Sand fleas: how to protect yourself?

Sand fleas: how to protect yourself?
Sand fleas: how to protect yourself?

Sand fleas are small, dangerous parasites belonging to the genus Tunga penetrans and posing a direct threat to human he alth.

Description of the sand flea

In size, insects, characterized by a segmented body and an external skeletal system of chitin (which resemble shrimp), reach 1-2 mm and, in the absence of wings, have the ability to jump very well, sometimes up to 40 cm in height.

sand fleas
sand fleas

Young individuals are characterized by a dark brown shiny body, which, due to the hardness of the shell, is almost impossible to crush with a finger.

Sand fleas - causative agents of tungiasis

In addition to sucking blood and committing bites, these inhabitants of Africa, South America and Southeast Asia are able to penetrate the skin and provoke the occurrence of many diseases, one of which is tungiasis. Most of all, people who rarely wear shoes while relaxing on the beach, and tourists who neglect the safety rules of staying in a foreign country are most susceptible to it.

sand fleas likeget rid of
sand fleas likeget rid of

The causative agent of the disease is a pregnant female sand flea. Unlike males that simply bite a person, she bites into the skin, and rests so strongly on the tissue with her paws that it becomes very difficult to extract it outward. Penetrating inside through the nails of the feet and hands, buttocks, the space between the fingers, the sand flea sticks to the blood vessels, and at this time about two hundred eggs mature in its body.

Consequences of the activities of the southern parasite

Such "unauthorized" intervention of the parasite in the smooth functioning of the human body causes pain, swelling, intense itching, sometimes lasting several days. In the process of staying inside, the female increases hundreds of times, reaching the size of a pea, and then (after 5-6 days) shoots ripe eggs from the wound, decreases in size and dies, often without getting out. Tungiosis is treated surgically - by removing the affected area, in the study of which it is possible to detect a flea and the eggs laid by it. The consequence of the southern disease can be deformity of the fingers, thrombophlebitis, elephantiasis, necrosis, pneumonia.

What is the danger to humans?

While the insect is inside, the tissues around the place of its penetration become inflamed, which causes the process of suppuration. Signs of the disease may not appear immediately, but after 1-2 weeks, as the female grows under the skin. Moreover, sand fleas (photo in the article) also carry danger to domestic animals (dogs, pigs, goats), causing the latter to have similarsymptoms. The result of being in the body of a foreign creature is an abscess similar to a boil, which, after opening, turns into an ulcer. With a possible infection in the wound, there is a risk of developing gangrene or sepsis.

sand fleas photo
sand fleas photo

Sand fleas are especially active in the evening and at night when they go hunting. The preferred habitat is the sands near nearby water bodies. A flea bite resembles a mosquito in appearance and symptoms and is accompanied by reddening of the affected area and itching.

Sand fleas: treatment

As a rule, flea bites tend to target areas with the thinnest skin: the popliteal and axillary cavities, the legs (especially the sides of the heels and the top of the foot), and the waist. The bites are very itchy and itchy, especially causing anxiety at night. The puncture point is most often not visible due to the very small size of the hole and the elastic properties of the skin. Severe pain and swelling on the skin with a white abscess and a black dot (a flea belly through which the parasite breathes and gets rid of waste products) appear in the middle if a female sand flea gets inside. You should not try to pull it out with a needle yourself, because accidental crushing of the parasite can cause all of its contents to enter the bloodstream; it is better to immediately seek help from a physician who will remove the insect with a sterile needle or tweezers, disinfect and bandage the wound. If it was not possible to save oneself, and a person was attacked by sand fleas, asget rid of these insects?

sand flea treatment
sand flea treatment

There is no definite treatment for sand flea bites: any anesthetic cream is recommended to relieve itching, and if suspicious swelling appears, which most likely indicates penetration of the parasite under the skin, you should immediately go to the hospital.

How to protect yourself?

When visiting an exotic country where there is an increased risk of getting acquainted with the sand flea, it is not recommended to walk in an area where there is a high risk of being bitten.

Strongly reduces the risk of getting into the parasite's teeth by wearing socks and closed shoes. Before the trip, it is necessary to make the necessary vaccinations and constantly use protective ointments. During excursions to the forest or to the wild beach, you should dress well, giving preference to a long-sleeved shirt and trousers. For protection, a scarf should be tied around the neck. In the campaign, you need to avoid areas with tall grass and bypass puddles. These are the areas sand fleas love.

sand flea bite photos
sand flea bite photos

Photos of the bites of such insects look frightening, because, looking at them, you are horrified: how much harm such a small creature can cause to the body! While relaxing on the beach, if you feel a bite, you should immediately move to another place well lit by the sun.

Sand fleas prefer to live in the shade and do not crawl out in the sun. You should also carefully monitor the hygiene of the whole body, paying special attention to the legs. After walking, be sure totake a warm shower.