"Hendel" - climbing rose: description, planting and care

"Hendel" - climbing rose: description, planting and care
"Hendel" - climbing rose: description, planting and care

Climbing roses are a luxurious decoration for any summer cottage or garden plot. Delightful shrubs delight with a variety of shapes and shades of inflorescences, bloom magnificently all season and are able to mask small errors in landscape design. But often they refuse to grow such flowers, fearing that the capricious climbing rose will not take root well in the difficult Russian climate. In this sense, the "handel" rose, climbing and quite cold-resistant, is a real find for summer residents. What is so remarkable about this variety of roses? How to grow such climbing roses for the Moscow region or areas with similar climatic conditions?

handle rose
handle rose

History and description of the variety

"Hendel" is a claiber rose, bred in the mid-60s of the last century in Ireland. The new variety got its name in honor of the famous classic - the English and German composer G. F. Handel.

What does a "handel" rose look like? The description of this variety can be easilyfound in catalogs: an adult plant is a shrub, which is a rather stiff long shoots, covered with dark green leaves and goblet semi-double flowers growing in inflorescences or singly. This variety is known as the world's first climbing rose, the inflorescences of which have a two-tone petal color: white-cream flowers with crimson or deep pink edges. With proper care, the "hendel" (climbing) rose grows up to 3-3.5 m in height and can grow up to 2 m wide.

rose hendel climbing
rose hendel climbing

This variety has high frost resistance and shows an average level of immunity to various diseases of the flora. In addition, "handel" is a remontant type rose, that is, it refers to plants that can continuously bloom several times a year. Thanks to all the above qualities, this variety is actively used in landscape design for decorating arbors, arches, hedges, as well as for creating an original garden decoration - a flowering column.

Methods of reproduction

Certainly, the most reliable way to get a luxurious climbing rose on your site is to purchase a ready-made strong seedling in the store. But if, for some reason, you need to grow a rose from an adult plant, then what are the best ways to propagate a Hendel shrub on your site? Rose of this variety can be successfully grown in two known ways: cuttings or layering. You can use other methods, for example, grafting anotherlook, but they are more troublesome and not as reliable.

A sapling is obtained by the method of retraction of the shoot of an adult shrub in a fairly simple way:

  • Next to the selected lower strong rose shoot, you will need to prepare a deepening hole, pour a mixture of humus and sand into it, and then place the shoot in the hole so that the upper bud is above the soil surface.
  • Sprinkle the middle part of the shoot in the hole with soil. After that, the future seedling needs to be provided with regular watering, weeds should be removed in a timely manner.
  • In the spring, the overwintered seedling should be carefully separated from the main bush and transplanted.

The most common way to propagate roses, including climbing ones, is cuttings. The formation of a seedling from a cutting is carried out in several stages:

  • The cuttings should be cut from the middle part of the shoot, leaving at least 4-5 buds.
  • You should start in mid-July. From an adult plant, you will need to make short cuts so that the top is cut straight, above the bud of the plant. The lower one is cut under the kidney at an angle of approximately 45˚. This must be done with a sharp pruner or other garden tool.
roses in spring
roses in spring
  • The top sheets are neatly trimmed, the bottom sheets are completely removed.
  • Each cutting is planted in a pot filled with a mixture of soil and sand. From above you need to cover with a transparent cap (small jar) and place the future seedling in a lighted warm room.
  • After the appearance of the first small leaves, the caps can betake off. Before planting in open ground in spring, cuttings should be watered and fertilized with complex mineral fertilizers 1-2 times a month.

How to choose a suitable place on the site?

What conditions are required for the Hendel climbing shrub? Rose is a very heat-loving plant, sensitive to direct sunlight. Based on this, the place on the site where it is planned to plant a climbing rose must meet the following requirements:

  • You can not plant a rose in a place where it will be daily under the scorching sun - this will lead to burns of the leaves and "burnout" of the color of the petals. You will need to choose a place where the rose will be in the morning under the sun, and in the afternoon in shading, always protected from the cold north wind and frequent drafts.
  • There must be a free place nearby where the bushes can be laid and covered for the winter.
  • You should think about the support of the plant in advance. For example, it is better to install a gazebo or trellis foundations in advance. If it is planned to plant a climbing rose near the building, the shrub itself must be located at a distance of at least 1 meter from the nearest wall. This is necessary so that the rhizome of the rose does not flood with rainwater.

Preparation of the soil

Climbing roses thrive best in loose fertile soil with low or neutral acidity. Therefore, before planting a plant, care must be taken that the soil meets these conditions: mix with compost or sand for looseness, and whenthe need to reduce the level of acidity by adding the right amount of dolomite flour or ash. Next you need:

  • Prepare the holes for planting. The distance between two holes for planting in a row must be at least 1 meter.
  • Apply a complex of mineral fertilizers or rotted manure.
  • Place drainage on the bottom.

Ground landing

Before you plant a rose in the country or in the garden, you need to determine what time is considered the most successful for transplanting into open soil. In the conditions of the southern regions, early autumn is considered a good time: before frost, the plant has time to gain a foothold in the ground and put up new roots. For garden plots located to the north, it is recommended to plant this variety of roses in the spring, in early or mid-May, when all the leaves on the trees have completely blossomed. You should wait until a stable warm temperature is established, without sudden changes in temperature, and the soil warms up to at least 10 ˚С.

It is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation of a climbing rose seedling:

  • Cut off the above-ground part of the shrub with secateurs (about 1/3 of the shoot).
  • Carefully remove any weak, damaged dry roots.
  • Disinfect the root system by dipping it for 15-20 minutes in a weak pink solution of manganese and boiled water.
  • It is important to prevent the roots from drying out before being placed in the ground. You can place the roots in wet sawdust or soak for a short time in a clay mash solution (the clay must be washed off before planting).

