Roof installation. Soft roof device

Roof installation. Soft roof device
Roof installation. Soft roof device

People who live in their homes or have a dacha face one important problem over time: the roof starts to leak. This situation also occurs in multi-apartment buildings. Plenty of companies now offer their roofing upgrades or repairs, but what's better than doing a DIY job?

As you might guess, there are a lot of types of roofs. This article will help clarify the basic installation issues, give some idea of what a roofing device is like.


Types of roofs

The first step is to determine what types of roof structures are generally:

  • Soft roof (she is also flexible).
  • Flat roof.
  • Translucent.
  • Folded.

Deck material

There are also a lot of materials for mounting. This is ondulin, and slate, and corrugated board. Each of these products has its own merits. The roofing device will remain only with the owner of the house, namely: which building product is better to choose and what type of roof to use.

The following rules should be followed:

  1. Roofs that have two-level slopes should be rectangular.
  2. Hipmounted in the form of equilateral triangles and isosceles trapezoids.
soft roof installation
soft roof installation

Flexible roofing device

Surely many have noticed such houses that are breathtaking. And roofs of all possible types: rounded, in the form of turrets. Castles, not houses. Eye-catching. Using slate, such results are simply impossible to achieve. This is achieved through a soft roof.

To use such material, you need to know the device of a flexible roof. Soft tiles are sheets of fiberglass, which is covered with bitumen. It also mimics the real thing quite well.

flexible roofing device
flexible roofing device

In general, the soft roof device is as follows:

  1. Foundation. Usually plywood or edged board.
  2. Ventilation from the top and bottom of the roof with exhaust holes. This will protect the insulation from moisture.
  3. Lining layer. You can use roofing felt.
  4. Cornice strips protecting the edges of the battens.
  5. Front trims at the ends.
  6. Valley carpet to increase water resistance in the valleys themselves.

Flexible roofing should not be installed when the air temperature is below 15 degrees. If it so happens that the installation must be carried out in cold weather, it should be heated with a hot air gun. In places such as a ridge or eaves, or in areas with a slight slope, insulating material with polyethylene film or roofing felt should be laid.

When mounted on flat areas of the surface, the flexible roof is laid onwaterproof plywood. When the slope is less than 30 degrees, the entire area should be covered with a lining carpet, but if the angle is above 30 degrees, then insulation is applied to those places where moisture accumulates most.

As with any construction work, installation begins with the most important thing - marking, and in this case, you must also know the installation of a soft roof. The base for the future roof should be dry and clean, and there should be no gaps between adjacent plywood sheets.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are a lot of advantages of such a tile: excellent sound insulation, ease of installation and low weight, spectacular appearance. Also in this category can be attributed to a wide range of colors.

However, flexible roofing also has disadvantages, including the fact that it cannot be installed in cold weather, the combustibility of the material, and the fact that should not be excluded - fading under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

Flat roof features

The device of a flat roof depends on what kind of roof will be: exploited or not. What is the difference between them? The very concept of "exploited" implies that the design will be used. In this case, the roof is made in such a way that it will have increased wear resistance, it will be able to withstand a lot of weight due to a layer of hard material.

flat roof device
flat roof device

An unused roof will cost much less, but will wear out more. Such a roof is also quite durable and does not require any special care. Beforebefore making a choice in someone's direction, you should calculate what load the structure can be subjected to.

The advantages of a flat roof are durability, good appearance, ease of installation and maintenance. What does it consist of anyway? The device of the roof is very simple and depends on what it will be: built-up or self-leveling. Their essence will always be the same: a waterproofing layer and a reinforcing one. Installation of such a roof can be done both manually and with the help of special equipment.

Truss structure

The device of the roof truss directly depends on the types of construction: inclined, which rest with their ends and middle part on the walls of the building or support points, and hanging, in which the emphasis is only on the ends on the puff or on the supporting beam. In order to have constructive "rigidity", such structures are made in the form of triangles conjugated with each other.

roof truss device
roof truss device

The installation process of truss structures is quite complicated, so it's worth telling at least the basics. Those parts that will come into contact with the masonry are usually thoroughly cleaned and protected with a tar paper to prevent rotting. All junctions of wooden parts are made in the form of cuts with overlays (brackets with a diameter of 10 mm). They are usually made at an angle, but for a much better result, templates should be used.

Mauerlat (aka support beam) is fixed on the masonry with pins with a diameter of 10 mm, about 400 mm long. The rafter rests here and is rigidly fixed with a wire notthinner than 6 mm. During the installation process, the upper pairs of rafter legs are first fixed, after which the parallelism of their faces is checked. If, however, a chimney outlet or an attic window gets into the place of installation of the rafter, then in such cases it is allowed to cut out part of it, provided that transverse struts are installed from a bar of the same section.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the roof, even in a multi-storey building, is an important part of the building for any of the residents. It is not always worth relying on various companies that provide repair services, sometimes it is better, having studied the structure of the roof, to do everything yourself and so that the roof does not let a drop of water through for a very long time.
