Geranium: varieties, care, names, photos

Geranium: varieties, care, names, photos
Geranium: varieties, care, names, photos

Amateur gardeners use geranium, which is known for its unpretentious care, to decorate flower beds and window sills. The amazing coloring attracts landscapers and housewives looking to create a special atmosphere in the room. Geranium, whose varieties are striking in variety, has become a favorite of gardeners, because it was believed that this plant blooms in a house where true love lives.

geranium varieties
geranium varieties

In the common people, the flower is usually called "eagle's foot", "robber", "roadside needle". The word "geranium" itself comes from the Greek geranos, which means "crane". The plant arrived in Europe in the 17th century from Africa, conquering the aristocrats with its beauty and peculiar aroma, and became an exquisite addition to luxurious apartments. Over time, the flower migrated to the windowsills of representatives of other classes, acquiring a democratic status.

Beauty of gardens and window sills – geranium

It so happened that scientists for a long timetime could not decide whether to put an equal sign between geranium and pelargonium, but in the mind of the layman these plants are identical. Today, landscape designers prefer to use an unpretentious plant to decorate not only indoor spaces, but also garden and park areas. More than 40 types of garden geraniums are distributed on the territory of our country. Deservedly popular are both adequately enduring the features of a cold climate, and varieties of geraniums (photos are presented in the article) of heat-loving varieties. Plants differ in growing conditions, flowering time, height:

  • tall (from 50 cm) - this is Georgian, meadow, red-brown, forest, flat-petal, magnificent, small stamen;
  • undersized (below half a meter) - Dalmatian, Himalayan, ashy, large rhizome.

Gardeners prefer hardy plants when designing flower beds and surrounding areas. Skillfully using varieties of geraniums that have proven themselves well in temperate climates, you can decorate the area without much hassle. Plants are able to please the owners with long flowering and juicy greenery. Given the characteristics of the site, its size and shading, you can easily choose options that will justify the hopes placed on them.

geranium types and varieties photo room
geranium types and varieties photo room

Owners should take a closer look at the varieties of geraniums available on the site, which over time will demonstrate the best qualities and "register" in comfortable conditions for them.

Winning Varietieslandscape geraniums

The well-known Geranium pratense, otherwise meadow geranium, is a frequent guest in the flowerbeds today. This species was not in demand before, but now everything has changed. Fans of unpretentious plants know what varieties of geranium have. Today we will introduce you to the photos and names of the most popular varieties, and you can choose an interesting combination of green pets to your liking. Properly selected options allow you to transform the territory, attract the eye and delight even sophisticated landscape designers. For the background, as a rule, they use a strong and tall variety of Summer Skies, notable for its pinkish double flowers with lavender hues. Demanded and tall with original carved Splish-Splash leaves, but after flowering it is recommended to prune the bush so as not to detract from the beauty of new shoots. Captivate with the charm of Plenum Violaceum with dark blue baskets shimmering with purple. And although the double flowers are small, this does not spoil the overall impression. But such a variety as Double Jewel does not cause much enthusiasm among flower growers because of the nondescript flowers and the huge size of the collapsing bush in the second year.

From shade-loving options, Mrs Kendall Clark is ideal (for a complete look of the site). This profusely flowering plant of short stature (no more than 40 cm) fascinates with bright blue petals pierced with delicate white veins. And lovers of white colors are attracted by their long flowering semi-double variety - graceful Laura.

geranium varieties
geranium varieties

Red-leaved meadow geranium will be a worthy decoration of terraces and flower beds. Such options will look good in the foreground. The purplish leaves of Midnight Reiter and Purple Heron will add zest to the flower garden. The carved dark greens and compact root system of Hocus Pocus, Black Beauty, Okey Dokey are sure to come in handy. And the purple streaks on the leaves of Midnight Clouds and delicate pinkish flowers will be the winning touch when shaping the territory.

Geranium macrorrhizum is a large rhizomatous geranium that is admirable because it thrives in shade and under the scorching sun, growing and adapting in any corner of the garden.

