Violet Sassy Sister: variety description with photo, recommendations for care

Violet Sassy Sister: variety description with photo, recommendations for care
Violet Sassy Sister: variety description with photo, recommendations for care

Flower lovers will appreciate Sassy Sister's miniature violet variety (pictured). The size of its outlet does not exceed 15 cm. Frequent and abundant flowering is guaranteed to please even the most sophisticated collector. But at the same time, certain rules must be observed when leaving.

Violet Sassy Sister: variety description

On strong peduncles arranged in groups of 5-7 pieces of double large flowers in the form of roses. Colors range from light to dark shades of pink with green edging on the petals.

sassy sister photo
sassy sister photo

Leaves are light green, with a wavy jagged edge, collected in a miniature rosette that harmoniously complements and highlights the beauty of plants.


For the full growth and development of the Sassy Sister violet, the care recommendations are as follows:

  • observance of conditions for reproduction;
  • correct watering;
  • optimum air humidity;
  • sufficient lighting;
  • desired temperature;
  • well-chosen earth mixture;
  • balanced feeding;
  • the right choiceplanting pot.


The care and reproduction of miniature violets requires a more attentive attitude and is slightly different from standard varieties.

If a person decides to grow a violet from a leaf, it must be borne in mind that it is better not to root it in water, because due to its miniature size it can quickly rot. A leaflet can be placed in the liquid to restore moisture if it has wilted a little after transportation.

violet sassy sister: description
violet sassy sister: description

After the leaf restores the loss of moisture, it is necessary to cut it from below by 1 cm. Sprinkle the cut itself with charcoal and plant it in light, moistened soil. In this case, it is necessary to deepen it in the ground by half the plate.

For the fastest rooting, the planted leaf must be placed in a greenhouse or covered with polyethylene. Watering should be done as the soil dries.

During the week, polyethylene is opened for a while, increasing the duration every day, and then you can remove it completely. For the development and growth of the rosette that has appeared, it is necessary to maintain the air temperature within 22-24 degrees, create diffused lighting lasting from 12 to 14 hours a day.

sassy sister: petite violet
sassy sister: petite violet

As they grow, young rosettes of violets are transplanted into separate pots. Rooted plants bloom in 5-7 months.


One of the important factors in caring for the Sassy Sister Miniature Violet is watering. In a small pot, the soil dries out faster, so you shouldis to pay attention and avoid drying out.

You can water with tap water, but first defend it, then boil and cool. Fluid temperature must be above room temperature.

The use of cold water for irrigation can lead to root rot and death of the plant. It is necessary to water in the pan under the pot, after 15-20 minutes the remaining water from the pan must be poured out. Can be sprayed from above, but avoid getting liquid at the growing point.


For full development and growth, miniature violets need air humidity of at least 50%. In order to maintain a normal indicator, especially during the heating season, you can use a humidifier. If this is not the case, additional water containers should be placed next to the violet pots. Germinated leaves, babies and young transplanted rosettes are especially demanding on the level of humidity.

violet sassy sister: care instructions
violet sassy sister: care instructions

Humidity above 70% is unacceptable. In such an environment, fungal diseases quickly appear and develop.


Sassy Sister Violets need bright and diffused lighting to thrive. Light also affects the size of the outlet. In bright light, it will grow more compact.

Violet needs 10-12 hours of daylight to fully bloom. The most successful option for growing plants is on a rack with artificial lighting using fluorescent lamps with a power of 35 and 40 W.

It is important to remember that oversupplylighting for mini violets is harmful. In such conditions, the leaves begin to turn yellow, and the outlet itself becomes flat. Young leaves in the middle of the rosette close and interfere with the growth of new peduncles. The lack of illumination negatively affects the Saintpaulias, their colors turn pale and flowering decreases.

Recommended temperature

The optimal temperature for full growth and rapid flowering of mini-violet is 20-22 degrees. At a higher mark, the flowers become less bright in color, the green border along the edge of the petals is not pronounced. At low temperatures, the lower leaves and roots rot, which leads to the death of the plant.

violet sassy sister: variety description
violet sassy sister: variety description

The temperature should be the same not only during the day, but throughout the year. A difference between the daytime and nighttime norm of 2-3 degrees is allowed.


Miniature violets, unlike other indoor plants, are quite demanding on the composition of the soil.

Earth mixture for saintpaulias should be breathable, retain moisture well, light and loose. To achieve these properties, crushed charcoal, perlite or vermiculite is added to the soil. Expanded clay or polystyrene is used for drainage.

Violet will do best in slightly acidic soil with an acidity of 5.5-6.5 pH.


Feeding violets should be carried out only during intensive growth and flowering. Plants do not need to be fertilized in autumn and winter.

Full flowering requires top dressingpotassium and phosphorus, and for the growth of outlets - nitrogen. A young plant is fed with nitrogen fertilizer, and adult violets need phosphorus-potassium.

It is not recommended to feed an adult plant with nitrogen too often, this may cause a lack of flowering.

Pot size

The choice of pot size plays a big role in growing miniature violets. A large capacity can lead to a disproportionate growth of a compact variety. Choosing the right size of the pot, you can achieve the preservation of the shape of the rosette and abundant flowering.

As for recommendations when choosing a pot for saintpaulias, its diameter should be 1/3 of the diameter of the leaves. Therefore, for mini violets, a 5 cm pot is the right choice. In a larger container, the plant spends all its strength on growth, which reduces the formation of flower buds.