Violet Le Chantal: photo and description of the variety, features of care

Violet Le Chantal: photo and description of the variety, features of care
Violet Le Chantal: photo and description of the variety, features of care

Today, there are a huge number of different varieties and types of violets (8500 varieties are officially registered), in addition, constant selection work contributes to the emergence of more and more new representatives of this beautiful plant. Such a variety and huge popularity of violets make them the undisputed favorites of home floriculture.

This article will tell you about one of the varieties of violets, which is distinguished by its unusually attractive colors.

violet variety Le Chantal
violet variety Le Chantal

Violet Le Chantal: photo and variety description

Saintpaulia Le Chantal was bred by florist Elena Lebetskaya and named after Saint Jeanne-Francoise de Chantal.

This violet is distinguished by its large flowers with a pleated structure. Color - bright crimson with a white eye in the middle. If the ambient temperature drops, then the white spot becomes more pronounced, and the fringe at the edges of the petals becomes light green.shade. Flowers do not fully open.

The leaves of this variety are wavy, dark green with a thin stem. Peduncles are tall and weakened, so they quickly fall on the leaves. The plant begins to bloom 14-15 months after the appearance of the first leaves. Le Chantal violet is very photophilous.

violet le chantal photo and description
violet le chantal photo and description

Conditions for growing violets at home

To enjoy beautifully blooming saintpaulias at home, it is important to create the conditions necessary for their cultivation. Light, temperature, air humidity - these are the three components for the proper development of the plant.

Flower position

In nature, violets grow in hot countries, but direct sunlight does not fall on the plants because of the bushes and tall vegetation. It is difficult to create such a microclimate at home. Best of all, light-loving plants will feel on the windowsills of the northwestern and northeastern windows, where there is no direct aggressive light.

If there are no such windows at home, then the Le Chantal violet needs to be slightly darkened by covering the bottom of the window with a loose fabric or paper. If the lighting, on the contrary, is not enough, then an additional light source will be needed. Plants can be illuminated with phytolamps, LED or conventional lamps.

saintpaulia le chantal
saintpaulia le chantal


In order for Saintpaulia to bloom for a long time and profusely, it is important to observe the temperature regime. The best temperature range is+20…+24 °С. Weak young plants like a higher temperature: + 24 … + 26 ° С. Violets tolerate temperature deviations well, but their growth may slow down and the plant may drop flowers. It is also important to remember that violets do not like drafts.


In order for the Le Chantal violet to fully grow and develop, it is necessary to maintain a normal level of air humidity in the room - at least 50%. If the air in the apartment is dry, then you need to use humidifiers or put water near the plants.

High humidity is also undesirable for violets, fungal diseases can develop in such an environment.

le chantal violet photo
le chantal violet photo

Caring for violets at home

Le Chantal Violet is demanding on agricultural technology, so it is important to know how to properly care for it.

1. Watering. Saintpaulias are watered only with filtered or settled water. The water temperature should be slightly above room temperature. Cold liquid can rot the plant's root system.

Water as needed, once the soil in the pot is dry. You can pour water both into the pot itself and into the pan.

2. Fertilizers. The first three months after transplantation, Saintpaulia does not need to be fed. After that, you need to fertilize 1 time in two weeks. To do this, it is better to use ready-made liquid organic and mineral formulations specifically for homemade violets. Such formulations have the right dosagenutrients.

3. Pruning. Violet pruning is done if necessary: when the plant's leaves die off or turn yellow, and also when there are too many leaves. Excess shoots are simply pinched off, and stepchildren are carefully cut off so as not to harm the main plant.

4. Transfer. Le Chantal violet care also includes transplanting. It is required by the plant in the following cases:

  • need to replace old depleted soil;
  • with a long and bare plant stem;
  • too many side shoots that take up the entire space of the pot.

Violet tolerates re-rooting well - this property is rare in plants. That is why sick and defective roots can be safely removed. If the plant is he althy and just needs a bigger pot, then it is simply “transferred” to another container.

When transplanting, drainage materials will be required, which fall asleep at the bottom of the new container.

Le Chantal violet loves care, so it needs to be taken seriously.

Reproduction of violets at home

Violet Le Chantal, like other types of Saintpaulia, propagated by cuttings, stepchildren, seeds and rooting of peduncles.

1. Propagation by cuttings is the most common method. To do this, you need to cut off the leaf, while leaving a stalk about 4 cm long. Rinse the cut itself and dry it a little. A leaf for rooting must be chosen brightlygreen, no stains or defects.

After all the above actions, the cutting should be placed in a small dark glass container with distilled or filtered water with the addition of activated carbon. The stem should be immersed in water no more than 1 cm. The water then does not need to be changed, but only topped up to the original volume.

If the cutting starts to rot, then it needs to be cut, sprinkled with activated charcoal, dry and put in fresh water.

When the roots grow to 1-2 cm, the stalk is planted in nutrient soil with a mandatory drainage layer.

propagation of violets by cuttings
propagation of violets by cuttings

2. Saintpaulias are propagated by stepchildren in the same way as leaf cuttings. To do this, take small shoots from the axils of the main plant and, when the young rosettes take root, they are transplanted into separate pots.

3. The Le Chantal violet shown in the photo can also be propagated by seeds, but this method is quite complicated. As a rule, it is used in breeding work.

The container must be filled with perlite soil, pour violet seeds mixed with sand on top. After that, the seeds must be moistened with a spray bottle, covered with a film and placed under the lamp. Every day, from the inside of the film, you need to remove condensate and ventilate the soil. In this case, the soil should not dry out. Five-centimeter sprouts are dived into individual cups and grown until the next transplant.

4. rootingpeduncles. To do this, you need to take a full-fledged or faded flower (a peduncle with buds will not work), cut it off from the main plant along with large stipules. After that, plant the peduncle in moistened perlite and cover with a film. When a young rosette appears, this means that the plant has taken root. After the violet gets stronger, it can be transplanted to a permanent place.

violet breeding
violet breeding

Diseases and pests

Homemade violets practically do not get sick, but you need to know about possible diseases:

  1. Late blight. The most dangerous for the plant, occurs due to the high humidity of the soil and air. You can notice it by brown spots on the stem and leaves. In this case, the plant cannot be saved, it will have to be destroyed so as not to infect other flowers. The soil must also be thrown away and the pot sterilized.
  2. Root nematode. This pest destroys the root system of the flower, and the violet dies. Lives in the earth. As a preventive measure, it is better to plant violets in purchased soil.
  3. Thrips are small insects that appear on the underside of leaves. Leaves affected by thrips must be removed in time - this will save the flower from death.

In conclusion, we can say that the beautiful Le Chantal will not leave anyone indifferent. Judging by the photo and description of Le Chantal violet, the flower is not only beautiful, but also not too capricious, it is easy to grow at home.