Planting in open soil after preparing the plantconducted as follows:

  • The hole should be dug larger than the volume of the root system of the rose bush.
  • A small earthen mound is poured at the bottom of the hole, on top of which a seedling is placed so that the root neck is at least 10-15 cm in the ground. The roots need to be straightened down the mound.
Rosa Hendel reviews
Rosa Hendel reviews
  • The seedling should be sprinkled with soil, lightly tamped and watered with non-cold water. The settled soil must be topped up.
  • For the first few days, it is better to cover the seedling with garden film, slightly opening it for airing at first no more than 15 minutes a day, gradually increasing this time to harden the plant.

Features of care

What conditions does the climbing rose "handel" require? Planting and care is not too difficult:

  • Do not flood or dry out the soil, water 1-2 times a week, according to the weather.
  • Fertilize with fertilizers. Before the climbing rose blooms, while the shoots grow and gain strength, you will need to fertilize at least 5-6 times. For this, you can use rotted manure or a similar complex of mineral fertilizers. During the flowering period, it is not required to feed the plant.
  • Treat with insecticides against pests, carry out prophylaxis with a solution of copper sulfate 3% from flora diseases.
  • Pruning in time: not only in autumn and spring, but also, if necessary, remove infected or dried branches.
  • During the year after planting the seedling, top dressingfertilizer is not needed. But an adult plant may not have enough nutrients from the soil. How to fertilize roses? In the spring, having finally removed the winter shelter, it is necessary to spread well-rotted cow or horse manure around the shrub. Before the onset of autumn, roses will need to gain strength for wintering, so you should fertilize with potash fertilizers.

How to form a shrub

The method of tying up largely depends on the support for which the "Hendel" rose is grown on the site. Reviews of gardeners and recommendations of landscape designers allow us to highlight the following simple rules for tying shoots:

  • Getting a climbing rose into the desired shape is quite simple if you start shaping the shrub from the very beginning, while the regrown shoots are still quite flexible.
  • Rose shoots are best tied in a horizontal direction - this will allow the inflorescences to grow evenly along the entire length of the shrub. To decorate a wall or hedge, it is best to tie the branches in a fan-like order, for a vertical free-standing support, the shoots can be twisted in a spiral.
  • For fastening, you should choose a non-traumatic material, for example, synthetic twine. Metal staples or wire can damage shrub branches.
  • The most spectacular delicate inflorescences of the "handel" variety look on a support of white or any light shades.


Pruning should be carried out regularly and in a timely manner, using well-sharpened garden tools. Periodic pruning throughout the gardenseason is carried out if you need to remove the damaged, diseased or dried part of the rose bush. It is necessary to prune all faded shoots of the plant to allow new branches to form and protect the climbing rose from diseases. All cuts are made diagonally, at an angle of approximately 45˚. The entire trimming procedure must be carried out only in dry weather, with clean and dry tools.

rose climbing handle planting and care
rose climbing handle planting and care

In autumn, pruning is necessary before storing the plant for the winter. Required:

  • Shorten all branches of the plant by about 1/3 part.
  • Remove all damaged, old, dry shoots.
  • Cut unripened shoots.

In the spring, after the final removal of the covering layers, it is also necessary to prune: remove blackened, frostbite, dry and broken branches.

Important! After cutting, the tools must be washed in manganese disinfectant or hydrogen peroxide and dried thoroughly.

Preparing climbing roses for wintering

Despite the fact that the variety "Hendel" is declared as cold-resistant, this climbing rose also needs to be covered for the winter. This must be done in dry weather in the absence of strong winds:

  • Carry out a preliminary pruning, preferably also cut off all the leaves. Remove all cut material.
  • Spud the earth, mulch with peat. Lay out the surface of the earth on which the rose will winter with “litter” - dry leaves or spruce branches.
  • Carefully remove the branches from the support and lay on"litter".
  • Tie all weaving branches with twine.
  • Cover with sawdust or spruce branches on top.
  • Carefully wrap with garden film or other covering material. An air gap must be left between the ground and the covering layers. For example, spread the film on garden arches.
climbing roses for the suburbs
climbing roses for the suburbs

How to properly open roses after winter

It would be useful to remind you that it is only half the battle to securely cover a climbing rose for a successful wintering. An important condition under which the "handel" will delight for many years with strong shrubs and lush flowering is to correctly open the overwintered roses in spring. How and when to do it?

  • It is not recommended to keep the rose until late spring: without sun and ventilation, the branches and roots will begin to rot.
  • Shelter should be removed depending on specific weather conditions. It is best to open roses gradually, first removing the upper layers (spruce branches, branches) in early to mid-March. The top layer of covering material can be removed when the stable air temperature is not lower than 10˚С. At the same time, you can start airing the roses, raising the bottom shelter for 10-15 minutes a day.
  • Depending on the weather, you can finally remove the shelter in the middle - end of May. This should be done on a cloudy but not rainy day. Roses should be opened when the night temperature is consistently above -2 ˚С.
  • After the final opening, pruning and fertilizing with organic fertilizers should be carried out. Before fertilizing roses in spring, you shouldsaturate the rhizome with oxygen. To do this, you need to carefully dig the ground with a pitchfork next to the rose bush.
rose handel description
rose handel description

As is clear from all of the above, growing a climbing rose, even if adapted to a cold climate, will require special care. The reward for the efforts will be a real masterpiece of landscape floristry - a delightful plant that blooms luxuriantly all season.
