A baby has appeared in the family. The event is exciting and at the same time creates a number of problems, one of which is the choice of the cradle. You can, of course, go the traditional way and buy first a stroller, then an arena and a rectangular crib familiar to everyone. But do not forget: time does not stand still, and what seemed impossible yesterday, today has become a reality. This also applies to oval or round cribs. According to reviews, she is able to replace several pieces of furniture at once, so necessary in the nursery.
Features of the transforming bed
This thing is really worth it. After all, parents immediately receive a cradle (there are models equipped with a pendulum for motion sickness), and a changing table, and a crib with a cabinet or drawers for things and toys, and an arena, and a table with chairs, and a sofa … For example, a round crib is very praised in reviews Forest, which easily transforms into 6 or more items. The main thing is to immediately pay attention to several points.
- The crib should be made from sustainable materials.
- On the bottom, preferablythe presence of special holes that will allow the mattress to "breathe".
- The sides are no less important: they will save parents from the fear that the baby will stick a leg or a handle between the side bars, which is not always safe.
- Removable side panel (about its usefulness a little later) and silicone pads (they like to “nibble” kids who are teething) will not interfere.
- The wheels that allow you to move the crib must be fixed. This will become especially true at the moment when the baby begins to actively move.

These are the basic requirements for how a round transformer bed should be arranged. You just need to realize how and for how long it is supposed to be used, and then go shopping.
Functionality in the first 3-4 months
First, it is convenient to design a round crib. The reviews emphasize that in this way the baby will have the feeling that he is still in the womb. The limited space will allow you to create a warm, cozy atmosphere around it. And the size of the cradle bed will make it possible to additionally use, for example, a cocoon for newborns.
It is advisable to arrange a sleeping place at this stage on the upper level - it will be easy for the mother to put the baby, especially the sleeping one, into the crib. The removable front wall also contributes to this: he took off, laid the crumbs and installed it in place.

If necessary, a round crib - this is especially noted in the reviews - can be easily turned intocomfortable changing table.
The baby has become active - it's time to change shape
When the size of the cradle becomes small for the child, it is turned from a round crib - according to reviews, it is very easy to do this - into an oval one. Now the baby will be able to sleep and stay awake in it absolutely freely. But that's not all. By the age of 3-4, it will be possible to remove the front wall and lower the bed one level. Then the baby, waking up, will be able to get out of the crib on their own. And also arrange an arena in it, lowering the bottom to the lowest level.

Further - more. They removed the sleeping place altogether - and the grown-up child can comfortably sit on the chair. And from the bottom you get a table where you can have lunch and draw.
Useful for both 5 and 7 years old
Finally, the moment has come when the baby turned into a kindergarten graduate or a schoolboy. But the main furniture in his room is still the same, once round, bed. In the reviews, parents suggest that now you can easily assemble an oval sofa, a pair of cozy chairs or, again, a table with chairs from it. The latter will now be needed more than ever.

Thus, the story of the transforming bed really deserves the attention of young parents. And do not be afraid of the seemingly high cost of this multifunctional piece of furniture. If the quality of the crib is really worth it, then it will pay off handsomely. And in front of parents in 2-3 yearsthe question will arise again: “Where to put your child to sleep?”