Different crops grow differently in different areas. After all, plants that grow well in one climate zone may die in another. This is especially true for heat-loving crops. But people in most cases were able to overcome these difficulties by creating greenhouses and greenhouses. And now you can see huge areas where plants are grown that used to grow only in hot or warm regions.

The difference between greenhouses and greenhouses
Many people think that a greenhouse and a greenhouse are just different names for the same structure. Actually they are two different things. The greenhouse is a low small structure, which is protected from wind and bad weather by transparent panels. Greenhouses are not heated, all the heat inside is formed due to sunlight and ambient air. The greenhouse, on the other hand, can be simply huge, it may contain artificial lighting and heating to maintain the desired degree of illumination and heat. For growing early seedlings outside the city, mini-greenhouses for a summer residence or a personal plot are perfect.

Place for a greenhouse on the site
Since the greenhouse is not heated and does not receive additional lighting, the place for it must be chosen responsibly. The site should be well lit by the sun all day - it is better to place the structure in the south or southeast. There should be no strong winds in this area. You need to look at the wind rose or independently observe where the wind blows the least during spring and early summer. Ideally, a greenhouse for a summer residence is best placed in front of a wall of a house or a fence. Sunlight will be reflected from them, and the greenhouse will warm up better in the still cold time.

Greenhouse to give: what to do
It is not enough to choose a good place for future construction, you also need to make a greenhouse. A variety of materials are suitable for this: metal arcs from reinforcement, reinforcing wire, wooden stakes or bars, plastic wrap, glass, plexiglass, polycarbonate and fasteners. Of the tools - a hammer, screwdriver, drill, screwdriver, construction stapler, scissors, iron or construction glue. The choice of tool depends on what materials will be used in the construction of the greenhouse.
Making a greenhouse with your own hands
If you have materials at hand, then you can make a greenhouse for a summer residence with your own hands without any problems.
1st way. You will need a plastic film, arcs or wire from reinforcement, a straight pipe to fix the film. Arcs are inserted into the ground. Seeds or seedlings are planted. On the one hand, the film sticks wellearth, on the other hand, it is pressed down with a straight pipe. On the third and fourth sides, the film is fixed with pieces of reinforcement or a metal pipe. The film must be of such a size that, after fixing it, cold air does not penetrate inside. If there is no covering material of the right size, then the polyethylene is perfectly glued together using a household iron or building hair dryer.
2nd way. From wooden bars or reinforcement, a frame is made in the form of a parallelepiped or triangle. A film, glass or other impenetrable transparent material is immediately attached to it. The film can be glued, nailed or stapled. The resulting structure is installed in the area where it is planned to plant plants or plant seeds.
3rd way. If the two previous methods involved the manufacture of a mobile greenhouse, then this one is suitable for a stationary one. A frame is made of wood or metal, which is dug into the ground with racks. Old window frames are attached to door or window hinges. At the same time, only one side can be on the hinges (for access inside), the other sides are deaf.
Buying a greenhouse
Ready-made greenhouses for summer cottages are sold in many stores, you just need to look. But it is not necessary to go shopping, you can find everything on the Internet and order delivery. The kit is simple - a frame, legs or racks, covering material and clips for clamping. The Dayas greenhouse has gained good fame. Installation is very simple - you need to get the structure out of the case and, alternately pullingeach section, stick the legs into the ground. You can buy such a greenhouse for a summer residence inexpensively - the cost starts from $ 30. Such tension mobile structures are easy to wash in the fall, fold and do not take up much space during storage.
Modern technologies in the manufacture of greenhouses and greenhouses

You can not waste time and buy a ready-made greenhouse for giving. This will be a little more expensive, but will save time. Ready-made polycarbonate greenhouses combine the qualities of all three previous options in terms of reliability and simplicity. The design is light, it can be left on the site all year round, or it can be removed to the utility room. Not afraid of sunlight or frost. At the same time, polycarbonate has high light transmission and good thermal insulation properties.
Greenhouses for summer cottages made of polycarbonate have advantages over other structures. However, they also have a drawback - if a strong hail of a large size begins, then damage to the covering material cannot be avoided. You can assemble such a greenhouse yourself. It will require guides for polycarbonate, polycarbonate itself, racks and fasteners. The main difficulty is the ability to do everything carefully, you need skills in working with cutting polycarbonate.
Determine which greenhouse is better, only the owner himself can, because someone prefers to equip himself with his own hands, and someone likes to buy everything ready.