Sewage device in a country house

Sewage device in a country house
Sewage device in a country house

It is impossible to live comfortably in a private house without running water and sewerage. As a rule, the arrangement of these systems is carried out by the owners themselves. However, today there are quite a lot of companies involved in the arrangement of water supply and sewerage for a turnkey country house. But their services are quite expensive, in addition, you will have to spend money on the material.

sewerage in a country house
sewerage in a country house

If it is supposed to lay engineering communications on its own, the question arises: which sewerage system to choose for a country house? In the article we will deal with all the nuances of installing different systems.

Basic elements

Sewage system for a country house includes:

  • Indoor equipment. It includes pipes, plumbing fixtures.
  • Outer highway. It serves to drain wastewater.
  • A septic tank or a pit for collecting wastewater. Today, special plastic containers for sewage are produced. For a country house, you can choose a product of any size.

The complexity of the system depends on the number of plumbing fixtures and the specifics of their placement in the house. During installationsewerage in the house must comply with the established technological and sanitary standards.

The general scheme of the system is divided into two circuits: external and internal. Working with each of them has its own characteristics that should be considered.


A sewerage plan for a country house is drawn up simultaneously with the creation of a general building plan.

independent sewerage for a country house
independent sewerage for a country house

Plumbing fixtures should be placed as compactly as possible so that they can be connected to the same riser or manifold if the building has more than one floor.

The diagram should indicate all equipment, pipe connection areas, their location, the point of entry of pipes into the house. When drawing up the plan, the external contour is taken into account. The pipe from the house to the septic tank (or pit) must be below the freezing level.

The design of sewerage for a country house must be approached very carefully. Mistakes made at this stage can have serious consequences. For example, if you do not provide for a fan riser in the scheme, then there will always be an unpleasant smell in the house. If the depth of the pipe is incorrectly calculated, it will freeze, which will lead to its rapid clogging.

Inner contour

Plastic pipes of different sections (from 110 to 32 mm) are used to construct the interior of the sewer for a country house. For the central riser, for example, the largest pipe with a diameter of 110 mm is used.

The surface of plastic pipes is smooth, which allows drains to freely go into the septic tank orpit. In addition, the material is not susceptible to corrosion.

storm sewer of a country house
storm sewer of a country house

Connection of system sections is carried out with the help of oblique branches of the crosses. When turning at right angles, it is recommended to use bends of 45 degrees. This will prevent clogging of the areas.

Effluent flows through pipes by gravity. Accordingly, for the normal functioning of the entire sewer system, they must be placed at a slight slope: 2 cm per meter.


An integral element of the sewage system for a country house is a fan pipe. It performs the function of ventilation. Fan riser - part of the pipe that goes vertically to the roof. Due to it, stable pressure is ensured in the entire system. The fan pipe is located away from window openings, on the leeward side.

A vacuum valve is installed in one-story houses. It is an alternative to the fan pipe.

Outer contour

It includes pipes through which drains move to a septic tank or storage pit. Many owners do not know what to choose for the sewer. Different systems are provided for country houses:

  • Accumulative pit.
  • Two-chamber septic tank.
  • Plastic tank.
  • Bio-treatment station.

Let's take a closer look at them.

sewerage system for a country house
sewerage system for a country house

Accumulative pit

A kind of filter is created at its bottom, consisting of crushed stone and sand. The walls of the cesspool are concreted or laid out of brick. Cesspoolthe pit is suitable for small houses.

When effluent enters, liquid seeps through the rock, and solid fractions linger at the bottom. The pit needs to be cleaned periodically.

This option is considered the most economical and easiest.

Two-chamber septic tank

An autonomous sewage system for a country house may include a special container consisting of 2-3 wells.

The first section is sealed. For the device of this part, concrete rings are used. You can also fill the walls and floor of the excavation with concrete. In two sections - at the inlet of the pipe extending from the house, and at the overflow point - holes are made. Here, sewage will be separated into solids and liquids.

