How and how to escape from midges: in the garden and at home

How and how to escape from midges: in the garden and at home
How and how to escape from midges: in the garden and at home

Summer! How long have we been waiting for this promising season, when you can go on vacation, relax in nature, fry kebabs in the country, go to the forest for mushrooms and berries. But sometimes, especially if there is a lot of rain, the whole picture is spoiled by a large number of blood-sucking insects. Therefore, it becomes an urgent problem how to escape from the midge and find the most effective remedy for it.

On the one hand, midges, unlike mosquitoes, bite imperceptibly. Their saliva contains substances that have an analgesic effect. But after bites, redness, itching and burning appear on the skin. Itching can be removed with a solution of baking soda, the bite can be treated with alcohol. To avoid an allergic reaction, it is advised to take antihistamines such as Suprastin, Diazolin.

how to get rid of midges
how to get rid of midges

It is important to know not only how to escape from midges, but also how to avoid their bites. In order not to attract small blood-sucking insects, it is recommended to wear light-colored clothes in summer, use special protective lotions and gels before going outside. Midges are attracted to the smell of sweat. If a person is attacked by a large cluster of midges, then the result of bites can be poisoning. The first sign of it is an increase in temperature and the appearance of edema. In such cases, you need to see a doctor.

insect repeller
insect repeller

Traditional medicine can suggest a way to escape from midges. For example, going to the forest, you can prepare a solution based on vanilla, the smell of which cannot stand the midges. To do this, you need to dissolve one sachet of vanillin in a one and a half liter bottle filled with one third of warm water. Using a spray bottle, the solution must be applied to the skin. Rescues carnation from blood-sucking insects. Spice should be poured with a glass of boiled water, boiled and cooled. Then, with the resulting composition, wipe the parts of the body that are not protected by clothing.

An effective method of how to escape from midges is special protective creams and aerosols. They are applied before going outside on the skin and on clothes. Special protective equipment can act for several hours. But here lies a serious problem. Substances included in their composition can cause allergies. Saves the use of essential oils. Small blood-sucking insects cannot stand the smells of basil, tea tree, cedar and eucalyptus.

flying insect exterminator
flying insect exterminator

In addition to aerosols, creams and tried-and-true methods of protection, there are special devices that will help both outdoors and indoors. For example, a fumigator is a good insect repeller that runs on electricity. It heats up, and the plate or liquid inside it begins to spread a smell that is unpleasant for midges. Similar effectachieved with a spiral. It is set on fire, during decay it releases substances that cause small insects to desire to be away from this place. You can also use an ultrasonic repeller from midges, it is an absolutely safe tool for humans. If you want to exterminate uninvited guests, then you should purchase the Skat flying insect exterminator, which is a special mains-operated lamp. Her light attracts midges, they fly up to her grid, which is under high voltage, and die.
