedtime.
- The price of the hood should be reasonable. Do not buy "super goods" at inflated prices. You can always find a manufacturer that offers the same features, but the cost will be an order of magnitude lower.

Types of fans
Fans that are used in bathrooms and toilets are divided into two types: standard and automatic. They differ in functionality, which plays a huge role in choosing.
This is a type of hood with a check valve for the bathroom. The device blocks the flow of exhaust air into the room. It works basically according to the following principle: the light is on - it works, no - it does not function. This is very convenient if you have children. But such a fan will not cope with a large amount of steam during prolonged water procedures. Reviews of this type of bathroom hood are positive, as it is practical and easy to use.

Auto models
This device is convenient because there is a timer to set the operating time. The sensors that the hood is equipped with automatically calculate the humidity level and start the appliance. It is very convenient and practical. But such hoods have a drawback - the high cost.
These are the main types of bathroom and toilet hoods. All systemsforced ventilation must be connected to the mains. But there are also models that are equipped with batteries or batteries. This is the ideal solution for rooms with high levels of humidity. Reviews of hoods in the bathroom vary, but this is due to different indicators. For some, the price is important, but for some, the defining indicator is functionality.

Tips for choosing hoods
The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a forced ventilation system is the diameter of the fan. Manufacturers offer hoods with a pipe section of 80, 100, 120 and 150 mm. For a medium-sized apartment, diameters of 80 or 100 mm are quite suitable.
The second thing that should be at the highest level is moisture protection. The systems are powered by electricity, and to avoid problems with wiring, it is worth choosing devices with good waterproofing.
An important indicator for selection is the noise level of the fan. Well, if you choose a silent hood for the bathroom, then the adoption of water procedures will be a real relaxation.
Pay attention to the warranty provided by the manufacturer. It should not be less than a year.

Installing a hood in the bathroom
Installation of the hood in the bathroom will not cause problems even for those who have never encountered it. It is much more difficult to connect the fan to the mains. Here it is worth using the services of a specialist. Installing the fan itself can be done as follows:
- Remove the top coverwith boot.
- Attach the base to the air vent.
- Put the dust cover back on.
This method is not exactly easy, since for fastening you will need to drill holes for self-tapping screws. And this often leads to the formation of chips on the tile.
The way out of this situation was found by craftsmen. They advise simply gluing the device to the tile with silicone or liquid nails. This method does not require much time, both during installation and dismantling of the product.
Ventilation in the bathroom should be of high quality and practical. Forced exhaust is able to provide air circulation at the highest level. If you use the tips and rules that are described in the article, then you are provided with pleasant fresh air in the premises.