There are several options for houses with sloping roofs. This, for example, is a simple gable roof that has been scrapped at the level of the ceiling of the attic room. One option is a complex gable roof, which is installed when the house has several attic rooms, with window niches protruding beyond the slopes. Among the different broken roofs, there are both half-hip broken and complex ones, in which several different types are combined.
Types of complex roofs
As diverse as the imagination of a person in building houses, there are so many roof structures that can be grouped into several options, from the simplest to the most complex design. These are single-sided, double-sided and multi-sided. All of them are divided into several groups, which are also called broken lines. A roof can be reduced over one house, which has several slopes of different configurations, and sometimes with different angles of inclination.

Systems with different angles of inclination are called broken lines. The ramp is as if broken, and the angle of inclination changes in it. But this is the standard name for a broken roof. Others are also named, with many rays. This diversity will be discussed in this article. You need to get acquainted with the really broken roof, in the truest sense of the word.
Sloping roof do it yourself
Let's start with the fact that the broken structure of the coating is installed mainly above the house with an attic, when one or more rooms are arranged under the roof. The attic is living rooms in the attic space of the house. The room depends on the design of the truss system, but there are general construction rules. The system has a complex "broken" design, when the truss frame consists of several planes. This is the so-called broken roof. With this design, you can expand the room using slopes as walls.

The only drawback of this use of roof elements is that a better roof is needed to create the desired temperature climate in the room. But for modern technology, this is not a problem. Nowadays, materials allow you to create a roof that is not much different from a brick wall. This, of course, will require additional raw materials for insulation, waterproofing, vapor barrier and cladding. And, of course, roofing material plays an important role in such a "pie".
Structure and construction
Polylinethe roof consists of two lower and two upper slopes. They have different angles. The upper slopes serve as a covering for the attic, while the lower slopes are at the same time protection for the rest of the building and can also serve as walls for rooms under the roof. The design and calculation of a sloping roof have several options, depending on the roofing material. For example, for laying metal tiles, the upper slope must have a cornice hanging down at the junction of the elements.

In some designs, the slopes are connected without a large cornice. But in this case, good waterproofing at the joints is required. In the event that the lower slope is used instead of the wall of the room, a reinforced roof is installed with high-quality insulation of the roofing pie, waterproofing and vapor barrier from the side of the room in a house with a sloping roof. It is also lined with heat-insulating materials with good ventilation.
Rafter dimensions
With a house width of 6-7 m, an attic room of 4-5 m and a height of 2.2 m, the length of the beam of the lower slope will be in the range of 3.2-3.5 m. The upper truss frame of the house with a broken line the structure will have, respectively, a rafter 2, 2-2, 5 m. It must be calculated in such a way that a rafter beam of 6 m can be used on two rafters.
The half-rafters (fillies) of the lower slope with their "paw" are installed on the Mauerlat, and the upper ones are fixed on the tie cross beam at the installation site of the run, which serves as the base of the upper floor of the attic ceiling. The joining of the rafters is carried out by the method of oblique cuts at the level of the longitudinal beam, to which they are nailed or fastened with self-tapping screws.
The second beam of the upper slope rafter is connected in the ridge with the same oblique cuts. The house with a sloping roof consists of two separate truss frames. They have a different slope, a separate connection and fastening to the floor base. The lower truss frame of the house with a sloping roof is attached to the Mauerlat and the base (floor), and the upper one - only to the box of the attic room. The basis for the upper truss frame are girders and tie beams.
Truss design
When thinking about what the top floor will be, you need to follow some rules that are common to most projects of houses with a sloping roof of attic rooms.

- The width of the room should not exceed 6 m.
- The tilt angle cannot be more than 40-70 degrees.
- When the height of the attic room is 2.5 m, the height of the break should not go beyond 3.5 m.
- Lightweight wooden material is used, profiled timber and boards are best.
- For the frame of the truss system, a beam of 100 x 50 mm is used, and for the base - 150 x 50 mm.
- Drying of the material should be close to 100%.
- Rafter beams should not have any flaws, knots, cracks.
Calculation of a sloping roof
First of all, we create the frame of the gable wall with a width of 4.5 m. The height of the attic room witha broken roof is determined by the formula A: 2. Here A is the width of the room. If in our example the width of the room is 4.5 meters, then half of this width will be the height of the attic before the floor is broken. This will be 2.25 m. Vertical beams 2.25 m high are installed at the edges of the Mauerlat and connected to the cross beam.
Thus, the rectangle of the gable wall of the room is constructed. According to the same principle, seven frame structures of the attic wall are built. On each of them, we first install the rafter of the upper slope at an angle of 30-40 degrees, and then the lower one - at 60-70 degrees. All these works are done on the ground. And after their complete manufacture, we begin to design the rafter frame of a broken roof. The photo of the house shows what it looks like. There are three points of contact of the rafters in the wall truss - the lower one on the strapping beam, the middle one at the junction and the ridge one. At all points of contact, the rafter beams are reinforced to the base with nails and squares.
Shed roof
The simplest design is a shed roof. The ramp of this design always leans to one side. Such systems are used only in small buildings or industrial buildings: garages, warehouses, small country houses with a small angle of inclination. How to make a sloping roof to get the desired design of your dacha, if the conditions do not allow you to build a complex cover structure?
It depends primarily on the configuration of the building. After all, the shed design has a slope to the back. The facade in this case becomesopen to heavy rain and snow. Therefore, the slope of the ramp should have a minimum steepness. A larger angle requires a long cornice to cover the façade.