Legends and amazing facts about geraniums

The plant owes its habitual appearance to every grower to a breeder from England, George Tradescan, who was fascinated by the process of its breeding. And with the birth of each new variety, he gave him the original name, which was associated with an angel or a butterfly. The varieties of geraniums created by him amazed not only with their beauty, but also with their healing properties. So, the Royal variety got its name due to the fact that the plant saved the monarch from insomnia. There are legends associated with geraniums that have come down to our times.

geranium varieties with photos and names care
geranium varieties with photos and names care
  1. An Eastern legend says that in ancient times, on a weed that did not attract people, the prophet Mohammed, descending from the mountains, hung wet clothes. The plant straightened the fabric, thanks to which the cape dried out quickly under the sun.rays. For this, the prophet decorated the bush with marvelous flowers, exuding a delicate aroma.
  2. The legend of the crane that strayed from the flock and fell from powerlessness in a field under freezing rain is pitiful. Quietly freezing in solitude, the bird was covered with falling snow. Saying goodbye to life, the crane dropped a tear. In that place, in the spring, a marvelous plant grew with flowers reminiscent of the azure sky that the bird longed for.
  3. In Germany, they told about a shoemaker who liked to drink and once found a wonderful plant on the road after another party. When he presented the flower to his wife, she, having inhaled its aroma, changed her mind about scandal because of her husband's addiction to beer. She planted a flower in water, and when the roots appeared, she transplanted it into a pot, after which peace, tranquility and love settled in the house, and her husband stopped abusing alcohol.
  4. According to Slavic belief, geranium petals attract the attention of a lover. They were sewn into a canvas bag and carried with them.
  5. In the East, it is customary to put flowerpots with white geraniums at the entrance to the house to scare away snakes.

Meet closer - a magnificent geranium! Varieties and varieties

Not only in the garden plots you can find a beautiful flower. A worthy decoration of window sills for many centuries has been geranium, the varieties of which baffle flower growers, because their eyes run wide from their diversity. Breeders have bred new varieties that differ in shape, color of inflorescences and leaves. Indoor geraniums are classified into several groups:

  • zonal;
  • ampel (ivy-leaved);
  • fragrant;
  • royal;
  • succulent.
  • In order not to make a mistake in choosing, you should carefully study the varieties of room geraniums. Photos and names will help future owners decide.

Zonal geranium is considered the most common. This plant with a straight trunk and wavy leaves blooms profusely all year round, bringing joy to the household. The buds are simple, collected by five, semi-double - up to eight and double - more than eight petals.

varieties of geranium care
varieties of geranium care

What are the types and varieties of zonal geranium? The photos (the indoor beauty is presented on them in all its splendor), used in the article, demonstrate different options. Most popular among the people:

  • Non-double variety Bravo Pastel, characterized by abundant flowering. This species has a flower with white petals and a pink center.
  • Intense red Rumba Fire is non-double and pleases the owner with sprawling ruby flower caps.
  • Angelic pink geranium looks like a pansy.
  • Red rosebud surprises with the resemblance of its flowers to rosebuds.
  • Royal salmon has large inflorescences, the middle of which is dark.
geranium varieties with photos and names
geranium varieties with photos and names

And how do you like this kind of geranium? Tulip

Among the huge assortment of flowers, there is a look that is reminiscent of Holland. A novice gardener asks the question: “What other types and varieties of geranium does it have?” Photo (roomthe beauty depicted on them strikes with lush flowering) these flowers attract the admiring glances of lovers of ornamental plants. One of the chic options related to zonal varieties is the original geranium, which has buds that look like tulips. Petals in the amount of 6-9 pcs. not fully disclosed. Breeders from America gave the world in 1966 this variety, which was obtained by mutation of the Fiat geranium. Of particular value are species that have a large number of unopened buds and bloom in bunches.

tulip geranium variety
tulip geranium variety

They grow in a bush, so they require the attention of the owner, who must form the crown correctly. The stalk after rooting is cut to achieve beauty and the desired result. The elegance of this variety attracts passionate people who, if desired, grow real masterpieces. Especially popular among connoisseurs of beauty is tulip-shaped geranium, the varieties of which amaze the imagination with the shape of flowers. These are Happy Day and Patricia Andre, Red Pandora and Koni, Victoria Andre and Marie-Louise.

Scented Species

The popularity of geraniums is great, which is explained not only by the magnificence of flowers, but also by the delicate aroma that the plant exudes. Fragrant geranium creates a favorable indoor climate, helping to purify the air. The aroma of the leaves is in demand in the perfumery and food industries, and is actively used in the preparation of mixtures for tea compositions.

varieties of geranium room photo and titles
varieties of geranium room photo and titles

The fragrant variety of room geranium, the photo of which is familiar to fans of this plant, is grown on windowsills not for the sake of flowers, but for the sake of carved beautiful foliage, which is used by florists for the background. Also in medicine, the positive effect of the aroma of the plant is noted, which:

  • has antibacterial effect;
  • helps with migraines;
  • helps protect the body from viral diseases;
  • effective for edema in obese people;
  • saving in hypertensive crises.

