Having a heating system based on a solid fuel boiler, you must supplement it with a buffer tank. With its help, you can create heat very efficiently. Solid fuel boiler equipment manifests itself as a device with complex power control. If it is capable of delivering 25 kW / h, then it is impossible to make the unit work to produce 5 kW / h. Typically, power can only be reduced by 4 kWh.

Heat loss at different times of the year is different. In some months, they can be equal to the amount of heat that comes from the heating system. At the same time, the most favorable temperature is formed inside the premises. If these losses are small, a lot of heat accumulates in the house, and the air temperature rises by 8 ° C from the usual 22, the house becomes too hot. When opening the vents, excess heat comes out.

This situation can be prevented by making a buffer tank for a solid fuel boiler with your own hands. This node will accumulate excess heat. As soon as the firewood in the boiler burns out, the accumulated heat will go to the radiators. The boiler may be idle for some time. Downtime will depend on accumulated kilowatts and heat losses.

The calculation will depend on the power of the boiler. If this figure is 35 kW / h, the volume of the buffer tank must be at least 25 times larger than this figure. It is important to take into account some of the nuances. For example, the power of the unit should be taken for the weather in which the building loses maximum heat. When the temperature outside the window drops to -30 ˚С, and heat losses reach 33 kW / h, then the boiler power should be the same. It is important to take into account some margin in the calculations.
Features of calculations
In order to provide warm-up, the system must produce about 35 kWh. Before you make a buffer tank for a solid fuel boiler with your own hands, you need to take into account that you should not make allowances for the power of the device, counting on the fact that the heat accumulator will absorb heat and the system will work poorly. If outside the window the temperature is equal to -30 ˚С, the boiler will work bypassing the buffer tank. But when the temperature rises, the buffer will be connected to the piping, while excess heat will accumulate in the tank.

If youwondered how to calculate the buffer capacity for a solid fuel boiler, you should know that when determining the desired value, it is important to take into account the volume of the room where the unit with the buffer and other nodes of the circuit will be located. Sometimes a situation arises when there is nowhere to put a large heat accumulator. So, for a 35 kW / h boiler, the most suitable battery has a capacity of 1750 liters. This value is calculated by multiplying 35 by 50, which is 1.75 m3. Such a unit cannot be placed indoors. In this case, you can calculate the minimum volume, which will be 875 liters. To do this, 35 must be multiplied by 25.
Room settings
After making the calculations, you should think about whether there is enough room. If not, you will need to find a better one. If you want to make a buffer tank for a solid fuel boiler with your own hands, and the power of the boiler equipment is 35 kW / h, then the calculated volume can vary from 875 to 1750 liters. In the manufacture of a cylindrical container, the dimensions can be as follows: 2 x 1 m. This option is the most preferable. The first value is the height, the second is the diameter.

If the volume of the heat accumulator is 1750 liters, then the diameter will be 1.06 m. If it is necessary to manufacture a cylinder from a sheet of metal, its width and length should be 2 and 3.14 m, respectively. When the buffer tank is made in the form of a parallelepiped, its dimensions will be 1 x 1 x 1.75 m.
Manufacturing steps: preparationmaterials
If you decide to make your own buffer tank for a solid fuel boiler, you should take care of the following materials:
- metal sheet;
- steel or copper tube;
- threaded pipe;
- galvanized sheet;
- bas alt or mineral wool;
- heat-resistant paint;
- heat resistant primer;
- profiled pipe;
- rubber seal;
- corner.
Metal sheet must be more than 2mm thick. As an alternative, barrels with a diameter of 1 m are used. The wall thickness must be less than the mentioned figure. Choosing a copper tube, you get the best capacitance option, because it will have a greater thermal conductivity. The pipe diameter must be 20mm.
Addition to the question of materials
As for the threaded pipe, it should be represented by seven pieces with a diameter of 20 mm and four pieces with a diameter of 10 mm each. The profile pipe should have the following dimensions: 5 x 5 cm or 4 x 4 cm.
Production process