Installation of a septic tank is significantly accelerated when using concrete rings. As a rule, 2-3 pieces are needed. The connection of the rings is carried out using metal fittings. Joints should be filled with mortar.

plastic sewerage tanks for a country house
plastic sewerage tanks for a country house

Water clarified in the first well enters the adjacent chamber through the overflow pipe. The second well is made leaky. Sedimentary rock is laid at the bottom in a layer of 50 cm.

In such a sump, a fairly large amount of wastewater can accumulate. The septic tank needs to be cleaned infrequently.

The sump is covered from above with a slab with a hatch.

Plastic container

Another fairly simple way to equip a cesspool. To install a storage tank, you just need to dig a pit of the required size.

However, clean the containerneed to be done quite often. This option is more suitable for a small house.

Bio-treatment station

It is suitable for a large area home. Biotreatment station is a complex and expensive system. She takes in a lot of wastewater and cleans it up.

The system uses compressors and pumps powered by electricity. The installation of such a station is best left to professionals.

Choosing a seat

As mentioned above, when installing sewers, sanitary requirements must be observed. Specifically:

  • The septic tank or pit must be at least 10 m away from the house. If a sealed tank is used, the distance can be halved.
  • The well must be at least 30 m away. If the site has sandy soil, the distance increases to 50 meters.
  • The cesspool is made no more than 3 m deep. It should not affect groundwater.

If groundwater is high on the site, only a plastic sealed container can be installed. When designing the outer contour, it is necessary to provide for unimpeded access of the sewer machine.

sewerage for a country house turnkey
sewerage for a country house turnkey

Installation of external pipes

It starts after the installation of a septic tank. As a rule, polymer pipes are used. They are placed in a special concrete box to prevent mechanical damage.

Pipes should be laid as straight as possible - clogging can occur at bends. The elements are deepened by at least 1 m. In the northern regions, pipes are laid deeper. It is recommended to additionally protect them with a heater. When laying pipes, do not forget about the slope.

The elements of the system are placed in a trench, the bottom of which is covered with sand (a layer of 10 cm). The sections are connected by special couplings. Installation starts from the septic tank. The first pipe is introduced into it and the line is brought to the house. After the laying is completed, the trench is covered with sand and soil on top.

Storm sewer of a country house

It consists of wells that are connected to each other by pipes. Storm sewers are installed to collect excess water from the site, as well as to prevent flooding of the foundation.

The system consists of:

  • Gutters. They are located along the slopes of the roof. Rainfall collects in drains and flows through funnels through pipes.
  • Water receivers. They are set up on the ground. The system of receivers contains sand traps, storm water inlets, drainage systems, and receiving funnels. They are placed so that the collection of water occurs as efficiently as possible. Point receivers and funnels are usually located under downpipes.
  • Line receivers. They are placed along the tracks at a slight slope. This ensures normal water flow.
  • Systems for storing, redistributing or discharging precipitation.
what sewer to choose for a country house
what sewer to choose for a country house


Storm sewer happens:

  1. Ground.
  2. Underground.
  3. Mixed.

The underground system, in turn, is divided into freezing and non-freezing. The first does not function in the winter, but its installation is much easier. The minimum allowable depth of the system elements is 30 cm. Non-freezing storm sewer is installed below the freezing level.

The choice of one or another option depends on various factors: soil properties, building features, layout, relief, aesthetic requirements.

For example, underground sewage is equipped in the case when high requirements are placed on the appearance of the territory. At the same time, the installation of such a system will require significant financial investments. The bulk of the costs are associated with earthworks.

The above-ground storm system consists of gutters placed directly in the coverage area. Through them, water is discharged to the site or flows to a certain place. Water can be used for watering plantings on the site. To do this, all pipes are reduced to one or more containers. Water is pumped using a pump. In winter, however, this system will not work.
