The tasks of maintaining hygiene in the kitchen are particularly acute, since the operation of this room is associated with the processes of preparing and eating food. One of the key factors in ensuring sanitation in this space is the organization of an air purification system. This problem can be solved in different ways, but in each case you cannot do without special equipment. So, owners of small city apartments are recommended to install an air cleaner for the kitchen, which is small in size and easily controlled using modern electronics.
Device features
The principle of operation of the air cleaner is not new and has long been used in household climate control equipment. Compact air washers are installed in residential premises, filtering air flows with varying degrees of intensity. Kitchen models, of course, have their own specifics. Such devices are more powerful, cover a large area and allow the usemultiple recirculation modes.

At the same time, such devices should not be confused with ventilation systems. What is the difference between a range hood and a kitchen air purifier? In the first case, the equipment completely renews the air environment, diverting dirty flows to the street, and in the second case, it is filtration with the retention of harmful substances that is implemented. This also implies a significant structural advantage of air cleaners - they do not require connection to ventilation shafts. Accordingly, the stove can be placed anywhere, without adjusting to the conditions of local engineering.
Main selection criteria
The performance of the unit will be the main operating parameter, since the cleaning efficiency directly depends on it. For an average kitchen with an area of 15-20 m2, a model that filters air flows at a speed of 500-600 m3/h will suffice. More accurate indicators are determined taking into account the nature of the operation of the plate, the presence of natural ventilation ducts and the height of the ceilings. You should also set dimensional boundaries in advance. The average dimensions of an air purifier for the kitchen can be represented as 40 x 60 cm in length and width, respectively. The height can be either 20 cm or 90 cm, depending on the type of filtration system. It is important to take into account the direction of return of air flows. It is advisable to purchase multifunctional equipment with the ability to change the position of the exhaust flap. It not only determines the volume of air released, but also the trajectory of its return.

It is these air cleaners that can be confused with a traditional hood. Both in size and design, stationary air washers resemble flow ventilation. But again, they do not provide for any connection with the mines that throw air into the street. A stationary air cleaner for the kitchen is mounted above the stove so that the working area directly captures the soot and soot released during the cooking process. According to the type of construction, there are also different options. For example, there are built-in models that are integrated into a sub-ceiling niche or into kitchen furniture. If there is no possibility for such an installation, then a suspended air cleaner is mounted, technically suitable for any installation conditions. It is enough to determine the optimal dimensions of the case.
Mobile Air Purifiers
This technique is more like portable air conditioners or room air washers. The design does not require special installation, so the device can be reinstalled at any time as needed. These can be desktop and floor models, depending on the size. Obviously, additional space will be required for such a unit.
It is believed that mobile devices are less productive than stationary ones, but this also depends on the capabilities of a particular device. For example, the Bork air purifier in the A804 modification supports three recirculation modes, cleaning the polluted environment in just 10 minutes. In addition, it is worth adding the possibility of fine cleaning fromsulfur dioxide, bacteria and microbes. However, the dimensions of this model can hardly be called modest.

How to choose an air cleaner filter?
If the main functional component of the hood is represented by a fan, then in this case it is a filtration system. The cleaning body determines the efficiency of washing the air streams. To date, you can choose from the following types of filters:
- Carbon membranes. Such filters absorb and retain harmful substances, eliminating most of the mechanical impurities. Suitable as a basic solution for coarse cleaning.
- Hera filters. A high-tech system that is used in modern climate control and cleaning equipment. In this configuration, the air cleaner for the kitchen will get rid of the smallest particles of dust and grease, removing about 95% of contaminants.
- Photocatalytic elements. These are new generation filtration products that differ not only in the efficiency of air cleaning, but also in the very principle of operation. If traditional washing systems only retain harmful substances, then photocatalytic devices provide processes for the decomposition of contaminants into safe components. But these filters are more expensive than others.

Popular Air Purifier Manufacturers
Decent entry-level models are offered by ORE. Oliver series systems are specifically designed to clean evaporating greaseand removal of unpleasant odors. Even in the budget version, such devices are provided with several operating modes (up to three speeds), backlight and stylish design. Again, it is worth noting the Bork air purifier, which also stands out with its combined Antivirus filtration system and humidification function. However, the models of this manufacturer are not cheap. Elikor Europa equipment can be recommended as an average solution. This option is good functionality and flexibility in installation. The air purifier can be used both as an extractor and as a means of recirculation.
Installing an air purifier in the kitchen

Installation is carried out with the help of special mounting accessories included in the device package. Heavy structures are installed on a metal bearing crate or profile holders installed in parallel. For compact lightweight models, it is enough to integrate brackets or anchor hardware into the ceiling or wall. When hanging the kitchen air cleaner over the stove, the electrical connection must also be taken into account. The place of operation must be connected or a 220 V socket must be provided to turn on the equipment.
Air cleaner maintenance

Like any filtering equipment, this unit needs regular maintenance. The device should be cleaned, its consumables changed, and do not forget to check the condition of the fasteners. Filters change most of the timefully. Their service life can be several months, but there are also models with a pollution indicator that determine the moment of renewal depending on the intensity of use of the equipment. In addition, you should regularly wash the surfaces of the case, which are also covered with grease and soot. How to clean the air cleaner in the kitchen? Experienced housewives recommend abandoning aggressive chemicals, as it negatively affects the metal surfaces of the device. The most effective, cheap and at the same time safe way to clean such contaminants is with soda. It is diluted in boiled water, after which the surfaces of the air cleaner are wiped with the resulting solution using a sponge or rag.

The technology of air recirculation as an alternative to a conventional hood is questionable by many. They are connected with the fact that the equipment “drives” the same air around the kitchen, without fundamentally updating it. Against this background, ventilation systems seem more attractive. Nevertheless, the quality of the air cleaner for the kitchen in terms of eliminating pollution is no less high than that of the hood. It is thanks to modern filters that the device provides multi-stage cleaning, maintaining microclimatic characteristics. So, if ventilation inevitably ensures the supply of cold outdoor air to replace the displaced dirty flows, then the purifier does not affect the temperature regime for the worse. On the contrary, some models allow the possibilityozonation and regulation of the air humidity coefficient.