Before you make a heat storage for a solid fuel boiler, you must prepare two barrels. One of them cut off the bottom, the other - the top. Together, these elements should form a container with a height of 1.75 m. The barrels are welded together. If in the end the capacityturned out to be quite high, it needs to be cut. A corner is welded to the outside of the upper part. It must be bent so that it is pressed against the barrel. A circle with a diameter of 1.07 cm is cut out of sheet metal. The edge must coincide with the edge of the corner. Holes should be drilled in the corner and circle. This will secure the top of the buffer tank with bolts. In this way, you can facilitate the installation of the heat exchanger and carry out its internal repair.
Work methodology
In order for the barrel to be airtight, you should use a rubber gasket. When making a buffer tank for a solid fuel boiler of 300 liters, you must take two barrels of 150 liters each, and after connecting them together, weld stiffeners to the bottom and upper part. Corners can act as these elements. The profile pipe is cut into 4 segments, each of which is 10 cm long. These blanks will be the legs of the container. They are welded to the heat accumulator.
And if you want to make a cylindrical container using sheet metal that is more than 2 mm thick, it will be almost impossible to bend the material without a rolling machine. Therefore, it is better to entrust the manufacture of a heat accumulator using this technology to specialists.
Working on a rectangular container
You now know the device for a buffer tank for a solid fuel boiler. But it can be a little different if we take the manufacturing technology of a rectangular heat exchanger as a basis. To do this, you should depict the design diagram, determining the parameters of each wall. It is important to consider the thickness of the welds. This value can vary from 1 to 3 mm and depends on the welding machine and the selected electrodes.
Specialist recommendations
Next, sheet metal is cut into blanks. Two sides must be attached to each other so that they form a right angle. The elements are fixed so that they have more weight. In several places, spot welding should be performed and the correct placement of the blades should be checked. Now you can make the inner and outer welds. Acting according to the same algorithm, it is necessary to weld the bottom and all walls. A corner is welded on top, holes are drilled in it. It is necessary to act according to the same scheme that was used in the case of a cylindrical container. Stiffeners should be welded to each side, then you can do the legs, weld them.
Making a solid fuel boiler with your own hands

A solid fuel boiler for a private house can theoretically be made independently. To do this, you need to take a large 300 mm pipe, from which a meter piece is cut off. From the steel sheet, you need to cut the bottom according to the diameter of the pipe and weld the elements. The legs of the boiler can be 10 cm channels.
When making a solid fuel boiler for a private house, you will need to make an air distributor in the form of a circle from a sheet of steel. Its diameter should be less than the pipe by 20 mm. In the lower part of the circle, it is necessary to weld the impeller from the corner. The size of his shelf shouldbe 50 mm. For this, a channel with the same dimensions is also suitable. A 60 mm pipe should be welded into the central upper part of the distributor, which should be located above the boiler. A hole is made through the pipe in the middle of the distributor disk to form a through tunnel. It is necessary for air supply.
A damper is attached to the top of the pipe, which will regulate the air supply. If you are faced with the question of how to make a solid fuel boiler, then you should familiarize yourself with the technology. The next step indicates the need to complete the lower part of the equipment, where the door to the ash pan will be located. Holes are cut at the top. At this point, a 100 mm pipe is welded. At first, it will go at a certain angle to the side. Then up 40 cm, and then strictly vertically. Through the ceiling, the passage of the chimney must be protected according to fire safety rules.
Completion of the manufacture of the boiler is accompanied by work on the top cover. In its central part there should be a hole for the distributor pipe. The attachment to the wall of the equipment must be tight. No air in here.
Having made a long-burning solid fuel boiler on wood, you will have to light it for the first time. To do this, remove the lid, lift the regulator, and fill the equipment to the top. Fuel is doused with a flammable liquid. A burning torch is thrown inside through the regulator tube. As soon as the fuel flares up, the air flow will need to be reduced to a minimum in order for the firewood to begin to smolder. howas soon as the gas ignites, the boiler will start.
Cost of cast iron boilers
A solid fuel cast-iron boiler, unlike a steel one, can only be purchased. If you do not plan to engage in independent production of equipment, you can consider the prices for such equipment. For example, the model KChM-5-K isp. 3 Kirov factory in Russia can be purchased for 49,800 rubles. The heating area in this case varies from 210 to 800 m2. Power can vary from 21 to 80 kW. This single-circuit boiler is floor-standing, like KChM-5-K isp. 71 COMBY eco i, the heating area of which varies in a smaller range and starts from 210 and ends at 500 m2. This boiler is also single-circuit, and its power at the maximum limit is lower and is 50 kW.