Violet Inner Strength: variety description, care features

Violet Inner Strength: variety description, care features
Violet Inner Strength: variety description, care features

Uzambara violets (saintpaulia) are very popular with flower growers. These beautiful plants are collected, exchanged, shown at exhibitions, used to decorate rooms. Small flowers fit perfectly into any interior, they are easy to care for. There are now thousands of varieties, including Inner Strength violet. With proper care, she will delight with abundant cornflower blue blooms.

Violet Inner Strength
Violet Inner Strength

Variety description

Inner Strength violet differs from other varieties in its unusual color of flowers. They are blue-cornflower blue with a raspberry border and a white ruffle. The leaves are dark green, quilted, with a slight variegation. It gives grace to the plant and is in perfect harmony with the white-beige border on the flowers. The outlet is standard, smooth, neat.

With each new bloom, the color of the ruffle becomes more vibrant. Pansy-shaped flowers, 5 cm in size. With age, they become larger.

Blooms often,almost the whole year, although it takes small breaks. Moreover, Inner Strength violet shows its beauty from the first flowering. She produces flower stalks that rise above the green mass. Up to seven buds are formed on one leg. Each peduncle is a bright bouquet of blue flowers. In the first flowering, it is thin and long, but then it becomes stronger and a little shorter.

Inner Strength Violet is easy to propagate from cuttings. The variety is easy to care for, blooms early enough. Compared to other varieties, this species needs more sunlight, then the rosette will be even, and the flower stalks will be in harmony with the green mass. Grows well on wick and top watering.

dark green leaf
dark green leaf


Violets are demanding on water. They do not tolerate waterlogging and do not like dryness. Watering twice a week with settled water at room temperature is considered ideal. During this procedure, it is necessary to ensure that water droplets do not fall on the leaves, and even more so in the center of the outlet. To prevent this, it is recommended to water the plant from the pallet. With the wrong option, the plant starts to hurt.

When overwatered, leaves and roots begin to rot. Sometimes, wondering why violet leaves turn yellow, it’s worth thinking about, or maybe it’s all about the wrong care. After all, the first sign of a violation of watering is pale and yellowed leaves.

If the soil is too wet, the plant will quickly die. Moreover, it will start from the roots, and then the aerial part will die.

Growing violets
Growing violets


ForFor the normal development of the plant, it is necessary to choose the right soil. Ready-made substrate for saintpaulia, offered in garden stores, is considered ideal. It has all the qualities a plant needs: looseness, breathability, slightly acidity and lightness.

When the soil is alkalized due to hard water used for irrigation, the plant begins to turn yellow. Dark green leaves become discolored and lose their attractiveness. To prevent alkalization, acidified water is used. To do this, a small amount of high-moor peat is added to the water, which reduces the hardness of the water.

Saintpaulia turns yellow

Sometimes the plant loses the color of the leaves for natural reasons due to their death. In each variety, including the "iner stretch", in the second year of life, the lower leaves begin to die off. This is a lengthy process, but it should not be massive. Usually the plant sheds 1-2 leaves, which is not a cause for concern.

The variety "iner stretch" refers to variegated species. At first glance, the leaves of the plant look like diseased, but they are juicy and have no damage. Sometimes yellowness occurs on any part of the violet. It can appear and disappear spontaneously, be distributed along the rosette in the form of a mosaic, or diverge along the edge of the sheet. All this is considered normal in the variegated variety.

Stand for flowers floor
Stand for flowers floor


Violet is a unique plant that is successfully grown in different locations. The pot can be put on the windowsill, on the table, or you can growviolets on a floor flower stand.

With any placement method, the plant is provided with a temperature of 20-23 degrees. Such a temperature regime will allow Saintpaulia to grow strong and bloom for a long time.

Under cool growing conditions, some properties of the plant are better manifested. So, violets show a brighter and wider border, more buds are formed. If the plant is grown at 30 degrees, then there will be few buds on it, and the flowers will not show themselves and their beauty.

In order for Saintpaulia to show itself in all its glory, it is necessary not only to place the plant correctly, but also to protect it from drafts. The flow of cold air contributes to the formation of beige spots on the leaves, streaks, due to which the attractiveness of the outlet is lost. Also, a draft contributes to the decay of the root system.

The arrangement of violets by the window
The arrangement of violets by the window

Optimal conditions

For normal growth and development, the plant must provide an optimal level of humidity - at least 50%. In room conditions, you can achieve such indicators by installing a humidifier or placing a container of water next to the plant.

A high level of humidity must be provided to plants that are rooting: leaves, babies, rosettes after transplantation.

When growing saintpaulias, it is important to choose the right pot size. In order for the outlet to develop normally, containers with a diameter of 10 cm are used for this variety.

With proper care for the violet, it will delight with long, abundant flowering, cornflower blue bud, toweringabove the green mass.

During planting, it is important not to compact the substrate too much, since such land will not pass water well, and when soaked, it will dry for a long time, and the root system will begin to grow and develop slowly.