Experienced housewives strive to install a pot with such geraniums in every room, because the smell repels insects (flies, moths, mosquitoes). By rubbing the leaves, you can smell the aroma of mint, fresh apple, rose or lemon. Varieties:

  • Chocolate Peppermint (or Felt Geranium) is a low-growing plant with hanging shoots, velvety leaves, in the center of which is a chocolate spot exuding mint aroma. The pinkish flower petals have purple feathers.
  • Cy's Sunburst, or Curly Geranium, has small, crepe-paper-like variegated green foliage with a golden border, smelling of lemon.
  • Attar of Roses, or Capitate - grows up to 45 cm, has large leaves that give off a rich aroma of roses. The flowers are light with a lilac tint and a burgundy center.
  • Ffragrans is a geranium scented with nutmeg. Despite the unpretentiousness of the plant, flower growers have to make some efforts to grow at homebeautiful geranium.

Varieties (with photos and names), care and cultivation features - these are the main points that interest beginner amateur flower growers. The widest assortment will allow an inexperienced hostess to acquire such a plant-amulet in the house. It's up to you to learn how to take care of a green pet.

a variety of geranium room photo
a variety of geranium room photo

Features of cultivation and care: temperature, reproduction

In summer, geranium feels comfortable at a temperature of +20 … +28 °C, and even +30 °C is not critical for it. In winter, when the plant does not bloom, 11-15 ° C is enough for it, but it is undesirable to allow drops to 8 ° C or more.

Geranium is propagated by cuttings and seeds. An adult plant with a coarsened trunk must be rejuvenated. The apical stalk with five leaves is cut just below the node at a slight angle. After treating the dried cut with humate or charcoal, the process is placed in a container with soil (a mixture of equal parts of turf, sand and peat). The soil is regularly sprayed, in which, after three weeks, cuttings take root, which are then transplanted into pots. Young plants (regardless of the variety of geranium), which are properly cared for, delight in seven months with the first flowers.

Seeds are planted in moist soil, preventing the earthen clod from drying out. A temperature of +22 … +24 °C is maintained. After 14 days, the first shoots appear. The picking of seedlings is recommended in pots with a diameter of up to 9 cm.

varieties of geraniums photo
varieties of geraniums photo


Today, any housewife will grow geraniums without much effort, the varieties of which do not differ in capricious disposition. Flowers are suitable for rooms with good and moderate lighting. She feels comfortable on any windowsill during long summer days, and in winter it is preferable to place her on the southern windows. It is not recommended to harden with drafts or leave the plant under the scorching sun. A light-loving flower placed in the shade has small leaves, thin stems and is unlikely to bloom.

We take care of it correctly: watering, air humidity, top dressing

Geranium prefers fresh air and moderate humidity. She is not afraid of either dry or moist air. The plant does not require spraying. In summer, abundant watering is necessary, but you should not overdo it in this matter, so it is better to drain the water from the pan. In winter, it is not worth pouring a flower, it is necessary to ensure that the earthen lump is not overdried, and excessive moisture will cause the roots to rot. For irrigation, it is recommended to use rain, melt or settled water.

geranium species photo room
geranium species photo room

The plant needs a universal soil mixture (hardwood or humus, turf, river sand). For top dressing, fertilizers containing nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus (for violent flowering) should be used, with the addition of trace elements of iron, magnesium, boron, copper, manganese, calcium and zinc, which prevent the root system from rotting. In winter, green pets need to be fed once a month, and in the spring and summer - every two weeks.

In the autumn, plants are pruned annually, removingyellowed leaves, leaving only a few nodes on the shoots. Sprinkle slices with wood or activated charcoal.


Like any plant, geranium has pests that can affect the external state of the flower. Among them is the whitefly, which settles on the reverse side of the leaves, where it multiplies rapidly, feeding on the sap of the plant. Small moths deplete the plant. If uninvited guests are found, spraying the crown of the flower with insecticides is required. Small insects of a greenish-grayish color also settle on the leaves of geranium from the underside. This is an aphid that feeds on the juices of the plant, which leads to the appearance of small spots and wilting of the flower. Getting rid of such a parasite is the same as getting rid of the whitefly. With proper care, the flower will bring joy to the owners for many years.

geranium varieties with photos and names care
geranium varieties with photos and names care

So, let's summarize briefly. We discussed what types of geranium have. Photos, in which the indoor beauty is presented in all its diversity, indicate that she deserves to decorate any room with herself: a house, apartment, office, child care facility, cafe terrace or summer cottage. Pick up a couple of species, you will see - you will not regret it!
