Lightning and thunder - is there a more majestic natural phenomenon? Flashes of inexplicably mysterious light attract and frighten at the same time. Romantics stand by the window at a safe, naturally, distance and shudder at every roll, but do not run away anywhere. In fact, there are really many reasons to be afraid of lightning, but it is quite possible to protect yourself and your home.

Why do we need lightning protection for a private house?
First, let's remember the nature of lightning from the course of physics. The current in the form of a channel enters the ground, as negatively charged particles are directed vertically downwards. Lightning acts destructively: it burns vegetation, destroys the walls of houses, deprives a person of liquid in the body; the discharge, having passed along a certain path, touches the heart - the consequences are deplorable, although it depends on the strength of the current, voltage. Therefore, you need to protect your home from this disaster. Being in a private home can sometimes be more dangerous than staying in an apartment during a thunderstorm, as many household appliances are turned on. Lightning protection of a private house - with your own hands or with the participation of specialists - in any case will not hurt.

What is lightning protection for a private house?
You can act the old fashioned way: we connect a metal rod on the roof with a cable or wire to a bucket or rail buried deep in the ground. Yes, the old-fashioned way works, but there are wonderful modern devices that give a guarantee at a professional level. The lightning protection device of a private house is simple: there are only three departments. The first is a lightning rod on the roof: a human-sized metal rod, a stretched cable or net. Each for its own type of roof. The metal elements on this surface should be fused with the receiver. The second stage - the down conductor - serves to conduct the charge to the ground, it is attached to the walls. The final link is grounding. Its contour is metal bayonets, very firmly fixed in the ground and connected by wire to each other. Remember to keep a safe distance from buildings and paths and fences.
Lightning protection of a private house. How to install?
We have considered passive lightning protection. There is also an active one, the principle of its action is air ionization, and this device acts as a receiver. As you can see, the lightning protection of a private house, its structure is simple, which means that it is available for installation by everyone with instructions, tools, a pair of hands that are not afraid of work and knowledge of safety precautions. You can consult with a specialist before installing it yourself, or you can hire professionals. It will be a little more expensive, but reliable and of high quality.

Some tips for hosts
Once every few years, check the condition of your lightning protection system, pins, bayonets, cable or ionizer, observe safety precautions. Remember that the drier the soil, the higher the resistance. By the way, it would be nice to calculate it using a formula known from school. Carry out all the necessary calculations before installation, plan everything in advance. Keep children away from the elements of the system from sin, select a piece of land around the conductor. Then no thunderstorm will disturb the comfort of a country house.