Metal tile size: characteristics of the main profiles

Metal tile size: characteristics of the main profiles
Metal tile size: characteristics of the main profiles

The term "metal tile" refers to a sheet roofing material produced by the method of cold pressure of a profile from copper, aluminum or sheet steel, followed by the application of a polymeric protective layer. Externally, the sheet resembles masonry carried out using traditional ceramic tiles.

metal tile size
metal tile size

The size of the metal tile is set by the current standards and specifications. It depends on the equipment used for the production and the type of products produced. As a rule, raw materials for the manufacture of these roofing materials are supplied to the enterprise in the form of rolled sheet metal, the thickness of which lies in the range from four tenths to seven tenths of a mm. A polymer coating has already been applied to the metal, which performs a dual task. It protects it and gives an aesthetic appearance, which is facilitated by the wide range of colors of these products.

The size of a metal tile is set in the technological map (wave pitch, transverse wave height, length and width of finished sheets). This is one of the most important indicators by which it is customary to classify the specified material. By profile typemetal tile is divided into:

monterrey metal tile size
monterrey metal tile size
  • "Maxi";
  • "Elite";
  • Monterrey;
  • "Trapezoid";
  • Super Monterrey.

The most popular profile types are the third and fifth. The size of the Monterrey metal tile in the basic version of its manufacture is:

  • sheet length - from 2000 mm and above;
  • width - 1800 mm;
  • thickness - 0.4-0.5 mm;

This roofing material has various types of protective and decorative coating, the designation of which is given below:

  • PE - made of polyester;
  • LKPTs - galvanized steel with organic coating;
  • C - one-sided coating (D - two-sided);
  • RAL - the color of the applied coating, according to a similar catalog.

Standard sizes of Monterrey metal tile:

standard sizes of metal tiles
standard sizes of metal tiles
  • sheet (thickness): 0.4-0.5mm;
  • wave (pitch/height), mm - 350/24;
  • width (usable/total), mm: - 1100/1800.

The size of Monterrey metal tiles of other types (Maxi, Granite HDX, Velur, Solano 30, Country) differs from the above and accordingly is:

  • thickness: (0.4-0.5)mm / 0.5mm rest;
  • wave pitch (mm): 400/350/350/350/350;
  • wave height (mm): 24/23/23/23/23.
  • width (usable/total), mm: (1100/1180)/(1100/1180)/(1100/1180) /(1100/1180)/(1120/1188).

Besides the parameter,referred to as the "size of the metal tile", the buyer needs to pay attention to the following characteristics, which can be safely called as determining the quality of the specified roofing material. This is:

  1. Type and class of protective coating.
  2. Type and class of decorative and protective coating.
  3. The grade of steel used as the base.

The specified parameters largely determine the scope of use of a metal tile of one type or another. The base polymers used in the manufacture of its coating are polyvinyl chloride, polyurethane, polyvinylidene fluoride. But in their pure form, they are usually not used.

The optimal characteristics of this roofing material in terms of price, durability, versatility, ease of installation make it the most attractive type of roofing product currently on the Russian market.