Thus, the shed frame is installed on the base of the back and front walls. To tilt the slope to the facade, the back wall has a large height to create the desired angle. If the reverse option is assumed, then in this case the front wall is being completed. Its height depends on the angle of inclination. In a single-slope design, it does not exceed 30 degrees.
The superstructure can be created both from wooden beams and from other materials. In many cases, when the steepness of the slopes exceeds the permissible norm and the slope is directed to the facade, an elongated visor must be made so that it can block the veranda or porch. Sometimes, to protect the facade of the building, a shed roof is complemented by a canopy with a different angle of inclination.
Hip design
This is a four-pitched structure, in which a broken mansard roof is complemented by two more slopes in the form of triangular trusses on the gable walls. Typically, such a design is planned in those regions that are exposed to high winds. The hip model is used for attic rooms and non-attic houses when they want to protect the building from the elements.

You must also keep in mind that the hanging system puts a lot of stress on the stretch and on the walls of the house. To strengthen the rafter system, a ridge beam is used, to whichrafter legs. Also, to strengthen the frame, the rafters are reinforced with additional slopes to the base of the strapping beam. To vertically strengthen the truss hanging system of the attic with a sloping roof, risers are placed, which, with their upper end, support the truss structure in the ridge, and the lower end - on the transverse beam connecting the rafter legs.
Flat operated roof
Among the variety of designs, one can also distinguish an exploited roof with a recreation area, where you can create a greenhouse or just a corner for tea drinking. Typically, the construction of such roofs is arranged in regions with a large number of sunny days, in warm regions. You can create both an open and a platform under a canopy. There is a lot of room for imagination here. It is important that the surface on the roof of the house is protected from the elements. Sometimes it is created out of purely practical needs.

Another type of flat roof is an option with a minimum slope of up to 5 degrees to drain rainwater. With this design, you can create an original house design with an open multi-level facade.
Half construction
One of the many structures in a pitched-roof house design is a complex framing system. It is slightly different from the usual gable roof. The difference is in two additional slopes that overlap the attic room from the front of the house. Half-hip structures have a broken structure in the case when the frontal slope is used as a wall of the attic room withwindow.
The difference between a semi-hip sloping roof in the design of the truss frame. In this case, the Mauerlat of the house is installed on the outlet on both sides by at least 100 cm. Mauerlat. On each side from the end of the side half-rafter, a short beam is installed for the half-hip side slope, which is strengthened with the lower end to the extreme rafter and run, and the upper end - to the ridge of the main slope.
Multi-pitch design
The complex roof is installed in houses with many attic rooms of a large square polygonal house, in which there is a room on each side with a separate roof protruding in different directions from the main one. The multi-gable rafter frame has a complex structure. In addition to the main box, an additional gable frame is created for each attic room, protruding beyond the attic into different directions of the second floor house. This design has many ribs and valley gutters. About the sloping roof (photo below) they say that it consists of many slopes. Each of them has a separate truss structure in the form of a gable, tent or half-hip structure.

Each gabled roof slope has separate battens that create valley gutters between the roof slopes. In appearance, this design has the shape of many trapezoids or triangles, which are locatedon each side of the roof of the house and protrude to the side beyond the slopes. It seems that a small add-on has been created above each of them above the window of the attic room.
For this, additional truss beams are used, which are wedged into the main truss frame. Rafter beams have different lengths. The base consists of elements that create a valley gutter between themselves, in which all additional parts of the structure of different lengths converge. Each rafter of a multi-pitched gable roof has a complex system of fastenings using slopes, stops, tie-down and spacer rails.
Thus, a side semi-roof is obtained, which will cover the frontal part of the attic room. Depending on the shape, the half-hip design can be installed on both the second and first floors.
Vaulted roof
For high-rise and monumental buildings or buildings of a sporting nature, a vaulted structure is often used, which is characterized by a peculiar concave shape. The plane of each slope is similar to the arch, which covers the entire area of the house. Sometimes roofs of various shapes are used in vaulted structures to emphasize the monumentality of the building.
Split mansard
You can find houses with several types of roofs: both pitched over the porch and hipped roofs. Sometimes the attic rooms of the second and third floors are covered with a half-hip roof, which well protects the pediment of the building. The studded structure consists of several triangular slopes connected around their sharpends at the point of the ridge.

There is no typical stud roof design. It can be made both from triangular structures and from tented ones. In both cases, the roof ends in a thin spire, in which all slopes converge. The originality of this design is that the house with studded cones has the design look of a rich and sophisticated home.